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Everything posted by Alcofribas

  1. this looks good but I’ve always avoided it bc it’s impossible for me to think of that guy as any character other than the one he plaid on the cosby show
  2. Unlikely…but that will leave him with merely $150billion so yeah it’ll be really devastating for him *crying* I hate when I only have certain billions
  3. as with all things elon, i find this all extremely annoying and cringe. he's delighting in the fact that he's creating chaos, playing out the role of this uniquely powerful visionary, getting people even more hooked to the platform (gonna guess very few people are actually leaving at this vibrant moment where like every trending tweet is basically "lol elon"). there's basically no downside for him here, everyone who challenges him will just be fired and if by some chance twitter does fail he'll just blame the libs or something and it'll be a kind of gawker/thiel scenario with him remaining extraordinarily rich and powerful no matter the outcome. one can see clearly from his behavior over the many years that he's convinced of his own genius, this is just another playground for him to act out that fantasy. and now it's all eyes on elon. so yeah, fuck him.
  4. Been listening to this a lot, it’s lush af. fitting in nicely with my autumn listening of Gas..
  5. yeah Imo just pay what you want and don’t worry about the etiquette. I think artists putting out their music with that option really just want people to hear their shit. also, the idea that the pay what you want model makes it appear that the music is without value is very lame to me. extremely boomer shit.
  6. lushness, some very satisfying fuzzy sounds on this
  7. so, he hasn't exposed anything about the music industry.
  8. I know you’re consistently wrong about everything but I’m curious, what has Kanye exposed about the music industry?
  9. sad state of our culture when someone is regarded as a genius for boilerplate trollish comments/behavior, being generally just kinda annoying at celebrity events, and making regular pop music albums. this is literally a billionaire doing a trigger the libs routine, it’s lame as hell lmao
  10. rendezvous on champs elysees leave paris in the morning with TEE
  11. “Sir, I had to shoot, I thought he was aiming an unbalanced cable at me”
  12. feel like he needs a desk like this to fit the record players
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