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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Yes, some affordable ones would be great. But there are ways to fake that look by using some sort of filter made from specialized glass iwith oval aperture and a thin string stretched over the lens. Um, like this: It's not the same though - I want the compressed image circle and the distortion that happens when you stretch the image back out again. There'll never be a real anamorphic lens for APS-C though :( I'd have to move to full-frame
  2. I really wish there were native anamorphic lenses for APS-C systems
  3. ty i agreei keep going back to this moment in high school where the photographer for the town newspaper came to give a talk to my art class, and he said somethng to the extent of "any editing of a photo beyond basic cropping isn't real photography, and a crime against art"...and like i understand the journalistic "just the facts" mindset he must have been coming from, but even a decade on i totally disagree. for me the raw photo often feels like a big block of concrete with a vaguely evocative shape, and the final (sometimes heavily edited) image is like a finished sculpture. same feeling as how an hour long recording of a noodly jam session can be recontextualized into a three minute cut that more directly conveys the underlying feeling Yeah, like if you're presenting your work as photojournalism, then yeah...even cropping can be considered to be too far. But it sounds like that guy was projecting his comments a bit too overreaching. Art is art, and I definitely agree with you that the moment the image is taken isn't necessarily the end of the artistic process. amazing , are you sharing these on instagram ? Thanks! Yep, my instagram is here if you wanna check out the rest
  4. Yeah, that's basically the reagent not merging well with the emulsion. Can be caused by a few things, most commonly by shaking the Polaroid whilst it's developing (thanks Andre3000 you prick), or bending accidentally whilst putting in a pocket. Because I was careful with this shot, I think the reagent pod must've been defective though, as I kept the photo under the film shield for a minute before putting into the empty box carefully to develop fully. I'm not too precious about defects and stuff in Polaroid images, as that's part of the appeal of shooting with a format that can sometimes be inconsistent.
  5. Definitely post your profile if you make one, insta-follow from me.
  6. Cryptowen - really digging those, and can see the style you're known for in there. Love these shots! Here's some recent ones I did.
  7. Unfortunately it looks like Open To The Dark has been removed from the 'expanded' issue. edit - nevermind, it's just not in the previews for some reason
  8. Cooling oven and pink wine. Fucking classic watmm gold.
  9. they should know the next album will be revealed via a shortwave radio transmission broadcast at a frequency deciphered from the youtube ID numbers of their channel, that is when said numbers are rearranged in the correct order following the correlation of numbers to Helyn Hitchcock's numerology methods - and that the broadcast will give coordinates to a PO Box at an abandoned VA hall in rural CA containing a microcassette of an album snippet You forgot when the moon is red.
  10. Thanks! I've slowed down on the architecture a bit, since I've shot most of the stuff that I dig in Liverpool / Manchester. I'll probably get some more once I branch out a bit and go to different places. Doing lots more urban back alleys and graff stuff lately. And of course the music stuff. Checking out your new shots, I can definitely still see your style in there, always reminded me of top-down isometric games, the kind of angles you get. Very cool stuff!
  11. I was once shamed from that forum for posting the Scanners head explosion gif because it made one member uncomfortable and there was a weird pile on where everyone said they were appalled. Edit: They’re why Trump won, tbqh I remember that. massive lols.
  12. Digging the new aesthetic, Cryptowen! Some snaps from the past 24 hours
  13. finally got another camera after nearly a year without, so hopefully soooon Looking forward to seeing more!
  14. Glad to see you’re on better tomorrows. Hopefully we’ll see some more photos from you? :catwink:
  15. Even if that were the end of High Rise, what does that have to do with the price of eggs?
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