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Everything posted by zero

  1. there was a point in time when I would seek out any track he was on. now, I couldn't agree more with your statement. as soon as his voice came on, I slightly cringed. his vocals seem a little too high in the mix maybe? and I side with some of the other opinions here that these tracks are nothing special. still hoping for a Burial 3 track EP to drop right before Christmas.
  2. his head doesn't seem to be moving naturally in that video. must be he's acting more robotic since he's not used to reading from a teleprompter. for a second I thought I was looking at a CGI donald.
  3. could donnie end up pardoning the entire US white collar criminal prison population? just empty out the country club prisons everywhere? I mean these are his ilk, and could lead to some potentially sweet "deals" if they're all back out wheeling n' dealing in public. or maybe he'll start selling presidential pardons on the black market like some sort of drug dealer...Don. Jr is who I'd put in charge of that operation.
  4. speaking of pardons, looks like a whole cast of crazy ass characters are slithering up to don don, in hopes of getting pre-emptively pardoned for crimes they haven't even committed yet. that is some mind-bending, Minority Report shit right there: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-vetting-pardon-requests-push-trump-preemptively/story?id=74482289
  5. yeah I'm super bummed about the Kraken reveal. was really hoping they'd push the satanic thing a bit further, go fully down the path of insanity. was hoping we'd get some Lovecraftian alternate universe theories out of it. when the "Kraken" turns out to essentially be trying to pass off screenshots of internet comments as legal proof for voter fraud, well, it's just a sad lol...
  6. my son loves that one. I like that they actually mix in a bit of dry humor from the dad dog, which parents easily catch but kids don't really pick up on.
  8. yes thank you Scott Atlas, for proving yet again that you don't need to know shit about anything to work in donnie's clown brigade. you will be rewarded greatly for encouraging public gatherings during a pandemic, ranting against face diapers, lying to the public, and giving all the vaccine credit to the greatest con man president the world has ever seen...
  9. "his" influence? you're so racist! my boss is like 10 years younger than me, female, and knows FAR less than I do (heh). she has no idea how to deal with me lol.
  10. I could totally see donnie deciding to have his own version of an inauguration at the same time as Biden's. presided over by "his" judges... totally crazy, but not out of the realm of possibility in MAGA land.
  11. so confused by all these various satanic theories...where does the Kraken fit in again? was it unleashed by satan, or summoned here by christian forces to stop satanic (i.e. Dem) entities?
  12. since we seem to be discussing quick and easy meals - just wanted to comment that the ramen noodle selections available today at grocery stores have really improved from back when I was first out on my own and figuring out how to cook. the Thai "Mama" noodle selections are all pretty decent. not that you should eat them often thanks to the raging sodium levels, but every now and again they come in handy. I think the Tom Yum flavored one is the best.
  13. you mean you're leaving the proletariat class to become one of "them?" how dare you! I know there's a certain someone here that won't be too happy about that... but seriously, congrats dude. being unemployed is the worst, so stressful. and at least starting in a leadership role keeps the line fairly drawn. I had a job once where I went from worker bee to manager and hated it. went from being friends and shooting the shit with everyone, to having to then give them orders, keep everyone busy, and "coach" them. I never was able to handle the transition, wearing a different hat, so to speak, and ended up quitting. there were other factors as well in that decision, but still.
  14. Khruangbin had somewhat of a disappointing year IMO. first they released an ep with a vocalist, which took them a little too far into the pop r&b realm for my liking. then they released an album with maybe 2-3 solid tracks, and the rest sounded like half-done sound sketches, where the guitarist didn't seem interested in playing at all. that Washed Out album released this summer was horrible. he seemed to be on a pretty good run up until Mister Mellow. that one was questionable, and the new one is so bland and boring, makes you start to question "what the hell happened to him."
  15. only thing I'd like to comment on, regarding your excellently written hyperbolic description, is that he didn't as much "set the controls" as he "knocked the controls into action accidentally, while reaching for a diet coke and scratching his butt at the same time."
  16. I just can't believe that out of all those disgraceful mofo's in that picture, the one person karma decides to take is Herman motherfuckin Cain...so many better picks than him... if jr. dies, he will achieve martyrdom..."la santa coka"
  17. - Humanity has a 95% probability of being extinct in 7,800,000 years. - Philosopher John Leslie assigns a 70% chance of humanity surviving the next five centuries. - A survey of AI experts estimated that the chance of human-level machine learning having an "extremely bad (e.g., human extinction)" long-term effect on humanity is 5%. - A 2014 study published in Science asserts that the human population will grow to around 11 billion by 2100. - An extinction-level comet or asteroid impact event before the year 2100 has been estimated at one-in-a-million. - A 2008 survey by the Future of Humanity Institute estimated a 5% probability of extinction by superintelligence by 2100. - In a poll of experts at the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference in Oxford (17‐20 July 2008), the Future of Humanity Institute estimated the probability of complete human extinction by nuclear weapons at 1% within the century, the probability of 1 billion dead at 10% and the probability of 1 million dead at 30%. Compare three outcomes: (1)Peace (2)A nuclear war that kills 99% of the world’s existing population (3)A nuclear war that kills 100% (2) would be worse than (1), and (3) would be worse than (2). Which is the greater of these two differences?
  18. ^ wow. she's an associate attorney, never tried a case before, and she's going to get a lifetime federal judge position? that's like promoting someone from intern to CEO... all because turtle and the senate R's want to piss off the dem's as much as possible. this shit is so embarrassing, watching so-called adults behave like this. from another article about her: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-judicial-nominee-unqualified-kathryn-kimball-mizelle_n_5f91aa90c5b61c185f48092d
  19. here's how you do it: you kidnap all the electors in dem states, replace them with MAGA approved body doubles, then they cast their votes for trump. easy!
  20. blame Canada! donnie's going on the attack against the Canadian-based tech company that supplies voting equipment that was used in the election in several US states: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/toronto-firm-dominon-trump-voter-fraud-1.5806983 because of this, they had to update their website to respond to all of the bullshit: https://www.dominionvoting.com/
  21. human beings are no longer capable of being adults. there are too many changes to society that have happened over time, which has resulted in adults behaving worse than children. in the future, when our AI robot overlords are in charge, they should grow humans and allow them to only have a childhood. by the time they are 18 or so, they should be terminated. there is no need to let them grow into copulating, angry, fully grown humans, who try and destroy things around them and each other.
  22. dunno if you were here back in '03, but that's not saying much. it was mostly the wild west of immaturity back then. ms paint drawings of feces, tranny dicks, ye-ye pumpkins and the like...
  23. I was genuinely concerned that the trump thread was going to cross the 1000 page mark first, which quite frankly, would've been embarrassing.
  24. my prediction is he'll start Trump TV with programming that will include long winded rambling incoherent speeches, and after a week of that, will switch to tractor pulls and wrestling events. hell, I'd pay $5.99 to watch donnie vs. Giuliani in the ring.
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