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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. i really like it. has some problems tho: beat somewhat clunky (which might actually be the point) and not really gelling well with the swooshing textures, especially compared with all tomorrow's linoleum, which takes a pretty similar line. (... and which is 19 fucking years old, can you believe it?) however there's alot interesting stuffs happening in this track, harmonically.
  2. To me it doesn't goofy at all, rather disorienting and agitated in an unnervingly energizing way. It's a jam fo sho. Edit: @TM1
  3. "The problem is, this feels more like a collection of tracks rather than a cohesive album. The sequencing is odd, and I’m not sure how it fits." "Then the record hits a bit of a wall when “iipre esc” and “esle 0” come along and stall the momentum. There’s nothing wrong with either track. They’re both gorgeous, but they both sound like SIGN outtakes, and the positioning is weird." yup.
  4. what's farnsworth even supposed to mean in this context? fu, i'm just gonna farnsworth u back, u and all plus voters! look, look! this is u LOL
  5. don't listen to him, it's the path to the dork side. stay team sign. the crackers are free.
  6. k fuk it let's throw ecol4 in the mix, too. of the 2 12+ mins behemoths this is clearly the winner anyway.
  7. looks like ww came back to cast one last vote.
  8. starting to think it might well be.
  9. Tend to agree. Had me go "woah" the most initially, and still does. Perfect mix of complexity and lushness, also super elaborate build up/ -down macro structure. Pretty much impeccable, basically. More winner: SIGN - si00, formz, r cazt PLUS - marhide, TM1... Dr. Dre would be contender, but it's just too short to work as more than an intro, i'm afraid.
  10. Where's AE_LIVE 16/18 as option? Anywhoo, SIGN is definitely more fleshed out, well rounded and distinctive. PLUS is a great addition but in comparison a bit by the floating point numbers and as standalone rather uneven imo. That being said i'll probably still end up listening more to the latter, as i find the emo ride that is SIGN rather taxing.
  11. while i think the tracks are quality stuff i'd be lying if i said i can't somewhat relate to his sentiments about the album's identity and flow, or lack thereof. it does work in conjunction with sign but as standalone it has some serious momentum issues and i still mostly blame the "sign outtakes" for that (ii esc, else). they're also so close to their sign counterparts that they fall into some weird uncanny valley territory for me, where it kinda feels like listening to sign all of a sudden but it doesn't and contexts get all weirded up. blah. i'm still damn happy we got this. marhide and tm1 sure contenders for all time favs.
  12. i think this is kinda nice and fits the mood of the track really well.
  13. well i guess there's this: https://www.clashmusic.com/reviews/autechre-plus https://boomkat.com/products/plus-795f6cfe-f000-4cb5-a6d3-791c6d141e21
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