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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. glad to have joined the club yesterday, experiencing no side effects whatsoever. lots of my elderly care nurse colleagues express similar concerns, tho... dunno, i think things will settle with wider availability, i absolutely can see private businesses in gastronomy, air travel, gyms etc. asking for some kind proof of immunity in the near future.
  2. fear ratio
  3. tbh i think i'll go for THIS instead.
  4. just got the last ending in cyberpunk (the secret one). found the whole thing to be thoroughly enjoyable, guess it's good i was hardly affected by the hype. characters are tropey as hell but very well written at that, really felt em. city's breathtaking, just being able to finally move around neo tokyo freely felt like such a treat. kinda inclined to further dive into the lore / pen & paper stuffs now actually. went stealthy hacker all the way, worked out pretty well. ah, music's pumpin, too. yeah.
  5. https://fontsinuse.com/uses/10580/pubblicita-in-italia-1964-1965
  6. might get vaxxed on sunday, fingers crossed.
  7. a week later and we doubled our body count to 28. won't visit my family on christmas, which i usually only see once or twice a year anyway. germany blew it and i'm not happy about it.
  8. new ae live set seems somewhat realistic.
  9. goddamn fucking asshole piece of shit.
  10. well at least on PLUS (to get somewhat back on topic) my bet's on sean. we know from his jam transmission that ecol and x4 are by him, which are the longest tracks by far, making up roughly 43% of the album alone.
  11. you mean a golden ratio between cerebrality and viscerality? but which is which?
  12. yeah so cyberpunk's supposed to be buggy af. who would've thought?
  13. sure, tho i'd argue its quantifiability isn't necessarily the defining trait rly, as in not more or less than that of anything else.
  14. well, exactly. "vermöge der musik genießen sich die leidenschaften selbst." (walrusman)
  15. Yeah. What i meant is mainly the notion of some kind of peer or internal pressure to do so, as in: ppl forcing themselves to like something, "cheating" their "genuine" tastes (which can be aquired fo sho). dunno, to me at least it doesn't feel that way.
  16. wise choice. on topic: as someone else stated earlier that benefit of doubt is something you have to earn first. it's like with opinions you don't agree with: you're naturally more likely to engage with them when expressed by someone close to you. yeah this whole "hypnotize yourself into liking shit by listening to it over and over"-meme is basically bull, but of course i am inclined to give ae's stuff more than one chance since that simply has proven to be fruitful. not always, mind you, but that's ok, too, at least they consequently do whatever the fuck they want obviously giving their all, what more can you ask for from an artist.
  17. one couldn't survive the "Now That Trump's President..." thread without it tho.
  18. those potential neurological long term symptoms scare me quite alot tbh. get frequently tested at least. another neggie today, woo.
  19. none. actually make that 14 and counting.
  20. diy. snatched the graphics from their myspace page (of all places lel), vectorized the fuck outta them et voilà. particularly happy how the fake screen static meshes with the texture of the anthracite grey one.
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