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Everything posted by Himelstein

  1. Ok- false alarm, they ran multiple tests and it was a false positive. I was thinking she was suddenly going to be in the news or something, plus I was starting to get depressed about the possibility of the vaccines being bullshit.
  2. That’s interesting because rpeg was probably the track that made me really, really like them too. It wasn’t the first autechre I heard, but it was definitely the “wow” song. The beginning is so good. Ep7 is just good in general, and more eclectic than anything else they have done, not that that makes it the best. I might consider it their best tho, idk, that’s always really hard for me with autechre. They are one of the only favorite bands I have where I can’t choose a favorite album.
  3. One of my in laws was just hospitalized with Covid today, and she was fully vaccinated. She was super careful too, so it seems pretty scary.
  4. Sorry, I just realized this was for the user names, not your band’s page! Here I am: https://bandcamp.com/himelstein
  5. Nice work on Snow Day, the build up in beginning is really cool
  6. Hahaha, when I was in school a group of girls did this for the talent show
  7. I sometimes like to just update a certain effect- an example would be: right now I use the Rainbow Machine and Old Blood Noise Dark Star to achieve what I would probably use this for (the organic part). So I could totally replace what I do with those pedals with the Microcosm. I’ve recently got the Big Sky, which I think is the best sounding (quality wise) pedal that I have ever heard. But I only bought this because I wanted an upgrade to my “normal” reverbs. IMO, if you want “control” with a high quality fx unit that does craziness- eventide is the way to go. But if you want the organic pedal boutique craziness, there are several paths out there, and the microcosm one might fall more into that category. Regardless of anything said here, I will probably get one at some point because I have a problem, hahaha
  8. I think, if this wouldn’t fog up my glasses, and was the right color scheme..... I might prefer looking like this to being maskless, haha. Sometimes my wife will wear the normal cotton white ones with sunglasses and a gardening hat, and she looks very “mortal kombat”. Initially I was trying to wear yellow ones under black hoodies for the scorpion effect. I just think in general people are forgetting how cool super heroes look, and that there are positives to masks. That being said, I still haven’t gone to galaxy’s edge because it will probably be miserable walking around in that heat with a mask all day.
  9. This demo is fucking crazy.
  10. Damn, those are sweet
  11. I wish I could skate bigger decks. I really feel more comfortable on bigger boards, but I can’t flip them good. When I was good I rode a 7.62, and it was always so hard to find decks that size. I eventually gave in and got a 7.75, but it was still a little harder for me to flip. It’s funny because when I started really getting into it (late 80s/early 90s) small deck seemed all the rage, but eventually it seemed like everyone I knew had 8s or bigger. I will probably get a big toy machine deck at some point and get some big ass wheels as a “cruiser” just because, like I said- I really do feel more comfortable on one. Here’s my garage I’ve been “deckin’ out” with my old stuff and my kids boards:
  12. I love the mg-1, it was my first real analog synth. Also, my buddy uses one of those intellijel joysticks and he says it was worth the price just due to the aesthetic feeling of moving it around! He says it’s the most satisfying control he’s ever touched on anything electronic, music or otherwise. I will probably get one at some point too
  13. https://pinebox.bandcamp.com/track/acid-father-ii
  14. Himelstein


    Bummer that Harold Budd died of COVID-19. He was one of the first people I read about dying from it. He was awesome. I didn’t see any posts about them, but the swirlies were pretty good, I think considered shoegaze. I remember not understanding what that term meant for so long. I’m obsessed with pedals, so I kinda always thought maybe it had something to with that. But- a friend of mine told me it was because people that listened to sonic youth and mbv always walked around looking at their feet, avoiding eye contact Its crazy how many of these musicians use jazzmasters, I don’t really ever play guitar much, but I do have a 70s Japanese J-bass that I love. If I get another guitar it will be a jazzmaster
  15. That snake is pretty fucking cool, as well! How did those ones inside the elbow feel? That seems like a crazy sensitive area, but I do plan on getting some there.
  16. Shit, I totally forgot about this one- it’s from “seashell” by Skylab, and Howie B sampled Rod McKuen- the poet- whom I had unintentionally also sampled a long time ago, not knowing he did (totally different sample and record tho). I guess probably a lot of people sampled McKuen, but I felt even more attached to the phrase after that. For my wife and I, “seashell” has always been “our song” since the late 90s, plus we go on vacations to beaches all the time, etc. So, being sentimental to us we both got these- hers is the continuation of the sample (the other phrase “down the sea and back”) that is later in the track and it’s on her hip/lower back. If you have never heard that song- check it out, I first heard it on “the trip hop test” which is an amazing compilation with people like underworld going by pseudonyms and whatnot. Maybe you all already know about it, haha, anyways-
  17. It would be awesome if someone got a tattoo of that Steinberger guy flexing with his back tattoos showing.
  18. I searched the forum and couldn’t really find anything, so here goes- I’ll start. Also feel free to post any other cool tattoos you have! The midi one is mine- it’s actually a photo from the tattoo shop a few years ago, when I had it done. The Casio vl is from another member of our band.
  19. That’s really cool. I asked on the YouTube channel, but do u know what the chip they show is from, or primarily used in? They seemed to say it reminded them of the vic20, but it reminded me of the Atari 1040st.
  20. I was real good when I was younger, and pretty obsessed. I was landing 180 flips and working on 360 flips, but pretty much quit in 99. (Hence my possibly outdated terminology) Then when my daughter got old enough I taught her and started up randomly here and there. Now, my son is getting into it and I’ve been getting back into it pretty hard. I can still ollie pretty high and land kickflips, but damn some the shit...... also, I tore my acl a few years ago (skateboarding randomly) it was pretty minor, but it definitely has impacted me a little. When I was young really wanted the alien workshop spectrum deck, but they stopped making it by the time I could get one. Got a Fred gall slick instead that was cool- building block design. Anyways, recently I saw the spectrum deck as a complete, bought it, replaced the stuff it came with, and:
  21. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make dust covers where I fasten Velcro to the corners of the ceiling and also to bed sheets. Originally I started sewing the Velcro on and that shit was brutal, so now I’m gonna safety pin them to the sheets. I really don’t know what else to do. I definitely see some really cool shit in your studio, the gear that isn’t asleep, that is! @Grain Bastard- yes, it’s definitely nerve racking! In my old studio I used a bunch of big “restaurant racks” or whatever you call them, and they would wobble and knock over toys all the time. Back then it really looked like a synth shop, or maybe a pawn shop, haha, @xox
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