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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Ehh, it's not really like Instagram — Instagram seems to be very focussed on likes, and how many people are following you etc. It's all very "look at me, my picture got eleventy-hundred likes, and my profile has twenty-seventy-fourteen followers". VSCO doesn't make any of that shit visible to people. It's very much focussed on the photos. Nice pics btw. Thanks for not using any bullshit Night Mode or something like that ;) (I think Google are trying to kill photography, seriously)
  2. This looks very cool, but the weapons NOT being centred on the screen feels really weird. I’ll still give this a try tomorrow though I was wondering what seemed off, couldn't quite place why it seemed different ... you'll be happy to know that in the General Options menu when you press the 'Home' key that you can choose to have centralised weapons. You'll be wanting to head in the menus anyways as the mad man has 'mouse invert' on by default That's the only way to use the mouse in FPS games, mate...
  3. This looks very cool, but the weapons NOT being centred on the screen feels really weird. I’ll still give this a try tomorrow though
  4. I was about to say - doesn’t the risk of a babby also act as an air-gapped bitcoin wallet, though? Potential increasing security at a rate unheard of before? If babby can be trust, though…
  5. Cryptocurrency is the asset most resistance to seizure since you can make it only exist in your brain if you memorize your randomly generated wallet seed phrase But what if brain has seizure? What happen then?
  6. I was about to say that the only way that this could be worse is if Gearbox were involved, but this is actually rock-bottom.
  7. oscillik


    We know you don't live in Yoker now, messiaen
  8. what's fucking mental about borderlands 2, is that once you reach level 72, there is a squad only DLC in which you can continue rampingbthe difficulty by another 20 or so paragon levels to find ultra rare unique gear. I reached level 72, finished uvhm and just gave up. It actually really irritates me that there is the second difficulty level. I think there should be basic, for casual gamers, and the second mode should the final, and more brutal one. Playing through difficulty level 2 of 3 seems a pointless chore, no gear you find before level 65 is remotely useful once you reach max level. If I remember correctly (and I might be wrong), I think this is because people were levelling up too quickly when the game first came out, so Gearbox had to do this to appease people who were complaining about the game being too easy.
  9. I knew you'd enjoy it. De facto GOTY 2018. Does the level design get more interesting as it goes on? Picked it up a couple of weeks ago and am on E1M7 and at the moment it all seems a little empty and soulless - Like if it were an early beta of a Red Neck Rampage sequel using the Quake engine. And obviously my dig isn't about the graphics itself - I enjoy the aesthetic, just the actual design of enemies and levels are bit ... I guess a comparison would be as Freedoom is to the commercial ID maps this is to Quake. So far that is, as per my first query - Does the map builds improve through the episodes ? It definitely gets really good. Genuinely loved playing this game
  10. I agree. It's just a mediocre childish fairy-tale with a few jumpscares and a lot of cliches, albeit with good cinematography. lol what? it had lazily crushed shadows and highlights, and was shot with modern lenses. The cinematography was pretty naff. Homecoming was shot much nicer, and used anamorphic lenses from what I could tell.
  11. started Better Call Saul recently. Finished Season 1, about 3 episodes into Season 2. Pretty solid so far.
  12. oscillik

    Brexit :(

    Wouldn’t it be great for the government if there were a story in the news right now, taking the heat off them, something that would be in the news for days and get people talking? Something for the general public to DRONE on about…
  13. A lot of journalists didn’t listen to it then.
  14. like a sore thumb.. swap with sinistrail sentinel to have one last stomp lol no
  15. No, no. No-no, no, no. No, no, no-no. No-no THERE'S NO NULLS
  16. Not really although the most purist members of the Sam & Bob Church will always bring up how "cheesy" Incunabula and Amber sound. Just as it's written in the sacred texts. I love Incunabula and Amber. And I'm considered one of the Autechre fanboys…
  17. Definitely agree here. I'm by no means as seasoned an SND listener as some here, but from the stuff I have gotten hold of, I can totally see the Mondrian visual allusions. Autechre are deffo way too linked with graff for me.
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