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Everything posted by chim

  1. Max Payne 3 is quite good. It's just not really Max Payne.
  2. A little too wild on the effects but really fucking cool.
  3. Good for you Squee! My concoction is super fucking tasty. After combining the tomato'd beans and shit with the cous cous, I put a lot of butter in that pan and let the whole thing swish around until it dries up a bit and becomes sticky. Then add some herbal spices and grill pepper like a motherfucker - this ain't your grandpappy's vegan food.
  4. Sounds pretty good man! Are you vegetarian? (I would probably make the same thing as you just add chicken). Not really, just part-time which I guess most vegetarians would object to. Chicken would be great! But that'll have to wait until payday.
  5. Tonight I'm cooking: Blackeyed peas, white beans and corn boiled in tomato soup, then mixed and fried with cous cous and sriracha.
  6. sounds like something out of fiznuthian's cook book
  7. This just happened on swedish national TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ddponweQdE
  8. He's a god damn genius who just keeps getting better and more refined. But meathole is still his best album.
  9. Taken 2 Liam Neeson is my hero and I loved the first Taken, so this was a really enjoyable watch even though it wasn't as good as the first one. It was fun seeing Boris the Blade again. Two major gripes however:
  10. That was a really interesting interpretation Adjective, I never really looked at it that way.
  11. Sudden Strike 1 & 2. These games are fucking delicious.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAi5vuAzzJI&feature=youtu.be&t=10s
  13. Wreck-It Ralph This was really fun. The movie started out great with a lot of fun references, but it kind of loses steam when everything is about sugar rush. It still maintains funny throughout. I agree with RadarJammer, Sarah Silverman was an odd choice for the cutesy whatever it was. Jack Mcbrayer, however, was a brilliant pick. Twilight - Breaking Dawn part 2 Holy jesus fuck is this movie retarded. The first half is a mess of lazy writing manifested as a slow, agonizing Real World drama between skinny airhead vampires. Not only does the werewolf beta male spend more time with the baby than its vapid parents do; the devilspawn itself is some CGI concoction to look hollywood beautiful but the result looks grotesque. No wonder the "evil" vampires want it killed. Then when stuff actually starts happening and they start tearing peoples heads off Other than that, it's nothing but hardcore fetischization around Bella finally being turned into a vampire; neverending sex, psychic powers and a state of perpetual mindfulness. She shows her true colors as a vicious bitch when she digs into the jugular of a defenseless mountain lion. The movie violently ravages the suspension of disbelief when these size zero bitches are portrayed to be stronger than the hulk. I give this film 10/10 because it is the final part and thus concludes this unholy mess.
  14. What the fuck is going on here? The Master - Crazy and god damn brilliant film. I've long waited to see Philip S Hoffman in a role he deserves.
  15. Just be sure to stop after Micheal leaves for good, the show never really had the same steam after that... When is that? Wouldn't be able to watch this show without Michael.
  16. The Office season 4. I'm utterly hooked on this show.
  17. Bleep is entirely broken. I'm not going anywhere near iTunes.
  18. Easy A i'm not 100% sure on how american high schools work but this was even more like a crazy surreal science fiction film than all the other high school comedies
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