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Everything posted by zero

  1. tiffany trump, high on something, absolutely wrecked it last night: https://www.businessinsider.com/video-tiffany-trump-convention-speech-law-school-2020-8 and what's this? donald's criminal justice reform package was really just one of her grad school assignments. oh well, still probably better than anything stephen miller or the rest of the backwoods klan could have shat out
  2. wonder if it will blow over in strong winds, or if mexican rapists can saw right through it...
  3. @dingformung you'll be one of us 40+ losers stuck here someday. unless JR shuts this place down, there's no escape.
  4. zero


    grey with a greenish tint
  5. sort of depressing when you think about it. this looks like it's the 2nd biggest thread on here (still behind the FWP thread). that should be another reason to vote him out. can't have him re-elected so that this thread balloons past the FWP thread and becomes another trump victory. Biden needs to win so we can lock this thread.
  6. don't know if there are many alt country/americana fans here, but Justin Townes Earle put out some pretty decent albums. I liked the 2 he put out a few years ago "Single Mothers" and "Absent fathers." I didn't know much about his personal story, I'm guessing it could have been drug related: https://www.guitarworld.com/news/justin-townes-earle-americana-star-and-son-of-steve-earle-dies-aged-38
  7. zero


    I think that was from the X-files mythology, no? that aliens were here long before us, and left that black oil buried in the earth that crawled under your skin when you got near it. closest I've been to a UFO is I actually visited Roswell, NM in 1997, which was the 50th anniversary of the UFO crash. my mom took us to a big UFO convention that was happening and all the hokey alien museums they have in that town.
  8. what's the watmm approved method? dumpster diving out back of the store to see if you can find a discarded pack?
  9. not at all. everyone should have made up their mind a long, long time ago who they are voting for. hard to believe anyone would still be undecided at this point, and that 4 nights of incoherent rambling are somehow going to sway undecided voters in his favor.
  10. hey what are the chances that donnie's talking points for the 2020 convention are the exact same ones from 2016? I'd take a guess he's going to cover topics like: - drain the swamp - build the wall - hillary's emails / lock her up - Obama illegally spied I mean c'mon, there's really no need for him to talk for 4 days about all this (or at all), since he's covered these topics in great detail over the past 4 years. it's like groundhog day with this guy...just says the same things over and over, the red hats cheer, wave their flags, and ingest another gallon of that magical bleach scented snake oil!
  11. it's gonna be the greatest show on earth folks!! step right up, and hear what tiffany trump has to say!!!
  12. haha, yeah, looks like the "schwag" weed I used to get back in the high school days. that crap was all bricked up, packed with stems & seeds, straight out of mexico, and tasted like shit. you could also smoke a ton of it, since THC content was very low. damn, just thinking back on it makes my lungs hurt a little...BUT I have a bit of a soft spot for it, since that's what I started on.
  13. I was a big fan of the Palms album Chino did with Isis. wish they could have kept that going.
  14. I chime in on this thread fairly regularly, and don't recall seeing many pro-trumpers around here? I think maybe there were 1 or 2 that were either playing devil's advocate or were trolling awhile back...but they dropped off fairly quick. it's just been more of the same really for the past several hundred pages - articles/links to stupid things donald says, laughing at him collectively, and general moaning that the country is circling down the shitter.
  15. interesting theory...so if I'm born here, but left a long time ago, then I'm no longer from here. makes sense...if a large chunk of your frontal lobe is no longer operating. and hasn't donnie floated the idea before that he may or may not have been born in Queens, and may have been born in Germany instead? or was that his dad? so hard to keep track of all these lies...
  16. ^ sounds like a bad com truise track playing over that. anyway, donnie will no doubt pardon them all because, you know, that's the right thing to do... and of course, blame Obama: https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-struggles-explain-culture-lawlessness-around-him-n1237483 Trump began by saying, he "had no idea" -- about what, he did not specify -- before adding, "There was great lawlessness in the Obama administration. They spied on our campaign illegally."
  17. wait, so the greatest scam artist in the world is criticizing a scam, which is more or less straight out of his playbook?
  18. if only the gods could have shat out an asteroid to fall out of the sky and land smack dab in the middle of that victory party. that would have been cool.
  19. well it was either her, a stripper, or a host of other Floridian crazies vying for a piece of the mar-a-lago pie:
  20. prediction: the next album will be a massive let down, everyone will bitch endlessly online about it, and we'll be stuck listening to 128kbps versions of old tunes FOREVER
  21. donnie's still trying to figure out how to get Mexico to pay for his stupid wall: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-08-19/trump-says-toll-on-mexico-border-crossings-may-finance-his-wall lol classic donnie....they're gonna pay for it, or we may make them pay for it, maybe we will, maybe we won't = I really have no fucking idea about anything
  22. I'm surprised there wasn't a $20 taped inside there.
  23. I wonder if that was mitch getting his "looks most like a stupid fucking racist turtle" award
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