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hello spiral

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Everything posted by hello spiral

  1. that's a great and very underrated one
  2. sure ^the album is called Slow Globes. One of my ATF albums. ^some early guitar based merzbow, this album slays
  3. can confirm my Illegal Energy aids me this way both at work and out in public
  4. Absolutely amazing video by Infinite_Vibes, soundtrack by Salvatorin https://www.instagram.com/p/Couoy4tjkbq/
  5. well yeah, at that age I'm surprised u remember ur watmm login :^)
  6. that guy was clearly running out ideas by the time he got to the soup one, I stared at that like tucker carlson doing his best confused face for a full minute
  7. I'm like 20yrs older than you. I've forgotten more ambient than you've heard. Sorry, it's bad.
  8. overwrought heavyhanded rubbish. Like reading a fake suicide note written by a pretentious 13 yr old. I've never made it all the way through ravedeath, terrible album
  9. it's by Cronenberg's son you ignoramii Antiviral and Possessor were both A+, this'll be good oh but fuck Tim Hecker, hackfraud
  10. already had this in my wishlist a few weeks back but it got buried, cheers for the reminder
  11. Glad it's finally on BC. It was a CD only purchase on Boomkat, no digis or anything. Fuck that noise.
  12. Originally released as a digital mixtape in Sept 2019. Just dropped as an LP. Rough Trade sold out already. There's a few copies in Sounds of the Universe for in store pick up only. Where I just nabbed a couple :^)
  13. used to fucking love those free gigs (on a wednesday?) at 93 feet east. Where I first saw Goodiepal and a bunch of other stellar acts. Any of your music online?
  14. She's of English & Irish heritage and claims the 'wanker sarf afreekans' are the afrikaaners (dutch) but then they would say that, wouldn't they. Apparently the anglo SAs call the Dutch SAs 'ropes' "because they're thick, hairy and twisted"
  15. Leave now, while there's still time
  16. Sorry to hear about Antonio :^( Yeah this is my first cat death and it's pretty fucking gutting. Her appetite started to fade so we had to get her to the vet. At first we thought she might have an impacted hairball or something. Vet thought it might be a kidney problem and we were looking at just changing her diet and probably having her on medication for the rest of her life. But then the more experienced vet (bear in mind this is like now £600 in the hole with tests and vet visits etc) decided to stick his oar in and said she was a bit young (8) to be having kidney problems and wanted to do an ultrasound scan. Turned out she had stomach lymphoma, he said she probably had 3-4 weeks left to live. He took all the kidney meds etc off our bill and just gave us a load of (thankfully cheap) meds to keep her comfortable. Steroids, appetite stimulants and nausea inhibitors. Luckily she was never in such obvious stress + pain that we felt we needed to call out the needle man. She passed away Saturday night on the 15th of October. It was a very sudden change where she was mildly freaking out and couldn't settle anywhere. Eventually she just laid on the floor breathing very fast and hard. I laid down with her and held her and talked to her the whole time, it took around 2hrs for her to pass. We buried her (illegally) in the park local to me, in the bushes on the edge of a secluded little 'wild' overgrown nature field. Now we have Moog:
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