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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. 9. The test is stupid though. Like this question: 16. I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can’t pursue. I have strong interests, but I don't get upset if I can't pursue them. 22. I find it hard to make new friends. It's not hard to make new friends, but at 40, I have no real interest in making new friends. 1. I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. Depends on the others involved. etc etc.
  2. lol take over the stereo and throw some Exai on those beaches.
  3. chenGOD


    they have a streaming service? or are you just talking about being able to stream stuff with their applet on the purchase page? The stream is so low quality ( i think even lower than soundcloud) its hard for me to imagine someone ordering something off bandcamp only to not download it or not store the files on a proper device. I guess im just too old for this cloud shit What format/quality are the streams on Bandcamp? They’re MP3-128s. However, if you’re in the app and on wifi, items you’ve purchased stream as MP3-V0s (~250kbit/s on average). I still download them in lossless, but for when I'm out and about their streaming service is fine.
  4. chenGOD

    Now Reading

    "The Forgotten Army" - comprised pretty much solely of a British serviceman's letter home from his time stationed in Burma. Nice easy reading so far.
  5. stable non-violent individuals living in a tyrannical police state. Just like you guys have in Australia amirite? Yeeehaw Tex! they're working on taking away our rights chen, don't you worry about that, we're just calmly letting it all happen. We already have some terrible anti-terror legislation, indefinite detention, not allowed to tell anyone that you were even imprisoned and the media and your lawyer aren't either. We've just started data retention, on board with the TPP and so on and so forth. What's happening chen is that they are whilst we are calm, laying the foundations and building the walls of our prison, so that when we realise 'wtf', it'll be too late, no guns to rebel, no ability to say no when someone wants to force medication in to you, no legal recourse if you're being targeted as a dissenter, no cash to stop our bank accounts from getting plundered when a phoney crisis hits. We'll be fucked. I've been hearing this for a long time, and yet here you are, still free to dissent away.
  6. stable non-violent individuals living in a tyrannical police state. Just like you guys have in Australia amirite? Yeeehaw Tex!
  7. get that goddamned hand-egg out of here. (nice tache though)
  8. Although officers were unwilling to comment for the article, one was reportedly overheard saying "sorry, eh."
  9. Re: idiot in Arizona - some of the comments on this article are ridiculous in their overt racism. Yes I know it's breitbart, but still, UU Tee Eff.
  10. I use facebook to stay in touch with friends spread throughout the world and am part of a private group that has some of the best North Korea analysts in the world. Also use Twitter to follow various journalists, policy makers and a couple of official government accounts.
  11. If the author of that letter wasn't on any lists before, he is now. Amirite?
  12. Figure out what apt number it is and pay them a visit? And then pee on their welcome mat!
  13. All well and good, but since people are (partially) made up of their ideas, when you antagonize their ideas and beliefs, you are antagonizing them.
  14. we agree on that but i think we disagree on the reasonable-ness of the people being offended by a drawing Where did I ever say it was reasonable to be offended by a drawing? I don't get it anymore than you do. But do unto other as you would have done unto you. I'm sure you don't appreciate people coming up to you and mocking you for whatever you happen to believe in. People are what they believe. Or do you discount Popper? Ideas have physical manifestation.
  15. Sure I can agree with that (your list in response to Timothy Forward). But again, the problem in provoking people and creating a climate of fear around them in general is that if you expect them to take it lying down you might get surprised. Does me going up to you in a bar week in, week out and drunkenly insulting your beliefs repeatedly give you the right to punch me in the face? Not at all. Should I be surprised when you do? Not at all. You are ignoring the imminent part of the decision. If you say that while being armed and there being a history of people getting killed for making jokes about Clark being disabled then there is an imminent chance of lawless action. A decent column on the issue of hate speech here: http://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_education/initiatives_awards/students_in_action/debate_hate.html
  16. Yes well, in my idealized world, I'd be just a little bit taller. But since we live in the real world... Oh and btw, we might want to refer to Brandenberg v. Ohio here.
  17. Sure fine, we agree - people are idiots about blasphemy. Do you think this protest is a good idea?
  18. they are literally just drawing pictures of a person fuck's sake Yeah why don't you show up to that "protest" and just literally draw some pictures of bikers having sex with each other. Wearing a shirt that says "Fuck Bikers". Oh and make sure you're armed. Get back to us on that one will you? Not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone but I think it's important to point out that there is a pretty big difference between religion restricting their first amendment and personal attacks (like drawing pictures of bikers fucking each other). In essence they are both just drawings but the point is that religion shouldn't restrict non participants rights, not that you can do whatever you want without consequence. Absolutely agree - religion (group think) shouldn't restrict non-participant's rights. Also agree you can't do whatever you want without consequence. Which is why it's not a good idea to draw insulting cartoons of bikers outside a known biker bar, just like it's not a good idea to draw insulting cartoons of Muhammed outside a mosque. Look, you might not agree with muslims, or bikers, but if they're not hurting you or affecting your life in any way (and I can only assume that living in calgary, you have a higher chance of running into idiot bikers than idiot muslims, that's certainly the case in Edmonton and vancouver), then leave them the fuck alone. By the way: just in case anyone thinks that only muslims get upset when you make mocking images of their spiritual leader: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piss_Christ#Reception
  19. they are literally just drawing pictures of a person fuck's sake Yeah why don't you show up to that "protest" and just literally draw some pictures of bikers having sex with each other. Wearing a shirt that says "Fuck Bikers". Oh and make sure you're armed. Get back to us on that one will you?
  20. Armed Arizona biker gang to draw cartoons of Mohammed outside mosque on Friday: http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/05/28/armed-bikers-plan-to-draw-cartoons-of-mohammed-outside-a-mosque-in-arizona/ What could possibly go wrong? I mean how fucking stupid is this. You think they would just laugh if someone started pissing on their bikes and said it was "free speech"? Yeah those bikers, always known for their tolerant views on diversity. You would think with all the discrimination bikers face in society they would have some iota of fucking understanding of what it's like to be a minority. Fuck's sake.
  21. Are the situations pre-determined or can WATMM create the situations for you?
  22. *Hands over $20 for ticket, buys a $35 popcorn/small cola combo and puts on 3d glasses.
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