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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. $1000 phone so you can.... SSH into a remote server, and buy more accessories so you can actually type productively? Worth price of admission? Sorry but that's some serious Apple kool-aid there...
  2. I've read about Sony cameras "eating stars", so if astrophotography is your bag, you might wanna steer clear from Sony. I'm pretty sure all of the Sony cameras exhibit very noticeable rolling shutter when used for video, though. Other than that, if you're dead-set on having a 35mm sensor, then Sony mirrorless would be a good choice. Don't poo-poo APS-C sensors though, I've been thoroughly impressed with the image quality coming out of the APS-C cameras I've owned (Fujifilm X100T, Fujifilm X-Pro2).
  3. Make it an Air guitar thing, and you will sell fucking millions.
  4. Are you using ethernet? Should be lightning fast over ethernet
  5. what the corner of my eye makes of it: Well done. I know this is probably too trivial to dwell on for more than a couple of posts but I'm still pretty mindblown by this unexpected development. That's like the biggest optical illusion of our lifetimes. A pigeon...with three legs?
  6. I've been stuck on the base game for ages. Some fight with constant ninjas dropping in. Been a while since a game has kicked my ass so hard. Might have to revert to normal mode like a loser. shield bash! I was just replaying the sewer level with the rats in Mother Russia Bleeds and as I pressed O repeatedly to try and grab someone, I accidentally grabbed a rat that was jumping at me out of midair and threw it at an enemy. I lol'd. lots of nice little design features in this game.
  7. Yes indeed. Glad they finally fixed the bugs in it. Wish it had online co-op though, that would be great
  8. I've seen on some Wikia page that Doomguy is the descendant of BJ Blaz. But there's still no indication in the new Wolfenstein that the two games follow the same timeline at all. Wrong, DOOM 2016 establishes that the Doomguy (now DOOM slayer) is actually a denizen of Argent D'Nur
  9. I'll believe it when the pre-order shows up. The recently up for pre-order represses of Isn't Anything and Loveless were announced back in 2008/2009, I believe.
  10. Yeah the Atari brand has been bought more times than I've had hot dinners.
  11. Got myself a Mint SLR670s (basically a refurbished and modified SX-70). Really happy with this camera. This scan using my iPhone and Google PhotoScan really doesn't do it justice. The lens is fucking sharp.
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