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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. I surprised she didn't call it "shit". are you implying that The Big Ship is shit? sombre reptiles best track in agw st. elmo's fire dawg. but actually that album is flawless and the big ship is amazing but only works after in dark trees
  2. lol i am drunk and sweaty in that pic ay carumba great to see watmm people on NYE! thnx for posting! also these are cute
  3. no i think he meant the fucking excellent acid house line
  4. Should I complain? And who should I complain to? Bleep or rephlex?
  5. well the second one took some doing but it appeared and then sort of ripped. but no on the first disc. BOOO argakjshaksdfjsd
  6. if i was rich i would have fucking great fashion. but instead it's my seven banana republic black tshirts and my two uniqlo regular dark jeans.
  7. anyone get any cool gifts? my sis got me a series of incredible 1960s ads of steel, chrome, chairs, lamps whatnot from architectural magazines. the typefaces! the drawings! the architecture! *cums*
  8. my CDs came and they're all fucked up and wont read on my computer ARGHAG
  9. ur middle finger looks out of proportion. it's huge! or is your ring finger just super shrimpy. sorry this has nothing to do with how i think of you as a person squee
  10. oh my gaaauahghhfghdfhgdhhhhhhhrrewwaaaaa did you stick you finger in a can opener?
  11. i was about to comment that you are looking pretty good here, but I realized that isn't the proper adjective. You look awesome. I mean deserving of awe. Like, if you walked down the street past me like that, I'd turn to my buddy/girl/whatever and say "That guy is a badass." Amazing ego boost, thanks i would have to second this
  12. i completely hate this argument. What the fuck is it? Do you have no curiosity as a human?
  13. i worked the hardest i ever did and my grades weren't *as* good as I had hoped. I don't really care THAT much about grades, but I'm slightly peeved.
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