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Everything posted by zero

  1. I only recently came back into the fold after 7 years of abstinence from thc. I feel like a newbie again with all these new technologies available to partake. vapes, dabs, all that shit was not around when I was first learning the ropes. it's pretty amazing how far this has all come in the past 10 years or so.
  2. figured I'd post this here since this thread has become the defacto drug discussion thread. Oregon votes today on legalizing shrooms for medical purposes. but the catch is in order to get a prescription, you have to be observed while tripping. sounds like a fun job. I'm sure the "observers" will see a bunch of whacky shit. https://www.kezi.com/content/election-stories/Measure-109-seeks-to-legalize-and-regulate-psilocybin-therapy-572910541.html
  3. 1,152 days is the current world record for number of days at sea. @Tim_J you up for the challenge?
  4. why does it now say "1 viewing" behind some forums, when actually there are more people viewing than that?
  5. sadly, he'll never go to prison. he's going to get away with it all...
  6. exactly. the fact that this is coming down to a nail biter is 100% the dems fault. the day after shit head became president, it should have been an all hands on deck moment to start figuring out how to beat him in 2020. instead, we got what felt like leftovers from the Hilary missteps trotted out (except Bernard). and sure enough, one by one they crumbled (Elizabeth Warren? c'mon). now we're left with 2 seventy something year old white guys, shaking their angry old man fists at the sky, while the rest of the multicultural country is left saying "are they even talking to me?" FFS my kid's t-ball coach gave more inspirational speeches than Biden. where is Obama 2.0? was there no one else willing to step up here? could they not have even found some Jordan Belfort type to out scam the donald?
  7. were you here back when there was a guy named Mosca that used to post? they were absolutely offensive to him. every time anyone mentioned Mogwai, he would chime right in with "cunts." it was hilarious because he meant it. apparently he knew them or something, and hated their guts.
  8. they've been doing this type of stuff since Happy Songs for Happy People, which was '03.
  9. haha, it was actually a shoppers outside of Toronto: https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/11/woman-video-attacking-shoppers-drug-mart-employee-scarborough/
  10. this is my take on it as well. donnie and his gang would be pointing fingers right away - "see, I told you dems/left wingers are the real nut jobs here. look at them destroying property, yadda, yadda." either way win or lose, we're fucked here. chance of violence this week is 100%. he's not going to stop campaigning even if he loses, and will continue to incite his base into doing who knows what. like usual, he probably won't spell it out, but will make vague hints at things that his base will interpret as they see fit.
  11. serious question - do you think there'll be more civil unrest if trump wins or loses? if he wins, then no doubt there will be massive protests in urban down town areas that usually at some point turn violent. if he loses, what are the trumpo's going to do? drive their trucks into things? they usually only congregate en masse when their king is present.
  12. someone must've blown the trump supporter dog whistle today, because I saw a few impromptu caravans of rednecks driving pickup trucks, waving big ass trump flags, driving around on the freeways here today. one of them had a military vehicle at the lead, followed by a line of trucks all with hazards flashing, trump flags waving gloriously as they honked at everything in their path... seriously Europeans, you guys are missing out. this is the greatest shit show on earth right now. non stop hilarity, every single fucking day...
  13. if trump wins again, then I'm totally on board with your radical anti-capitalist leftist anarchist socialist agenda
  14. my prediction is Biden wins on election night 51% to 49%. donnie screams bloody murder, then magically some of those last minute mail-in ballots appear. trump ends up winning 51% to 49%. everyone sues everyone, mass protests erupt, and vlad's like:
  15. I wish the press and all the talking heads would stop reporting on how well Biden is doing in the polls, and how all signs make it look like he'll be president. it's just asking for it... like toward the end of a horror movie when the teens being chased are like "phew, we made it." then the deranged psycho killer comes lunging out from nowhere and stabs them all to death.
  16. wasting your edibles on kids? who does that? they're hard enough to get where I live, I'm not sharing those with people I don't know.
  17. ^ holy shit, just realized that is '90s MTV VJ icon Kennedy! guess I don't pay enough attention to fox business stuff, assumed it is the same as the fox news crazies.
  18. don't. just set the bar ultra low and you'll be fine. I gave up after a few episodes. which begs the question - are there any good horror anthology shows worth checking out? where it is a different cast/story each episode. the old twilight zone's are of course canon for this, although not all are strictly horror. I'm starting on Masters of Horror now and went with the John Carpenter episode first, which was excellent. but all the rest of them are rated fairly low.
  19. I get the sentiment. he does come across as a bit of a nothing man, the classic lifetime government employee. I was really hoping there was someone else the dems could have found in the past 4 years that wasn't a political dinosaur. but there is no other option. I voted for him. no way in fucking hell am I crazy enough to vote trump. and throwing away a vote to some 3rd party right now is also not the way to go. anything to get that orange fucker out.
  20. delusional. absolutely delusional. I know this is nothing new in trump land, he and his team have been spouting nothing but nonsense and lies for the past 4 years. but saying the pandemic has ended all thanks to the trump administration, has got to take the cake as one of the biggest whoppers ever told by any public figure ever. just another in your face example of how these idiots can say essentially whatever they want and get away with it, knowing there are millions of gullible people out there that will lap it up.
  21. do remixes count? kidding. I hear ya. it is frustrating to think about when you compare what the other artists this site is dedicated to have done in the past 7 years vs. the brothers. sometimes you just gotta vent.
  22. saw the Ancient Aliens and Star Trek DVD collections right away, knew that was a bad sign
  23. Florida man is at it again... https://www.fox13news.com/news/florida-man-stole-bulldozer-ran-down-biden-signs-in-haines-city-neighborhood-police-say
  24. I'm curious, do you remember what you used to download it back in '96? an FTP site? '96 was of course pre-napster, which is the point in time when I can recall first starting to download mp3's. I try sometimes to remember my early days of using the internet (think it was around '94), and there are a whole lot of blanks in my memory as to where exactly I was going online back then.
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