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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Of course they are. This motherfucker is probably authorizing more cause he thinks people will see him as a wartime president or some bullshit like that. Thinking about innocent Syrians dying because of this fucking incompetent tool is the worst thing out of all this. If there is a hell, Drumpf is headed straight for the 9th circle.
  2. Obviously the affairs are simply a way to get into the meaty business of money laundering.
  3. I always work out at night. Keeps me burning fat at night plus muscles recover faster when sleeping. If you’re going for five days a week (I might suggest easing into it), muscle recovery will be key. Obviously, YMMV.
  4. Possibly, but he’s never been under this kind of scrutiny. Before, he was just an asshat celebrity. Now he’s an asshat president, and serious people pay attention to what the president does...
  5. This series of tweets is incredible for so many reasons. The biggest though - is that's his defense for the raid on Cohen's office? "BAD!"?? I'm trying to think of the evidence they must have shown to the judge for him to authorize the warrants to go into the fucking President of the United States' lawyer's office. Solicitor-client privilege is a tough nut to crack in the US (impossible in Canada), so it's got to be something really fucking juicy. And Trumpelstiltskin's defence is "BAD!" FLOL i hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life.
  6. And yet they spelled it correctly on the jar below (same company) and on the price sticker for the supermarket. I’m inclined to say photoshop...
  7. Aside from the wall bullshit (which granted is her main point), she seems almost reasonable here. I agree with her that his only chance is appeasing his base, but I also agree with the interviewer that he's fucked anyway. What seems reasonable about her here? The cognitive dissonance she must go through to come up with the answers she does around Trump and women has got to be off the chain. Also, let’s hope the former trumpers (formpers? frumpers?) continue to split the Republican base.
  8. We all know the real reason trump is meeting Kim Jeong Un- how to MAMPGA? (Make American Military Parades Great Again) After all, no one does them quite like the Norks.
  9. That was very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I have some very useful groups on facebook that bring together people from all over the world on certain topics. I guess a return to newsgroups?
  11. lol i hear ya...all my closest friends of a similar age have kids. i’m also married and own a house so have no excuses. maybe i just don’t want kids...i think i do, like, i like them and that. think i’m just being lazy. i need to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. It's weird though, because ever since my friend told me he's going to be a father, the thought of becoming a father myself has been growing on me. But what freaks me out though is the thought of getting my freedom robbed. For instance, if I get a kid I wouldn't be able to work the way I do right now. At the moment I get up around 8 am and work until somewhere between 4 pm and 2 am. And I love doing that. I love working during the weekends as well because those are the days where I know I won't get interrupted while working on something. And I love the fact that I can be spontaneous and do whatever the hell pleases me. Also, the idea of my girlfriend's manic depressive and schizo mom getting near my kid freaks me out. Fuck. If you have any doubts, don’t. Guaranteed to lose the next 6 years of your life. I have no regrets with having my little one, cause I’d stopped making music at the time. But man it takes it right out of you, unless you have a partner willing to do everything (I don’t think that’s fair or right as a father, but just my opinion), you won’t have time or energy to do all the creative stuff you want to do.
  12. I need this gif to be made: Kim Jong Un approaches Trump. Kim reaches up to unzip his bodysuit and Stone Cold Steve Austin steps out, sprays beer everywhere and throws a tremendous stunner on Trump. Fade to black. ~fin~
  13. I met the Swedish Ambassador last time I was there. Giant of a man. Very friendly too. I'd say the likely place for the meeting will be the DMZ. Symbolic, easily accessible by all (no air travel for Kim Jong Un), and easily cleared for security reasons.
  14. Impressive volume from Carra. Still, both Carra and the father are utter knobs.
  15. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/pretend-house-investigation-over-trump-declared-innocent.html Good work team! Now we can all go home. Lol what a fucking shitshow.
  16. Menhele effects direct to email sounds like William Basinski track title.
  17. Last time I drank absinthe I split a bottle with a friend in Tokyo drinking shots in between sips of beer. We were not popular with the natives.
  18. not sure which is worse tbh. Although i guess you don't want a noob surgeon cutting into you.
  19. So that's how they're balancing the budget lol.
  20. Fucking studying on a Sunday for an interview tomorrow for a promotion. Blech.
  21. Lol S03 was great. Just finished it. E08 was incredible. Some of the best TV I’ve ever seen. Out of all the things I noticed in terms of Lynchian motifs, the final episode when they’re driving, does Lynch have other scenes where they’re on the road at night and other cars exist? I’m trying to think of any but my memory is almost as bad as diatoms. Anyways S03 ranks very highly. The only qualm I have with it is the way Tammy was played. Just made her seem like a terrible actress.
  22. I mean, I can’t lie. At work the other day this girl on the phone was explaining some details on a spreadsheet. I never wanted her to stop.
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