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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. The "I'm old" is the new "I'm drunk" ! I agree though. /continues programming in LISP /gets cancelled
  2. LOL https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/06/hypervaccinated-man-217-covid-jabs-no-side-effects-germany Allegedly, he's now working in Mega Man games as Magnet Man
  3. PROOF: A daily dose of bass is healthy for the mind! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07132-6
  4. First (peer) review published by Nature! badum tsh
  5. What about a discount for beards Or better, the opposite: the bigger the beard, the higher the fee. This place needs a little more diversity and inclusivity. All those whities with huge face beards. It’s like a giant sloth of . Cannot be healthy
  6. yup. thx. and also, trump voters have their own truth. just like the rest of us. it's rather simple really. and it has little to do with logic. or rather, a different one. tiny edit: it's cynical, but it is what it is. @trying to be less rude you can facepalm me all you want, but again, you can't talk trump voters out of it. it's like a crazy cult. quite literally.
  7. that's a rather long rant to say you don't understand trump voters. that's fine though. but remember, if you'd actually understand them, you wouldn't be writing posts like this. (please note that understanding and agreeing are two very different things)
  8. I wouldn't worry too much about these results. The term "confirmed" basically tells you it is in line with previous results. It's just that there's more evidence for these rare events. That's basically it. Various guidelines (eg. WHO) already mentioned these. So nothing new. It does mention the results also showed some other signals for rare(r) events, but due to methodology issues these need to be confirmed. See:
  9. That's the political reality in the US. A lot of folks - too many - don't want that to happen. That's not just the anti-tax lobby. Or big companies. Or their size. That's almost half the country supporting the anti-tax/american dream nonsense. Perhaps more than half the country. If American voters would support EU style policies, the world would be a different place.
  10. Thanks. Regarding those big companies: let them pay taxes fairly. If we all do, the circle goes round nicely. We all benefit.
  11. Out of curiosity: what would you argue? Personally, I couldn’t give a rats ass about LLM’s being trained on everything/anything I put on the internet. The internet is a public space. I put it there knowing it’s beyond my control what happens with it. And I find it funny how people are driven by the “Company X is making money from the stuff I put on the internet, they should pay me “ and that it would actually help if they got some money for it. For shits and giggles you should calculate your % of the total dataset LLMs are trained on. OpenAI should pay you less than a cent. Good luck with that. Note: I haven’t actually made the calculations, but it’s a safe bet that the data of a single individual is meaningless when compared to the whole. Note2: im not an artist putting work on the internet. And therefore, I don’t put value on anything I put on the internet. Imo, that doesn’t change when a company makes money from LLM’s. My online presence is just as useless now as it was 10 years ago. I understand there’s a bunch of people around here who are artists and who put their work online. There’s a different argument to be made there. And a valid one. But I don’t think that same argument should also apply to the nonsense I put online. Such as this post. Or anything on reddit. Seriously? out of curiosity: how many of you use wikipedia without contributions? How many use free online mail like gmail of hotmail for free? If you want openai/google and the likes to pay you, you might consider paying them back for all the other stuff you’ve been using for free.
  12. What do you mean? You want to be paid for using Reddit? Or do you want a fee from companies training LLMs on reddit data for creating content?
  13. +1 vote for most IDM 2024 watmm remix compilation 3…2…1 GO!
  14. spatial computing? is that the new apple thing? if so: lol...as if
  15. Short: yes. At the current fee of $3 a year, can't remember the amount tbh. But it's basically buying a beer for a year access. Can't see any harm in that. But it all depends on the "how much?" question. No brainer to me.
  16. I failed the "confirm you're human" test for the first time in my life! I had to put a point on an image telling where the end point for a car was. And it was an incomprehensible image. Consider this an existential crisis. In a couple of years ChatGPT outperforms me on the "confirm you're human" test. Perhaps it already does. I have failed as a human being... Unless the test will be something you need to fail because AI will somehow manage to be successful anyways. And now I'm a confused human being.
  17. also B12 remix and blue binary remix. very much on the melon collie side of things. like drowning in sentiments
  18. It's a classic, but the reflections on reflections (remix) album. ... man, that's a must as well. /timemachine to the nineties
  19. Have to side with aux on this one. I’m growing tired of people that need to sell books through multi hour podcasts. Making a bunch of alarmist comments to trigger a specific audience into buying their books. And as a subject ai is the gift that keeps on giving. And everybody has an opinion. Ai is for technology what Trump is for politics. #isaiditfirst </sarcasm>
  20. Lol talking about belgian classix. The video looks like an honest attempt to commercialize the early new beat phenomenon. Almost endearingly honest. Very much a product of its time. This is from the late eighties i think. (Iman idiot its in the title) Music videos with hip hop dancers (think mc hammer) were very much the norm.
  21. not a well known belgian classic that deserves more exposure. bit of a dark acid trip. could also be considered as a "hard trance" track. but in a classy way.
  22. I like Vlad Vexlers analysis on this subject. Although he uses the dreaded “talking head” format (his chats) and an occasional adam curtis style micro documentary, I give him some slack because of his ME diagnosis. He’s a UK philosopher, born in Russia. So besides knowing the language actually understanding Russian culture. Which is not a given for the average western journalist covering the conflict, I’m afraid. As a philosopher he’s mostly (and professionally) interested in democratic decline, but since 2022 also commenting on this conflict. Regularly covering journalists from former ussr states (now eastern europe). Essentially covering russian speaking journalists and experts, translating it in the literal sense but also in the cultural sense and putting it in a historical perspective. As an example
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