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Everything posted by zero

  1. 100% agree. but sadly shit like this is not at all surprising when you have the orange clown crew pushing all sorts of dog eat dog agendas out there. IIRC they were trying to prioritize getting ventilators to red states over blue states months ago, because you know, that's where the people need to be saved because the good votes come from there.
  2. I'm sure the neighbors would love for it to be turned into some sort of maga shrine, have red hatted tourists show up en masse to get a glimpse.
  3. since all these lawsuits to stop the steal are going nowhere, plan B is to start arresting family members of your political opponent. the mission here is to create so much bad press for Biden, that the courts are forced to give those far-fetched kraken based accusations a 3rd or 4th look. easiest to start with low-hanging fruit - Biden's drug using, China loving son: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/09/justice-department-interest-hunter-biden-taxes-444139 then target Joe's brother as well: and if all else fails, you frame Joe for murder. if he's in jail, he can't be president.
  4. in the year and a half or so my neighbor has lived next door, I've never once seen him ever put his trash can out in front on garbage day. this isn't some recycle everything type dude either, he more or less fits into the typical big truck driving Texan redneck category. I really wonder what he does with all his trash.
  5. personally, I can't see that happening in regards to the middle schoolers, but I understand the sentiment. the Nirvana thing was just so unanimous in its mass appeal, that I'm not sure anything on that level in the world of music will ever happen again. at most, OPN will bump up a few notches in the electronic music scene, but I doubt will ever reach the widespread popularity that some of those grunge bands did back in the day. and one obvious thing I see preventing him from gaining more mass appeal is the lack of beats in most of his music. I just can't see beat-less, ambient soundscapes awash in '90s nostalgia ever being what "the kids are into these days," if that makes sense.
  6. ha! and he avoids them too... interesting fact here - the company I work for does access control systems for commercial office buildings, and at one point in time did the system for the building he officed out of in downtown Houston. just for shits n' giggles, I would occasionally run activity reports on his badge to see when he was coming in to the office. almost always, he was coming into the building between 4-4:30am, which is pretty abnormal if you ask me. it just further cemented in my mind that he's a creeper out there lurking in the shadows, avoids being seen by humanity, scared of being caught for being the man-child coward he totally is...
  7. you guys with dating app profiles should post them here for us to review and critique, let you know where you've gone horribly wrong...
  8. computers, man, they've really fucked us. sitting all day, inactive, in front of a screen we're addicted to is not part of our nature. we're so separated from the diurnal part of our mammalian programming that it's no wonder our sleep is shit. taking medicine to compensate is a band aid, it's our lifestyles at fault for this.
  9. a huge ball of nothing. he never "tries" to do anything really, just moves around from grift to grift, reacting to whatever's put right in front of him. if he wasn't such a fuck head, I'd actually applaud the level of nihilism he brings to the forefront.
  10. ^ has there ever been a bigger waste of effort, like ever? just typing all that out seems like a pointless affair. wtf does a "member of the board of visitors" even do...they determine who can be a visitor? "you, sir, you cannot visit. out!"
  11. I get that also. melatonin/cbd/thc all help me get to sleep fairly quickly, but staying asleep is always the problem. waking up between 2-4am and then lying there for an hour or 2 happens all too frequently. then when I fall back asleep it's for like 30 minute intervals before I finally just decide to get up. it sucks having shitty sleep, but like you mentioned, you just get used to it and deal with it. I think some time in the past month or so I actually made it all the way to 6am and I remember looking at the clock thinking "wow how did that happen?"
  12. quick, he better trademark "you're pardoned!" just like he did with the Apprentice's "you're fired!"
  13. ^ can't Biden cancel any of donald's executive orders any way? just more posturing from the world's #1 president
  14. are taxpayers still paying for this shit? or is it being paid for 100% by funds grifted through the trump clan?
  15. I wonder who it'll be to do the honor, when it comes time to slap the cuffs on donald...
  16. the con man president is planning the biggest and best send off for himself on sleepy Joe's inauguration day. I'm really hoping he's planning to parachute his ass out of air force one, in a last show of force for the maga troops. would be totally awesome if he could do that and land smack dab right on stage in Florida without a hair out of place. https://www.axios.com/trump-biden-inauguration-florida-rally-78b56134-54ae-4113-ad0a-ae29cd5c7be1.html
  17. stupid, yes, but I wonder what could he actually be trying to do. use those loyal to him to convince the military to do what exactly?
  18. wow these tracks are great! don't think I've listened to his early albums in a very long time. and yeah, seeing both Freescha and Casino vs. Japan in the new releases section of the site today just made the day so much better. guess I've got my evening sorted lol.
  19. wonder where he'll choose to take an extended vacation once the legal issues start mounting, and fuck nut Rudy can't "kraken" his way out of them. the easy choice is Russia, but the winters are way colder than Florida. Brazil? the Philippines? those are warm and could support a dictatorial lifestyle.
  20. no shocker here - rich countries are going to be bathing in vaccine, while poor countries sit on the sidelines: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/12/03/942303736/how-rich-countries-are-hoarding-the-worlds-vaccines-in-charts hey Canada - quit bogarting that shit maaaan!!
  21. whoa, that is super embarrassing. I can't think of a worse idea than to emulate the stupid red MAGA hats.
  22. ^ so in other words - Eric, junior, and the rest of the clown show have about a month left to commit felonies, get caught, and then donald can pardon those charges away. better get cracking kids! and I could totally see donald twisting the pardon rule into something completely different than originally intended. a blanket pardon for everything isn't so far fetched when you consider the current president is a known white collar criminal grifting his way through a term, and Rudy fucking Giuliani is his lawyer...
  23. well I'd hate for her to waste her get out of jail card on something as trivial as that... or maybe donnie can issue her some sort of blanket pardon that covers like everything, just in case she accidentally commits another crime.
  24. here's what I'm anticipating - they set a date for an announcement, the announcement comes and it's cryptic, then another announcement follows with the actual album release date, which is set for like a year out.
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