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Everything posted by X4creek

  1. Glad to hear he still has plans for Shobaleader One!
  2. Gonna listen to this tonight. Very excited! (also thanks for the birthday wishes i really appreciate it :) )
  3. I just realized this comes out a day after my birthday (which is today) :)
  4. Squarepusher just posted this to his Twitter! https://twitter.com/SQUAREPUSHER/status/1400134870874079239?s=19
  5. maybe wrong topic for this but does anyone like Tunings for falling asleep (not counting the Korg tracks but I like those a lot)? I just listened to it for like the second time I think and while I do really like it it feels extremely inessential it's got a nice vibe even if i can't fall asleep to any sort of music (i've tried multiple times it just does not work for me)
  6. tfw I've muted the tab but I still get notification sounds

    1. dcom


      Account Settings > Notification Settings > Play a sound when notifications are received > uncheck.

    2. X4creek


      thanks a lot!!!

  7. I just listened to it twice after attempting multiple times to revisit it with failure but I'm so glad I actually went through it this time because oh my god I forgot how good this album really is I love basically every track on it I think the moment that sticks out the most to me is the second half of syro u473t8+e. I like the first half quite a bit but when it goes quieter and the melody changes my entire body gets chills. Might be one of my favorite Aphex Twin moments ever actually I don't know exactly.
  8. I will check this out later. A lot of my friends are loving it.
  9. I'm thinking about rewatching the entirety of Craig of the Creek soon. It makes me really happy.
  10. Twenty One Pilots Burrito

  11. idk I just think TM1 open is a great closer that I didn't switch its placement (and also its transition to F7 is really good) I can see where you're coming from but it makes a lot of sense for me I think because I find ii.pre esc to be emotionally impactful yeah that was the point. honestly I find myself listening to this tracklist more than the separate albums I really love its pacing i think you meant X4 but I just checked and that does work quite well actually
  12. does not taking out any tracks and making a different order with 2 albums count? If so + (combination of PLUS and SIGN) Disc 1 M4 Lema 7FM ic ii.pre esc sch.mefd 2 ecol4 lux 106 mod marhide DekDre Scap B esle 0 TM1 open Disc 2 F7 th red a si00 au14 gr4 psin AM Metaz form8 esc desc X4 r cazt n Cur (its too good to be left out imo)
  13. I mean Aren't Seefeel also on Warp? Their anniversary reissues going on right now are loaded with unreleased takes and tracks from what I've heard.
  14. X4creek


    https://www.ibs.it/feed-me-weird-things-cd-squarepusher/e/0801061107611 3 CDs!!!!!!! (Reddit user moveof10 found it)
  15. X4creek


    my guess is everything will be revealed in either early June or late June for the anniversaries of Feed Me Weird Things (early) & Go Plastic (late)
  16. X4creek


    idk when but Damogen Furies was added back https://squarepusher.net/release/142341-squarepusher-damogen-furies
  17. X4creek


    I feel kinda bad since I ruined his surprise ngl
  18. X4creek


    https://squarepusher.net/music/artist/106368-squarepusher IT'S WHAT I THOUGHT
  19. X4creek


    if you mean post-BUAH, there was Vicsynth1.3 Test Track 1, 3, 4 (was only available with a Japan exclusive T-shirt bundle when BUAH came out) & Acid Furlough
  20. X4creek


    I found that one myself haha Anyways yeah I agree that one is pretty good I wonder if we ever get to hear 4 though
  21. X4creek


    I'm bummed that site is gone tbh it was really cool imo
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