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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Plum

  1. Gorgeous. Reminds me of Petra Cortright’s stuff.
  2. I was obsessed with essines. I pretty much had a whole 250gb hard drive dedicated to him & his beard. Simpler times. edit: Iain C was a gift too. Using Squee’s newly acquired mod powers, brother Squee & I would secretly edit Iain’s uploads. We’d subtly misalign his eyes, slightly enlarge his forehead or make one ear stick out more than the other. It was fucking hilarious. Only us two knew. I loved it.
  3. Fuck. So many bredrins. edit1: some yonks old nsfw watmm nonsense I found on a hard drive while specifically looking for photos of Salvatorin... https://photos.app.goo.gl/EsKZe5mULnckb6nb9 edit2: bonus item - lion vs burrito https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p-9eM0bm0ds&feature=youtu.be
  4. Such sad news. He truly was the rarest of dudes, a real cosmic being. May your atoms blaze across the universe fast & hard, forever and ever.
  5. Blimey, what a culture shock! Obviously not an ideal time to upsticks, but how are you finding life over here?
  6. Given what China has unleashed upon the world, whether unintentional or not it’s pretty grim. I wonder how the Chinese government feels behind closed doors. I guess we’ll never really know.
  7. zkom you’re very insightful. Have you lived in China?
  8. I have already asked this awhile back in this thread, but what is the current situation in China? How have they seemingly managed to dodge the second/third wave clusterfuck that has crippled the rest of the world? I’m definitely no conspiracist, but it is odd imo.
  9. Americans - are you aware of someone called Wendy Williams? I have absolutely no idea if she’s well known or not, but her talk show is the most fucking surreal tv program I’ve ever seen. It’s really odd. The sycophantic crew and sickly audience hang on her nonsensical ramblings like she’s the new messiah. I honestly thought it was a parody, but I don’t think it is.
  10. My 95 year grandmother made this angel decoration. I think it’s pretty smart.
  11. Plum


    Reminds me of the Garnoopy I made...
  12. Love it! What an intriguing fellow he is.
  13. Does anything on this album sound like Krib, Silverside or Eutow?
  14. Squee I know this isn’t the time or place, but when you talk my dick listens. Always has, always will.
  15. So no signs of a substantial second wave there? Odd.
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