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Everything posted by Squee

  1. My next release is about a month away. Vinyl release only and all the money will be donated to a charity that I love.
  2. I was gonna buy one six years ago but the seller suddenly raised the price. Guess I should have bought it anyway.
  3. Now THAT is gonna sound good!
  4. As ridiculous as it sounds, I've kinda gotten used to it. When he goes on a binge we'll just wait it out or do as I did last summer. They had friends over and my dad always takes on the role as a host, so he always makes sure that people have what they need. He left to go to the kitchen, so I followed him, and caught him drinking from a bottle. I snuck up behind and clapped at loud as I could (their house is pretty reverberant so it was loud). He didn't know what to do with himself, and I told him, "you're lucky you're alive and you're a fucking idiot" and his reply was "yeah well, that's my choice". The next time I saw him he was 100% sober and in a great mood. He even offered to pick up my girlfriend from work and so on. But my dad is 68 as well (or in a couple of months he is - if he makes that far) so they're probably in the same boat when it comes to taking care of themselves and being in touch with their emotions. I'm not saying that our way of handling my dad when he goes on a rampage works for everyone, but he's definitely easier to handle and convince when he's lying in a pool of blood on the floor. Trying to talk any kind of sense into him is completely useless. And trust me, I've screamed and shouted at him and it doesn't sink in because he's burying his problems and emotions in alcohol. So in a way it's just his way of self medicating himself. Have you and your family tried staging an intervention?
  5. How old is he? My dad used to be the co-owner of an ad-agency. His partner decided to force him out at one point and even though my dad didn't seem to care it broke him the fuck down. And he was already a pretty broken man who drank too much due to too much work and some family issues that he never talked about. But for some reason he has always hate his mom. But when he got bought out of the company he started to work from home and wouldn't it be nice with a glass of wine at 11 AM to get the creative juices running. Long story short, he nearly rank himself to death, my mom left him, he collapsed and banged his head into the groun, got diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia and lost like 80 pounds. Fast forward 6 months: turned out the dementia diagnosis was all wrong and that his medicine fucked up him and his liver was so badly injured from the drinking that all the poison in blood went directly to his brain. Luckily, this experience turned him around. He got so scared that it changed him into something way better - at least for a while because if you're an alcoholic you'll always be an alcoholic. So he still has his ups and downs. But my point is this, sometimes - especially with this idiotic generation of men - the only way to help them out is to let them destroy themselves completely because only then are they weak enough to either admit they need help or be forced to get help. It's horrible that the situation has to end up being so extreme but we've tried everything and we know that when he started drinking again, we'll just leave him be and wait for him to call us when he can't get up. So, I don't know just how bad it is with your dad (my dad was purple as well), but as tough and as shitty as it may sound, you can't help men from that generation (or at least not the majority) because they're simply too weak and old-fashioned to ask for help. (My MacBook Pro 2018's keyboard if fucked, so if some of these sentences were missing letters or entire words it's because of the keyboard)
  6. China will come knocking on your and then POW!
  7. He's slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Just listen to that voice. Also, I woke up to this notification and I'm embarrassed to say so, but I got all excited...
  8. Alright, I've hidden a bunch of posts due to several reasons. Let's not talk about that thing, alright? Let me know if I missed anything. And for those who will surely ask what this is all about. Please don't as you won't get an answer as it has to do with personal things that shouldn't be discussed online.
  9. That's the weird thing because when we or they leave she always gives us these long warm hugs. I've been thinking that maybe she's just insanely insecure and maybe shows it in these weird ways. We'll see what happens.
  10. A friend of mine got a girlfriend a couple of years ago. She seemed ok at first but she has turned out to be quite annoying. I'm not even sure I can describe what she's like, but I'll give it a try. The last time they came over I made breakfast burritos and her response was, "I can only taste the lime?". She must have been allergic to lime because she went into labor shortly after. So yeah, they had a son and the first time my gf and I went to visit them, we brought presents - as you do. We bought him a tiny little knitted hat that was decorated with blue and purple knitted knots all over. Super cute. Her response was, "it's kinda girly, isn't it?". Most of the time when we're all hanging out, she doesn't say a word. Last time I visited them I asked them about the NYE and what they had had for dinner etc. My friend was busy preparing something so he asked her if she could explain what they had had, and her response was, "why don't you do it?" in this super fucking snarky way. They've invited us over for dinner next Friday, and I just know that if she keeps this shit up I'm gonna end up saying something. But I don't know if I should? I'm not gonna tell her to fuck off or anything. Just a quick "that's not very nice". But again, I don't know if that's a thing you can do without destroying the entire evening. Anyway, I am not looking forward to next Friday.
  11. People shouldn't be allowed to upload videos to YouTube
  12. Judging from years and years of watching American reality shows I’ve concluded that American men only train their biceps and necks. And all white American girls sound like amplified answering machines. EDIT: Wait - they sound like this
  13. Dunno, man. It's North Korea so I don't think it's possible to talk about it from a normal point of view. I'm not surprised though. And I hadn't even considered how insane it would or could be if the corona virus got out of control in North Korea. There are 3 million people in Pyongyang, as far as I remember, and my guess is they don't have the best public health infrastructure, so I could easiliy see it going nuts fast.
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