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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. News media consumers and creators need to be more responsible, and people of all ages need to be taught how to think critically about information. Oh, and the wealth gap needs to close up a lot, and people need to embrace compromise in politics instead of this team / obstructionist dynamic.
  2. This is one major pit that I see people falling into when trying to understand why these hardcore supporters are they way they are. You cannot apply logic to their behavior. Don't expect them to behave logically; their motivation for supporting Trump is not coming from a place of logic. They don't care that he didn't deliver on his promises, obviously. He's their guy, and he represents THEM, to the end. Plus they'll probably rationalize those failures to deliver by saying something like he was hamstrung by the establishment or the deep state or some stupid shit like that. And yes, of course the internet / social media / 24/7 news cycle has accelerated this. Remember that this social media / media 24/7 cycle is money-driven, and pubic companies in this country have to show constant growth; IMO this causes a sort of "arms race" of the type of reporting that got us here. I only expect it to accelerate until something drastic happens that can cause a sea change in opinion and maybe cause some positive change. Which leads to your comment below: We may be at that point already in your mind, but things haven't changed. I wonder sometimes what things would be like if someone more important died on Jan 6th or if some Congresspeople were actually kidnapped. Would the Rs in congress have been able to just stare at the floor during the Jan 6th impeachment trial like a bunch of fucking obstinate children? Would the establishment R voters have been able to hold their nose and still support Trump? That's the kind of drastic event I'm thinking of.
  3. To me, his voting bloc is very logical. Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but I see a large chunk of people (not all obv.) who are rabid about him (not necessarily establishment R voters) as people who: Are fed up with the government for whatever reason Are fed up with what they see as the "status quo" for whatever reason Feel marginalized for whatever reason (sometimes because of their own deficiencies or faults and lack the ability or will to look inwardly and recognize said deficiencies, so they blame others (minorities taking my jobs, system is holding me down, etc.)) Have never or rarely voted before because of the above reasons In Trump they see someone who (rightly or wrongly): They feel represents them as an "outsider" in the established political system, and will thus fight for them Makes it OK to outwardly act like they inwardly feel (racist, xenophobic, overall hostile, etc.) I'm probably missing tons of stuff here, but I feel like he allowed tons of new voters of all ages who felt like no candidate represented them and their feelings / values to "join the party". As far as the media goes, left-leaning media just pours gasoline on the fire every time they report on the next "outrageous" thing he does, and that we should all be so outraged at him. Of course this is because they get more clicks / eyeballs / money if they report in this manner vs. fact-based reporting where emotions are checked at the door. IMO, this will not change as long as money is what's driving them unless something very drastic happens, more drastic than what we've already seen. In the end, I feel like the current climate of large and accelerating wealth gap has created a climate where something like this is much more prone to happen as more and more people are disillusioned as they see the economy doing relatively well while the rich get richer and they either are stagnant or are becoming relatively poorer.
  4. Just finished this thing today. It's a BEAST. Recommended.
  5. How did that convo go, I wonder? WIFE: I just love riding in an open-air boat through Venice YE: Hey babe how 'bout a beej? WIFE: *sighs*
  6. Damn, this sucks. They produced some of the best drone music, IMO. I consider myself very lucky to have seen them live twice, including this amazing show:
  7. Great, now India just needs to put someone's uncle on the moon and there will be 100,000 Indians moving there within 2 years [/sarcasm]. To be clear, I kid because I love, I spent 4 months living in India and loved it.
  8. I'm a chemical engineer by training, but this paper is on visual and haptic human perception of the viscosity of liquids.
  9. Try making a burger out of your phone and a bun and opening watmm like that.
  10. Just submitted a paper for peer-review and hopefully publication.
  11. Lump sum, invest some, save the rest. Buy a slightly nicer but not huge house near my current house and maybe another house in the Pacific northwest. Keep my job but renegotiate my salary down to something like $20 per year and tell them I'll continue working (because I actually enjoy what I do) but that I don't have to go to any stupid fucking team building meetings or participate in performance reviews or any of that incredibly asinine bullshit.
  12. https://framed.wtf/ Click on the calendar icon to do previous puzzles
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