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Everything posted by Himelstein

  1. I heard about the j&j news right after I left meijer. Luckily, mine was Pfizer biontech, but I guess they would have probably canceled on me too if it was johnson. Does anyone else always get the sepultura: biotech is Godzilla song stuck in their head when they see biontech? Off topic for sure-I also read this book one time with a character named “getaway” and could it get the song from arrested development season 4 out of my head.
  2. Has anyone had any experience with elby designs modules? With all this serge talk, I keep thinking about how I used to see their stuff really cheap on eBay all the time when I was first building my eurorack
  3. I went to a product demonstration done by them a few years ago for the presonus stuff when they started really incorporating iPad connectivity and whatnot. I was super impressed, I’ve also heard good things about their channel strips and quality in general. I think you should get it, for sure. I have separated my new computer from my studio and don’t plan to ever upgrade. I’ll still use my MacBook Pro, because it runs the current version of cubase that I use just fine. My thoughts are pretty much this: I’ve always used the computer for midi composition/routing and multitrack/over dubbing- but now they make things that can handle these pretty well with no computer. So, the akai mpc live (wish I would have waited and got one with cv) and the sound devices mix pre with the “musician plug in” seem like a totally perfect swap. Of course I’ll need class compliant usb midi stuff for the mpc live- but I have enough random usb midi things now to connect all my gear (it would be too complicated tho.) My plan is to get a big class compliant midi interface to replace my motu midi express. This will mean that I can still have my old Mac with cubase, max/msp, ableton, and other junk, plus my saffire interface, and motu midi express as a separate system if I need any of that. The real problem (with going all hardware) is updating things like firmware, doing video editing, and all the stuff that computers do other than making music. So I have decided that from now on I’ll just keep an up to date pc desktop in a different room for all those tasks. Just some random things going on in my head regarding gear, haha. Also, I want to get more into location recording for things like writing music outside, field recording and whatnot, hence the sound devices mixpre.
  4. Just got my first shot, and my arm doesn’t hurt or anything- I was expecting it to be painful, I normally hate needles, but I barely felt it. Waited around 15 minutes before they would allow me to leave and still feel fine now, an hour later. I was a little worried that they didn’t do it right or something, but then I realized I was just being paranoid. I had covid a few months ago and the shit was weak, so I really just got the vaccine for society- plus everyone in my family has got it already. I normally bitch about the flu shots and avoid getting them every year, but this seems different, and like it’s our responsibility to get vaccinated.
  5. That looks really cool. I was looking into those, he reads random younger Star Wars stuff- mainly clone wars related, or the Jeffery Brown stuff. I loved the “knights of the old republic” comics, and read the first collected edition to him at one point.
  6. Most of the time I run my main mixer out into the interface, like I’m sure several of you do, and I also have the different volume problem. It used to bother me but now I feel like it’s better to have it like that. I end up with so many weird things panned further to one side I wouldn’t have accounted for, that’s it’s nice to be able to adjust at different “gain stages” or whatever. My old interface wasn’t this way and I had to rely on my ears and mixer for panning. It’s more accurate tho, with the interface- visually looking at the L and R and adjusting a “master pan”
  7. Does discovery also have characters from tng? I just hate looking up anything sci-fi relayedanymore because of spoilers.
  8. Yeah! That was awesome, too - we loved it. We are pretty big Star Wars fans, and he’s always looking up theories and behind the scenes stuff on YouTube. If they make a “high republic” show or whatever it seems like they are working on with the old republic style, that could be a really cool tv series. As far as sci-fi stuff goes I really want to watch Picard, is it good? I was definitely into tng, and all the movies Star Trek has made. I saw that post about Q and got pretty excited, he was definitely my favorite part it all. And I liked Data.
  9. My wife and son were both pretty unimpressed with winter soldier too, and we are pretty big mcu fans, my son is a die hard mcu and specifically Captain America fan. But we have only seen the first episode, so I haven’t totally been convinced yet. I really liked the winter soldier movie, and also read most of the Ed Brubaker marvel stuff, so I have high hopes.....but you do seem right so far. I never read the Resident Alien comics, but I might pick them up, just because I really like the whole clash of sci fi meets modern times, but with “heart” if you know what I mean. What sucks is that on peacock it seems to be way off schedule and behind like 4 episodes. No biggie, I don’t mind waiting/saving up episodes, but it sucks when you are really into it and want to keep going. That’s how I sometimes end up impulsively buying random episodes of shows on Amazon. My son (10) really thinks that everything Alan Tudyk does is hilarious, so I’m trying to get him to watch firefly, too!
  10. Yeah, that stuff, I wasn’t sure if any of that had been gone over here before! I did search the forum for “modulations documentary” and came up with nothing. Same on the squarepusher scene. I met squarepusher and had a beer with him at that show in Chicago 02 or 03 with Luke Vibert and uziq(the other night). I mentioned modulations and that scene. I told him I used a Yamaha vss also and he got all excited about it and was really into talking about gear and whatnot, how he liked to EQ shitty Casio/Yamahas and his technique, he was really cool.
  11. I loved this when I was younger, but I haven’t seen it in years. My buddy used to own it on vhs. Honestly I was thinking of FSOL and the footage of them in this while reading the Dead Cities related mixes thread. Also I could have posted this in favorite documentaries, but seriously check this out. It’s worth it for the FSOL part alone, and the soundtrack. Anything that has LFO and Autechre in the first 5 minutes should be cool. I know this isn’t really a “YouTube” video, but it’s the only way I have been able to watch it recently. It doesn’t really fit in with the thread, but I was torn between where to post it!
  12. It looks like the back of the unit has 1/4” jacks. That link you posted doesn’t show the back, but: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/US16x08--tascam-us-16x08-usb-audio-interface?mrkgadid=3303549775&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=studio&recording&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700046934848277&lid=92700046934848277&ds_s_kwgid=58700005287207011&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=475644261020&product_id=US16x08&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=g&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9014978&creative=285689013555&targetid=pla-475644261020&campaignid=1465808290&awsearchcpc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0JDIl93v7wIVAAOzAB3wgQ3wEAQYASABEgKekvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds If you look at the back image, there are more balanced ins. Plus whatever switching is allowed with the software and on the front 2 ins. So theoretically you should have plenty of balanced line level ins. If I were you would get a cheap balanced patchbay, if you don’t have one, that way you can easily switch around configurations in front of the unit and not have to fuck with the back of it. Either way, tascam is good, and if you can get one used for a good deal you won’t be disappointed.
  13. There are several out there, most are stereo, but you also may want to look into a usb turntable- which I’m pretty sure they make. If you have a high quality system already, then I would try and get a high quality in, so something like the apollo but just the stereo one. Now, if you are trying to just get a cheap stereo in, then you could anything from the old cheap m audio delta series up to the cheapest interface you see online. I’d recommend browsing gearslutz tho, for what’s the best cheap stereo in. I’m gonna guess it’s something like m audio or tascam. M-Audio M-Track Duo – USB Audio Interface for Recording, Streaming and Podcasting with Dual XLR, Line & DI Inputs, plus a Software Suite Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Q1V77NR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AE6BF21ZXTG3DKJE6H6E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 That should be good for what you need on the cheap. You should be able to with the right cable, and if you have it switched to line. Also the software might let you switch- I think. Too bad it doesn’t have inputs like this:
  14. Hahaha yes, and that track just made me so hungry for cheese pizza, so it could work for advertising as well. Who do we know in marketing at Papa John’s?
  15. Yeah, those are really awesome, worth the toe rash!
  16. You need the sandals that just go over the foot not in the toes.
  17. What a fucking monster. She’s like those people who quote whatever the current Fox News “statement of the week” is. I can’t stand being at social events where you see the same person go around and tell the same story to everyone they come in contact with, and it’s just something they heard on Fox News. It’s like these people are just sampling Fox News into their lives like a repetitive dance track, and instead of going around saying “it’s time for the percolator” they’re just bumping into people saying “why should I pay taxes for that” or whatever the fuck they are going on about at the time.
  18. I agree. It’s like Apple Music/Spotify- it’s really fucking cool, but I miss getting into someone’s car and flipping thru their cd book, or shit, even getting a mixtape. Now if someone gets into my car or vice versa it’s everything, and we both have everything, and blah blah, no limitations but still..... As far as new shows tho- We really like that Resident Alien. It’s kind of a mix between Dexter and Eureka, or something. It has a slight cw vibe, but with a more R or pg13 rating. So far it’s been cool.
  19. Married couple play a game and lie about being single to see what people eharmony, or some other dating app set them up with.
  20. That’s sweet! Got a cool megaman meets angry birds apocalypse vibe! Here are also some that were worthy of me putting up in our living room. Still obviously obsessed with blue and orange. In sides and disco volante are probably my absolute favorite albums of all time.
  21. really, I like almost every Alan parsons project cover. The cassette I had when I was a kid was the “best of” one that looks like a moebius esque tron scene, and it was in one of those orange tape cases. It started my love of the orange and blue color scheme. Gary moscheles album utilized that scheme and so did tango, which is another awesome cover. Too many to choose!
  22. Hahaha I always thought you could get worms from Mac n cheese mixed with ketchup because of that Kids in the Hall episode
  23. I actually love Florida, we go to tradewinds at St Pete’s beach every year. We just booked for a few weeks in June a couple days ago. I really like this comic book store in Clearwater called Emerald City, it’s fucking huge. Also there is this French bakery there called cafe soleil that we really like.
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