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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by xox

  1. exai goodt. where's l-event?
  2. oh god oh god no live tour this year but a live EP *asplodes*
  3. Shit yes. Not completely algorithmic but placed on its wings could be an interesting starting point.
  4. L-Event like L-System? More of algorithmic shit? Just bring it on!
  5. Let me do the Pulp Fiction ripoff for this moron: ''I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.''
  6. I just finished my track for the rogue planet compilation.
  7. Me? No, no... Kanye. I wouldn't use such words on a brother watmm-er.
  8. Why is this moron so often here?!
  9. Compassion is the basis of morality.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Cheesy quote: "mozzarella cheddar brie parmesan"

    3. MadameChaos


      Arthur Two Sheds Schopenhauer

    4. xox


      bingo! :)

  10. Blade-lores. The name could be coming from lores~ MSP object (lowpass filter with a sharp cutoff/resonance; sharp=>blade).
  11. ...and here he is after jail: came here to post this. MC Ride has finally gone off the deep end. tilted version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=t-wXM4s-On4 when the cops finally approach him he calmly does a backflip, gets on his knees and puts his palms together peacefully. lol flol @ mc ride And now >>> The Man!
  12. I recommend THIS ONE too.
  13. The force is strong in that one! He's one of us now. Goooooooooooooooooooood!
  14. ...cause of the japan bonus track? Or aiming for it? Now I understand why everybody's putting bonus tracks for japan.
  15. Unreal Tournament is still the best for me. Version 3 is also ok. Besides chess that's the only thing I'm playing on comp.
  16. This is the only Ae that i can listen to it very loud. Did that 3 days ago and my ears are still bleeding...
  17. Again, again and again...i can't get over it! I really REALLY hate the last 1:30 minute of YjY UX! With this track they've managed to achieve the highest level of abstraction and the rarest moment in all of arts IMO. Everything builds up nicely until a complete hidden universe reveals its self in its fullest extend at 4:42 and continues to stay visible over the next minute of so and after that everything falls apart...that harsh sound is back (which i like until that moment) totally out of the place and nothing of that sweet feeling from 4:42 is left. The track should have finished with its head above the clouds! ...Fade it out while is still at the genius level like you did with Sublimit! But no, let's fakitup ...just cause we can! I wouldn't bother me much if I don't like the track very VERY much. This is the first time I'm really disappointed with Ae's decision.
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