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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Halve war spending - I agree, the US should reduce its military budget, and should disentangle itself from many of the international "policing actions"/wars that it is currently in. So now you have a large number of people that no longer have a job, and will have difficulty finding anything that paid nearly as well as the military, when you include the benefits. What do you propose to do with them? Send them to college, which is free, for four years? Free college for all - where's the causation to the rest of that chain of events? What numbers are you predicting for an increase in doctors, researchers etc etc. Will the number of doctors in rural america increase (which is where they are most needed). As the number of doctors increases, under universal healthcare, the government pays for doctors, so the cost of healthcare will actually go up, as the number of doctors billing the government will increase. Those medical device/pharmaceutical researchers need to be employed - are corporations that are now paying more in taxes (I'm assuming you're including payroll tax in there) likely to hire new employees? Which corporations are you taxing? All of them, or do they have to employ a certain number of people, have a certain amount of revenue, etc. etc.? Will higher corporate taxes induce corporations to set up shop elsewhere in the world? I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying it's not so simple as saying "increase corporate taxes and things will magically work out."
  2. Infant mortality rate in Indonesia is way higher than in the US, and life expectancy in the US is substantially higher, so probably not. Although there are mitigating factors such as the high prevalence of tobacco usage in Indonesia. Still, the attempt to implement universal health care in Indonesia could be instructive, as like the US, there is a large population with widespread socioeconomic disparities. Doing some more reading on it now (not that reading about it will solve anything but still, good to have a more informed view - learning more about the situation in Canada as a result too, so that's a nice bonus).
  3. Nice pithy quote that has nothing to do with the situation. Since all you have to do is raise taxes on corporations, let’s hear your plan.
  4. I hate to break it to you, but health insurance companies in Canada are not charities. And because dental and prescription drugs are not covered by provincial insurance plans, private insurance is still an important part of the overall health care package. As well, there are limits (obviously) on what the provincial insurance seems reasonable for coverage, so for example, something like physiotherapy can be quite expensive. Because the provincial health insurance covers a limited amount of physio, many people take out additional insurance through private insurers.
  5. All well and good, and Medicaid is a state/federal hybrid similar to what Canada has. The problem right now is that the federal government funds more than 90%, and expanding that to the remaining 300M people in the US will get very costly very quickly. I am not in the healthcare industry, don’t have much savings and certainly no large capital investments. I’m not arguing that health care isn’t a basic universal right. I’m saying that simply saying “healthcare for all!” with no plan in place for how to accomplish that will lead to a whole lot of wasted time and broken promises. I have other concerns regarding Bernie (his stance on free trade) but while MFA seems like a really simple thing to solve, it clearly isn’t. So you might want someone who is a bit pragmatic about the issue. Maybe that is Bernie, but maybe not: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/10/18304448/bernie-sanders-medicare-for-all
  6. I'd say in the US, it should be on state-by-state basis (cause really, as goDel says, the population is too big for it to be managed at a federal level), but there should be some federal regulations for at least baseline care. I know up here in commie Canada, our health care costs are eminently reasonable, and the model is somewhat like that (a mixture of provincial and federal government involvement). Dental and pharmaceutical isn't covered by Medicare, but rather through insurance (mine is paid for by my employer). I bitch about some dental costs, but I'm not going bankrupt over them. Interestingly, expanding Medicaid into the insurance space could raise significant challenges through GATS and NAFTA as foreign investors in American health insurance could seek trade remedies if those business interests were diminished through health reform. It's a complex issue, and there is no easy fix.
  7. Does anyone else get a strong Undertow vibe from the vox in 7empest?
  8. Still enjoying the fuck out of this. Moreso in fact, now that the lyrics are starting to sink into my consciousness. Some will say this Tool by the numbers, and I agree, but the numbers are transcendental and surreal.
  9. Kamloops is a great town. Loved heading up there when I lived in Van. my fws (might be fwp) - became a first time home-owner......
  10. Did Steve King just brag about having 103 people attend his town hall?
  11. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    Richard Newby, an opposition member in the upper chamber, said the Conservative Party dropped its opposition after realizing it was “looking stupid.” “There was a realization by those on the other side that this was more than usually stupid, and they were looking stupid, and we needed to find a way forward,” he told BBC Radio.
  12. chenGOD

    Brexit :(

    To be fair - some of the rich will be a great deal richer because of a no-deal brexit. https://bylinetimes.com/2019/03/13/the-disaster-capitalism-club-vote-leave-backers-who-made-billions-from-brexit/ https://bylinetimes.com/2019/03/18/the-disaster-capitalism-club-part-2-sir-paul-marshall-and-michael-gove/ https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/business-economics/multimillionaire-pro-brexit-backer-makes-300m-bet-against-british-business/05/08/ https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/boris-johnson-bid-for-no-10-backed-by-billionaire-who-makes-money-from-political-volatility/29/10/ Also I quite like this graph:
  13. She’s getting roasted on Twitter. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lass.
  14. I enjoyed the fuck out of this on both listens so far. 7empest is brilliant to turn up and drive around late at night.
  15. Oren Ambarchi remains one of my faves: As does stabilo (speakergainteardrop) drawing drone 8.17 by stabilo (speaker gain teardrop) Also, how the fuck do you embed a bandcamp track on here? The bandcamp link thingy is useless.
  16. Because you looked up the company name on Wikipedia. Well done. The logo has always been with the lower case “i”.
  17. Imagine wanting to nuke a hurricane. “Hey you know what would be a great thing to throw into something that has the force of a 200megaton explosion but is moving? RADIATION!” as if Florida doesn’t have enough problems.
  18. Yeah that would be about right for the price. Can't fit my whole family on a bike though, at least not one that can do 0-60 in 3.8s.
  19. I’m overcome with consumerist lust for this: https://mobile.guideautoweb.com/en/articles/52159/2020-audi-rs-6-avant-is-coming-to-canada/
  20. Cocaine in Canada is about the same as in the UK, and you can get decent pints here for about 4 quid. No records though. It’s a bit wank that way.
  21. There is plenty of legal fentanyl made in the US, and to be honest, virtually 100% of the illicit fentanyl in North America comes from China. The thing is though, this order of trump’s will do nothing to stop the flow of it. Sadly, the fentanyl crisis will end like the crack cocaine crisis; when all the fentanyl users are dead. This is also a reason to buy your weed/other drugs from dealers you trust, or regulated sources if you live in a state or country where marijuana has been made legal.
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