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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. fucking lol ooof i think i just hate that kind of music, nothing against him personally
  2. that sync was fun! forgot how good incunabula was. anyway no exai yet but I'm not getting blue balls about it. #pontiuspartridge
  3. drive reunion with f murray abraham. I"M IN too bad i hate country music
  4. i mean i give props to awepittance for calling this like three years ago wow google alerts and all
  5. just watched the one with joe pesci and the twins. lol great one wtf? i watched that one about 3 days ago too. i mentioned to my gf that they looked like thinner-yellow-teethed versions of julia roberts. are you hiding out @ my place? we're.... twins.
  6. just watched the one with joe pesci and the twins. lol great one
  7. Some people just come across as more trustworthy than others. And to me, that's enough reason to feel justified believing pixelives's testimony (as opposed to, let's just say, gl0tch's or Awepittance's). You on the other hand seem more concerned with proving yourself right and others wrong than sharing in the kiosk circlejerk in a spirit of brotherhood. So if people believe pixelives more than you, it's your own fault. Be nicer and I think people will be more prone to take your word on things. ding!
  8. too much officious "fact-based" proving going on ITT. I demand unclear speculations and assumptions based on lushness only please
  9. new girls was good edit: not new girl, but the new season of girls
  10. yes it was really charming and bizarre. Perfectly represented the unique and peculiar cross-cultural exchange that exists between south africa and the rest of the anglo world. Not my style of music *at all* but i'm south african and my grandpa was an anti apartheid fighter at that time who owned those records so i guess I was more interested/invested in the story? Anyway I really liked it. It's not incredible cinematically but it's such a great story that is doesn't really matter.
  11. It was substanceless in a pornographic sense, so I kinda like your statement. It was too damn gorgeous for its own good because it wasn't good at all. Still, it was fun to look at and listen to. I think I'd have enjoyed it even more without the asinine over-the-top violence. yeah if we're talking about carey mulligan's dimples and ryan's biceps then yes it was too gorgeous for it's own good. if we're talking pretty bad CGI gore then.... no.. no not at all.
  12. this is my fav episode thanks for reminding me
  13. yes! That was on last night. jesus it's too good! also Napoleon Dynamite was on last night. Still good, definitely not as good as I remember. Case study in losers. Everyone and everything (including Idaho) in that movie falls under the category of "loser" for different reasons. Maybe it's not a very good movie
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