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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. I wish I was better at math, it would make me much more valuable at my job. Don't get me wrong, I bring a lot to the table (niche measurement scientist), but I have a gigantic dataset from a recent study and I'm having to rely on unreliable data scientists to process everything when I just want to get in there and do the dirty work myself, but lack the skills. I bought myself Tukey's Exploratory Data Analysis book for Xmas and am going to try to learn as much as I can.
  2. I feel like having to constantly call yourself an alpha male probably means you're trying to overcompensate for not really being one.
  3. Seems like the minute she told you she wants a divorce was the point where it was a "done deal", signing the papers is just a formality. It's the intent and the feelings that make the divorce, not some signatures on a paper. Like others have said, even if she does decide to come back and give it a try on her own, there's tons of baggage and a huge rift there. Best to already consider it a done deal and, like others have said, consider the rest as sort of a business transaction (as hard as that may be).
  4. Flew home today from visiting my dad in the hospital and watched this on the plane. Was a nice escape.
  5. Exciting game, though I hate to see it end on PKs. I do think Argentina had the better quality goals overall, especially their second, though Mbappe's non-PK goal was an amazing strike.
  6. That is pretty bad, and I don't like Musk, but to be fair Amazon is down almost 50% YTD and the S&P500 hasn't been banging either:
  7. Beginning of November I had a 5 day sickness, sore throat then fever and body aches then cold-like. Kept testing negative for COVID, may have been RSV. Wife didn't get it and and was also testing negative for COVID so who knows.? Edit: fully vaxxed (2 jnj and new bivalent booster)
  8. It was striking earlier in the tournament to see central / south american teams play teams like Canada or Japan or South Korea. Central / south americans flopping & rolling every time they're breathed on while Japan / S. Korea players doing their best to actually stay upright and continue the play after tackles.
  9. These things tend to swing like a pendulum. In the USA, the Obama presidency and corresponding progressive times (OMG a black president?!?!) piled up enough that we're seeing a knee-jerk conservative, xenophobic, racist reaction (that also helped allow the rise and election of Trump).
  10. sooo when you opened up the server it must have been held together by essines's hair, jedy's ball hair, and xelah's bike chain?
  11. This is unbelievably fucking stupid. The COVID virus is about 100 nm in diameter, a stinky mercaptan molecule is roughly 500 pm or 0.5 nm. That's 200x smaller. That's like if you scaled up a mercaptan molecule to fit through a doorway (2m) and then tried to shove a common TV or radio tower, or a double-sized Colosseum (400m) through it. Yeah, it ain't gonna fit. This is also why masks won't suffocate you, duh. I know this lady is a total fucking twat, but shouldn't the rest of these idiots in Congress (who are in charge of public / health policy) be required to take some basic form of science education?
  12. I can foresee him doing this to ultimately try to martyr himself as what he sees as a champion of "free speech". Buy Twitter, get rid of bots (yeah, right), let Trump and others like him back, people leave in droves / protest, he gets to say he's fighting for "free speech" against the woke mafia, while feeling like he's fighting for what he pervertedly sees as a higher cause.
  13. I was lucky enough to be at this show and when the booming drone kicks in at around 46:00 - 47:00 I swear I had an out-of-body experience.
  14. This is really the only way to get him on his heels, ignore him or better yet relegate him to unimportant.
  15. Is there a possibility that this prediction of a red wave was a concerted deception with the goal of setting up the MAGA base for a letdown, creating rifts and giving excuses to blame and begin to turn on Trump? It seemed to come about all of a sudden... IIRC, election predictions were pretty mild and then all of a sudden they were like, "oh shit, a red wave is coming!", and I could never figure out what data they used to determine that. If so, kudos to the people involved but Occam's razor says that probably wasn't the case.
  16. Are you kidding? He would never pass up a chance to get his fugly face in front of people.
  17. If it's a smaller, less-known artist then I generally try to pay $10-15 for a full album and $5-7 for an EP.
  18. Blanket hostile country with methane earth farts Fire Soros space laser at said methane cloud Earth fart ignites Profit
  19. No, this is looking at Earth (man-made) farts from space.
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