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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. They're nominally remixes of Wolfgang Voigt's Studio 1 series (already bare-bones minimal to begin with) that sound like Maurizio meets Andy Stott at DJ Screw's uptown. Some wacked out crunk technos shiet, 1997 ffs. Soundmurderer + SK-1* - Rewind Records Motherfucking badazz jungle here, the breakage is off the charts. Made by these dudes.
  2. I <3 my sansa clip +. As it is my droid "smart" phone is piss poor on battery (and in so many other ways) that I don't even bother with music on it.
  3. Thanks guys for the congrats and the suggestions, they've actually made me realize that its a FWP in disguise in that I have too much hand - the anti-Costanza if you will: mods plz move kthnx I ask my wife this every day since we learned she was preggers. Apparently we're banking on a magical concoction of sunshine, love, and farts.
  4. The grant proposal I wrote (at work) won our biggest client a federal competitive/discretionary grant of $10 million dollars against some ridiculously long odds. Company prez calls Friday night and leaves a message (I was putting our kid to bed at the time lol), and at first I was nervous like "wtf is he calling me on a Friday night about?" then I realize what it's about and crap pants. Here's hoping some sort of award/recognition/raise is in order (particularly as Mrs. Dob and I have babby #2 on the way ), but I've never done anything so fantastically lucrative for a client (and by extension our company), that I couldn't begin to guess what the order of magnitude might be.
  5. 99% sure its from some 80s softcore sci-fi like E.T. or Cocoon, remember asking myself the same thing the first time I heard that alias track Also here's an Interesting mini-docu from marley marl on the making of "momma said knock u out":
  6. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15879-sugarcrush/
  7. MY GOD. I want to listen to this just based on the album art You won't be dissapoint. I guess the whole series is some MBM-affiliated project centered around a cuban drumming action figure named tino, would love to know more though all I could really find on tinocorp is from the internet time machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20121019110110/http://www.tinocorp.com/ Debut is a damn good album. Homogenic is also quite good and a favorite amongst the IDMz set, lots of great guest production on there & worth checking out
  8. ^ this is def the best of the production (odd-numbered) MMS installments, great to blaze to as well Speaking of which, this is some mental dub break shit from Tino (Jack Dangers & co.) that I've had on heavy blast rotation:
  9. This remix pretty much epitomizes everything awesome about prefuse when he was at the height of his creative powers: This thread also inspired me to go back and check out the delarosa & asora eps Backsome and Crush The Sight-Seers, hard to believe he was making these 10+ years ago, stunning stuff.
  10. Agony is defiantly a timeless album alright. You should still check out Ampexian though as many above posts can attest Haha I completely forgot about that turd
  11. So much troof here. I listened to One Word last week (first time in ages) and forgot what a great album that is. Extinguished is the perfect companion ep to it, think I'll save that for later this week if I have the time to sparkdala. His Delarosa & Asora and early Savath & (not 'y') Savalas material still holds up quite well too. Liked Surrounded by Silence but most of his stuff after that has been pretty meh, Ampexian and that Japenese album were better but Only She Chapters was indeed terrible. The P73 show I saw in boston sucked (pretty sure it was the Silence tour), all he did was play along on drums while dj nobody triggered his tracks on mpc, no interaction or even acknowledgement of the crowd either. Still one of the most wtf shows I've been too, and still want my money back. I also get the impression that GSH is way sensitive to criticism and overcompensates with an I-don't-give-a-fuck front. Somewhere along the line he must've pissed off someone at Pitchfork too - that piano overlord album was well short of good but the he didn't deserve the full-on ass reaming they gave it (1.1 or something, lol).
  12. Right, because typing something like "From Werk Discs Facebook feed:" above posted image is too hard and uncryptic Thanks to kirm and p-overlap for your fine service in providing actual infos
  13. OMG some screen grab of a text doc no mention of where it came from or anything that might lend it some legitimacy Posts like this are why you suck Troon. Wankery aside if there's reason to believe Ghettoville is imminent then color me excited.
  14. lovin the av like a hungry wolf

  15. All a 24-bit vinyl rip would get you is an uber-faithful digital encoding of how the analog record sounds on the particular playback device it was recorded from - basically going from digital (the master) to analog (the record) back to digital again. It's been discussed ad nauseum (and debated thanks to vast amounts of misinformation), but standard 16/44.1 audio is more than sufficient given the capabilities of human hearing; HD audio is nothing more than a marketing ploy to prey on those who assume bigger/moar = better. Without steering things off topic this article does a great job of clearing up a lot of popular misconceptions: http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html
  16. It's her sister, the lads licensed out slow this bird down and she sang over it on her album. It was pretty terrible. Then there were a few fakes over other Boc trax or something.
  17. heh ;-] Sounds great in principle... you speak from experience having allergies but pray tell are you married? 9+ years and 1 kid later and a lot of fucking common courtesy has already left the building. You have to pick your battles.
  18. My wife's seasonal allergies are killing me - she easily clears 100dB in 5-6 sneeze bursts... and they're all 5-6 sneeze bursts. Pretty sure the jarring surprise impact to the nerves is taking 15-minutes at a time off my lifespan. Won't dare suggest she cover up / muffle when she anticipates an attack (for fear of the immediate 'insensitive monster' verdict > open-ended stay in the doghouse), even though she's perfectly capable of it as demonstrated around our napping 1-y.o., mixed company, etc.
  19. It's to prevent rounding error from accumulating over a series of operations, which under most circumstances is a good thing. I'm pretty sure you can have excel return a cell value rounded to a specified number of digits by putting your expression inside the ROUND() function - this would probably be the most straightforward means to your end.
  20. Is the 407.86 an entered value or is it calculated from other cells/input? Even If you format a cell or cells to display a fixt number of decimal places, excel still retains/uses the digits beyond the last decimal place in calculations referencing that cell. Reckon it probably has something to do with this.
  21. How wonderfully ironic that Suarez's leveler was probably his last touch of the season. Sucks for you Chelsea.
  22. Srsly underrated, even amongst the MoM imaginary subforum massif
  23. Thanks delet, still feel gutted today, especially since our poor other cat is clearly stressed and has no idea wtf is going on. Yeah i was thinking about the other cat when i saw the photo and wondering what you were going to do, and how he would behave after having his mate just disapear one day. So you are going to get him another companion? Or wait a bit. Yeah the thought definitely entered my mind but I don't think we could do it, especially since we have a 15-month old girl (human) who occupies all our time and energy right now. Having been an indoor cat too all of his 10+ years (apart from several daring escapes ), the few interactions he's had with other cats haven't gone over so well either. He's always been really affectionate with us though which is helping things a bit, here's a pic of him being a giant teddybear with my wife from a few weeks ago: Thanks for the condolences Usagi and to the rest of y'all for the great/cute photos, they've definitely gone a long way to picking me up
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