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Everything posted by Berk

  1. Berk

    Now Reading

    Just finished Bel-Ami, thought it was overrated in the end though It's been a few years since I read the book, but now that I think back on it, I do remember the ending being pretty bad compared to the rest of the novel. So it's definitely not just you thinking that ah ok, good to hear!
  2. only 7 more days until we can enjoy this masterpiece omg I seriously thought it was a pisstake for the first couple of minutes Just watched River's Edge (1986) myself. 8/10
  3. Berk

    Now Reading

    Man, the ending to Anna Karenina is a bit of a disappointment, anyone agree? Or am I missing something? Gotta say I agree with this article: http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2010/feb/01/anna-karenina-ending Now reading: Bel-Ami by Maupassant. Really nice read and it reads fast too I feel. About 70 pages in I think.
  4. watmm didn't need a funny pictures thread in the past for it to be funny anyway
  5. Avril Altdelay sounds like the ending to a really good movie
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lkFPW7uHqs
  7. thanks Audioblysk :) yeah great page of pics, nice job all
  8. nick drake - voice from the mountain so fucking great :(
  9. gear that won't fucking sync. or midi > sync converter that won't fucking work i don't know and catched a cold
  10. Ah, it's from the people who did Gemini Rue. I really need to play that game again now that I have an iPad yeah brilliant game i.e. technobabylon
  11. True wattumer right there I'm sitting next to a programmer who tells me the shortest and most nonsensical stories ever. Every time I ask a follow up question to keep the conversation going he answers by nodding or shaking his head - and that's where the conversation ends. *nods*
  12. Berk

    Now Reading

    really nice book. which translation do you have? yeah definitely. translated to dutch by Wils Huisman
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