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Everything posted by Alcofribas

  1. tbh new music plays less and less of a role in my musical discoveries each year. idk why this is, exactly. like d-lo, this year i listened to a lot less music and found less new stuff than previously. however...without doubt the music i listened to the most in 2022 is Motionfield, so i'd say his record Injection would have to be up there for me for AOTY. "Injection 7" plays when you go to heaven. another strong contender for most-listened to is Posle Vsego. this guy is amazing and i need more from him. to round out my trilogy for sure deepchord's Functional Designs is something i've come to over and over again since i first heard it. imo the best deepchord album - totally immersive. Skeemask ISS007. beautiful Zane Trow Traces. glad this guy is releasing music again! Purelink Puredub i am in the 90s again and it rules MPU102 is lush. i did not enjoy the tracks with beats as much as i did on the first LP but the synth tunes on here are super nice. Cristobal Tapia de Veer Smile Soundtrack bruh this was surprisingly good Space Dimension Controller Tiraguon Recordings Vol. 1 hell yeah dude. that break down at 2:49 in Tiraquon Acid Funk goddamn i'm cum Jodey Kendrick Village of the Damn Fine i mean, yeah. honestly, this is more than i thought i'd be able to come up with. from 2021 that i didn't get into or hear until 2022: Wil Bolton Cumulus Sketches this is literally music for floating in the clouds Ocean Moon Adventures in the Rainbow Vortex Datassette Zetex The Night Monitor Perception Report 3 Matthew Herbert Musca sometimes cringe but when it bangs it bangs
  2. Great recommendation. “Light of Worlds” is a fave of mine: absolutely gorgeous warm layers of instruments, serving some incredible compositions.
  3. No, not at all. I think good music sounds good on a low budget. I do have nice headphones and a small home recording studio which is where I listen to music when I’m really trying to appreciate mixes and productions and stuff but it’s very much a “bedroom studio.”
  4. From a production standpoint I’d say the mid-late 70s is among my favorite eras. I think there was a really high level of musicianship and production coming together off the tail end of some of the experiments and technological developments from the years prior that just hit such a peak then. I can listen to albums I don’t even like from the 70s and just be totally amazed by how cool they sound. Like, I can’t stand Yes but the other day I was listening to random tracks and just being like Goddamn every instrument sounds so nice and rich and placed perfectly in the mix here. I think this is why I get such a boner for Syro, I think this is Rdj in a kind of 70s-esque mode of production - lots of lush gear used to make this rich realm of production.
  5. from my perspective i do not buy into this vision of musk as a visionary for the future. e.g., whatever impact he has had on EV he has simultaneously used his influence to undercut public transportation programs that could likely have a greater impact in this area than selling teslas. he has done this through deception and manipulation of the public/markets. that's about him being a megalomaniac who wants to monopolize the future, not just benevolently provide for humanity. i think the $44 billion purchase of twitter is a further example of exerting his wealth to expand his dominance on society with intention to mold it after his own image rather than open it to a more "free" future. his tenure has made it very apparent that he is a political reactionary, a liar, and more or less a buffoon. i don't think the billionaires are going to save us! edit: agree to disagree though. you're position is thought out and inoffensive to me so we're just some lads posting here in lushness imo
  6. This is kind of weird to watch. Your contributions to this thread consistently attempt to portray Musk to Cool Car Guy and minimize his life’s work of being a total asshole. “people he was standing near.” Yeah man, Jared Kushner happens to be there, Musk wasn’t even aware he was there bc he was using his Brain to focus on the automotive industry and commercial space flight only. Hobnobbing with vile, corrupt political reactionaries is not something he would do, totally out of character for him, merely a coincidence. he made some mistakes on twitter dot com but basically he’s a benevolent car ceo. come on lol
  7. Alcofribas


    I spent a long time - indeed, an embarrassingly long time - hanging on to my marriage. I so wish I could go back in time and tell myself to gtfo so much sooner than I actually did. There’s an inertia that’s very easy to give into, the gravity of just doing the thing you’ve been doing, staying still, resisting the change. Once I let myself go the route of change it happened pretty quickly that I felt myself moving in the right direction, finally.
  8. Was fun for the first 5-10% then became insanely tedious and drawn out, endlessly cycling through gags and bits with the exact same point. Movie felt 8 hours long. The constant happy endings were cloying and irritating (every possible multiverse is just relationships that work out wow) and the ultimate “it is what it is” acceptance felt completely unearned after like 6 hours of goofy ass action scenes.
  9. Alcofribas


    Best not to even entertain questions like this. I recommend withdrawing from the temptation to analyze her intentions. I also recommend against leaving out the letter or any other tactics to convince her to change her mind. if you are hanging on to some chance that she may reverse her decision, two things to consider: 1. She’s likely not going to be tempted by appeals to the past. She wants something different now, so any chance at all that you’ll get back together would have to come from something different between you. 2. If you do get back together both of you will have to deal with this rift between you which is a lot of emotional baggage that could absolutely sink the relationship later on. imo best to just consider this a done deal, it’s already happening, don’t hold on to the past. Again, idk you or your specifics but this is my advise from having gone through it and knowing many others who have. I’ve literally never heard anyone say they wanted a divorce but then changed their mind bc their spouse pointed out some old letter or other thing from the past.
  10. i only listen to releases in limited edition silver cases so i will likely miss this one
  11. The next album will be a Download. digital files.
  12. he already said several weeks ago they were looking for someone to replace him, this is just posting buffoonery
  13. Alcofribas


    Godspeed. Keep us updated if you want. Could be good to have the forum as a space to just unload and look at sick memes and stuff
  14. Alcofribas


    Not sure how much this will be of use so we don’t know each other personally. A few years ago I got divorced after 8 years (9.5 year relationship). Presently, at age 40, I feel overall the best I’ve ever felt about myself and my life. I am by no means a successful person and have many struggles but I am much more comfortable with who I am, as they say. Divorce was a crucial element in this. At first, ending a marriage feels overwhelming and impossible. How could you possibly go through such an upheaval, such a radical change? But this is actually a kind of opening into a potentially more strengthened relationship to your self. In a way, this intensity is like the first blast after which things honestly while gradually slow down, with time. There will be ebbs and flows but the process is already underway. You are surviving, and will survive. It might be helpful to tell yourself that at this moment millions of people are experiencing this, an incomprehensibly huge number have done so over time. And really, mostly everyone gets through it. Almost every one I’ve ever known who has gone through divorce is happy for it in the end. It is human, and can be humanizing. I know it probably feels intensely personal and scary but you’ll be ok man. It’s hard to advise anything specific but in a broad sense I would say give yourself time, let yourself flow with time. Get shit done, there will be lots to do and take care of. But you gotta let the process unfold almost like a natural phenomenon. Importantly, be kind to yourself. If you can, treat yourself like someone you have to care for. Idk what this means for you - maybe it’s hitting the ground running and exercising your muscle or maybe it’s resting and convalescing. In any case, don’t let the demons come crawling in to tell you all kinds of bad shit about yourself or the future. Maybe it’ll get messy emotionally but that’s totally fine and normal. When you get sick you get messy - coughing everywhere, snot pouring out your nose, skin changing color, itching, whatever. Same kinda thing happening with a big emotionally and physical separation like this - stuff’s gonna be all weird and out of whack but you just let it happen until one day you realize you already turned the corner and you’re already confidently walking on a new street. Also, you’ll find people who have been through this. You’ll feel like you’re the freak until you realize tons and tons of people can relate. idk man, dunno if this is connecting or anything. I will say that for as hard as it is right now, ultimately it’s a liberation. You are getting a new opportunity to become who you are and this is the moment where you’ll get to know yourself in a new light. Be nice to the person you meet in that light bc you’re gonna be on a journey together. Take advantage of any friends and family around who are good to you, let them help you out. Reach out if you need help, there’s no shame in that. Whoever is in your life that you love, let that love do its thing. But you’ll be good, brother.
  15. lmao this is both impossible to watch and impossible to stop watching. the guy is bad now
  16. Thanks for the reply. A few things I’d like to observe. First of all, the notion that Silicon Valley or the MSM is left wing is demonstrably false. Technocrats might lean liberal democrat (idk) but in no way is this a community concerned with basic tenants of leftist politics. The premise of Taibbi’s and Weissms threads, that twitter is more likely or willing to take down content if asked by dems - this simply isn’t demonstrated. Providing a handful of examples that they sort of did this proves nothing at all. Even with the Biden laptop stuff, they made a call to remove it, then after talking back and forth, they reversed this decision literally the next day. This just doesn’t amount to a bias, because it’s extremely selective data, we don’t have anything like the full picture whatsoever. If we did, I am confident we would see leftist content getting removed constantly, probably even more so than right wing stuff. Bc let’s face it, the right wing is way more popular than the left. furthermore, to me this is not even a scandal or anything. The idea that corporate executives are making such calls is totally normal and twitter has been very open that they restrict content. If Elon wants to end so-called “secret groups” of executives colluding with journalists to control content on social media, well fuck me he’s doing the exact same thing! If he and he journalist lackeys are serious, they should be transparent and release the information, not filter highly controlled morsels to boost traction on social media.
  17. this is all quite a reach, brother. for starters, there is not evidence that there is a left-bias on twitter. elon certain has provided none. sure, he says there is overwhelming evidence of this, but that's it - he's simply saying it but not demonstrating it. it's the same thing as him saying "technically, 90% percent of the crowd was cheering for me and only 10% was booing." yeah man, i love technicalities. he has one of the best scientific brains here. if we take the "Twitter Files" (lol) as an attempt to demonstrate such a bias, we come out empty-handed. so far the Files (lol) have been a hodge-podge assortment of anecdotes which do not in any way paint a picture with broad implications. they are almost entirely without context, the "journalists" have not done any real reporting (for example, interviewing the relevant subjects), and often their smoking gun examples are little more than internal emails among twitter staff letting right-wing accounts remain on the platform despite repeated violations. what is more, they ignore essential information about what they are discussing: taibbi refusing to acknowledge the censored links he provided were literally photos of hunter biden's dick stolen from his laptop; an entire The Files (lol) about removing Trump from the platform that does not mention Jan 6 and devolves into anti-muslim bullshit, etc. I mean the whole things is beyond cringe on its face: a billionaire ceo handpicks journalists who he will share certain private information with, they are only allowed to share this information in the form of twitter threads, and there is no transparency whatsoever about this process. This is not an attempt to "balance" anything, it's brute propaganda. indeed, this is way more like the behavior of fox news than the kind of liberal internal politics of twitter before musk bc he actually needs there to be divisive political biases for him to conduct himself in this manner. additionally, musk is consistently using the platform to spread falsehoods and conspiracies about this and many other things. he's doing the same trumpian thing of just blatantly lying about stuff and slandering people in a completely unaccountable manner. he is (again!) calling someone a pedophile on twitter, in this case in what can only be seen as an openly homophobic manner. and this is after sharing an openly homophobic conspiracy about paul pelosi being attacked by his gay lover. there is not even a semblance of balance to any of this, not a shred of evidence that he's being serious at all. he's acting like a cartoon bully and using his massive money and influence to target "the left" for the same reason people like trump or jd vance or MTG do this - it makes them feel powerful and it puts cash in their hands. he's no more sincere about this than he is about creating a "hyperloop" or any of the other bullshit developments he's always lying about. he knows very well that divisive politics is all america has and he knows that there is never any accountability for using politics to incite people and, importantly, keep them hooked to social media apps. he's not "just posting his random thoughts" he's being a massive asshole by using his billions and increased power over social media to manipulate people and act like a demagogue. edit: imo
  18. also, i tried watching michael bay's the ambulance. idk why i did this. i had seen some reviews on letterbox that seemed to be recommending it but i think these were pretentious film snobs pretending to like something bad or whatever. my bad. kind of unbelievable that you can write a movie like this. this movie has been made thousands of times. my family is dying, i can't pay the bills. let me ask my friend if he has some honest work for me. oh he only has crime work, he needs one more guy, i'm done with that shit man i have a wife and kids, ok i'll do it bc i'm desperate. then there's a really annoying drone shot of like, a drone flipping over a building or something. then the actual bank heist takes place almost totally off screen. we see a banker just go "ok guys here it is $35 million go ahead and take it." then the most horrible Not Heat shoot out takes place where dudes with machine guns are just blasting cops in broad daylight. i stopped watching at that point.
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