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Everything posted by hijexx

  1. Just noticed you can see the cardboard box for the Novation AFX Station in his pics/vids at that art exhibit
  2. AFXBS2 + MIDI tracks = New Aphex album choose your own adventure. Throw in some Ableton sessions that can drive the keyboard that would be slick. Won't happen but one can imagine possibilities!
  3. Detail is crazy on this pic you can tell it's basically just a BS2 layout skinned with AFX stuff. Might get an extra control knob or two here and there if we're lucky.
  4. I’ll buy one. Been wanting a BS2 but they actually seem to have gone UP in price. My uneducated guess is this’ll be mainly a BS2 with a few extra controls so you don’t have to do as much control diving to get the AFX mode stuff going.
  5. My second paragraph was an anecdote, not a strawman. I was drawing a parallel to arguing over similar points where a conclusion is made then evidence contrary to that conclusion is ignored. You can just ignore the second paragraph if it distresses you, it is not relevant to my argument. My argument is that COVID-19 has caused excess mortality over the past year. I'm willing to look at evidence that will falisify by argument if you have any. That video is bunk.
  6. Facts don't matter to conspiracy theorists. It's like water rolling off a duck's back, just gets completely ignored. They start with their conclusion then cherry pick things that support the conclusion. They don't try to falsify their claims. It's basically faith. Had this issue on another forum. Guy who runs the forum is convinced that Covid doesn't get transmitted in the air thus masks are useless. Thinks it's all transmitted via fecal -> oral transmission. Has a theory that all of spread at the Rose Garden ceremony for the US supreme court nominee was a Democratic plot where they tainted the food being served to all of the Republicans. They were outdoors and you can't transmit it outdoors so that's impossible so it must be the food! Someone pointed out, three times, "Here's pictures of the indoor reception." Guy with the poo poo theory did not respond to any of those comments. Just refused to acknowledge that people were indoors in close contact and spreading it. Nope! Gotta be a CONSPIRACY! Anyway... Didn't mean to make this another Covid thread. I dropped out of the main Covid thread a while back because at this point it just seems like it's a political allegience at this point if you "believe" in epidemiological facts or not. But since RDJ linked this latest SoundCloud track to a YT vid about it it seems topical.
  7. I tried to give that video he linked to a fair chance. 4 minutes in the lawyer says "The allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world." It's like flat earthers all over again.
  8. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beatink.com%2Fuser_data%2Fwarp2020.php
  9. Imagine a musician making a living by making music. Such a sellout thing to do!
  10. Why is a music artist collaborating on a piece of kit "sell outish?"
  11. hijexx


    RIP commercial movie theaters Wonder if there will be any industry to release this to next year? I had a bad feeling about movie theaters surviving pandemic.
  12. Add Republican Senator Ron Johnson to the Covid party
  13. Not quite the October surprise I was expecting, but I'll take it!
  14. "also" More info than I needed to know, thx Can't stand "AMSR", sounds creepy. Reminds me of the sound of people who chew with their mouth open. The second a YouTube video starts and it sounds like their voice is in my head I hit the back button.
  15. Agreed! It's a great public service.
  16. Was waiting until this thread was 10 pages deep to say: lol @ 10 pages of discussion about a product that nobody is forcing anybody to use Ya'll stalled out at 8 pages for a while and I thought you wouldn't deliver but you did!
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