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Everything posted by chim

  1. Star Trek II - KHAAAAN/10 greatly enjoyed the 70s inspired decor and outfits
  2. This time of year, I like to dig out the Jazz Jackrabbit Christmas Special - Holiday Hare 1995. I got this on a magazine coverdisk (remember those?) back when it first came out. I was ten years old! Reminds me of a very snowy Christmas we had that year. Sometimes I miss being a kid. But not really. It had really cool music too. I loved this wacky MIDI-funk version of Little Drummer Boy: Holy crap - that's a rare one! I remember getting it out of one of those magazines as well.
  3. On WATMM's expressed recommendation, I watched Bernie. Wow. Thanks guys! It was totally excellent.
  4. Wow, I rewatched it recently and thought the exact same thing! It was so not the smart and deep film I thought it was at 17. But maybe that's what it was, a well-intentioned yet haphazard attempt at an introduction to deep thinking. Still, I liked the crazy poets monologue and the discussion right before the end. Also, the tango music.
  5. Played through half of LA Noire at a buddy's place. What an amazing game! Getting towards the end of my first playthrough of KOTOR2 Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - great platformer
  6. Been meaning to watch this for ages. It was the same for me. I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes until now - I didn't have the patience for it. But it was certainly worth it. It's a very different, dreamlike film. Kind of like das boot meets alice in radioactive wonderland.
  7. *walks into thread* fuck midlife crisis, get over yourself already. some of the posts in here just seem weighed down by a bunch of thoughts and issues that would be better off not taking up precious space in your head. (strangely enough not the OP) when has life ever not been scary? when you didn't give a fuck, that's when. do that. that's nature's way of telling you how to live. have some kids, don't have some, do whatever. just don't get caught up with the guilt and worry demon, remember that it doesn't matter, never did, and do whatever the fuck you want and stop talking about feeling fucking old when you're not even in your 30s. that's not old, that's lethargic and self-deprecating. old people don't automatically turn into apathetic shitbags, it's just that some people let themselves go that way. don't stop playing. *slowly backs out again*
  8. Paranorman - way better than expected! McLovin does a great voiceover as a bully.
  9. Bourne Legacy - Not as good without bourne but it was very fun
  10. Resident Evil Retribution Complete and utter shit except for a scene where michelle rodriguez plays a pacifist who can barely hold a gun.
  11. chim


    The best autechre album.
  12. I've never commented on DKR because it made me sad how I didn't enjoy it the way everybody else did :( I feel the same way about black dynamite.
  13. The dark knight rises - 10/10 one of the best movies ever in my opinion, perfect conclusion in all ways.. also, bane fucking rules.
  14. Deus Ex. Tranq-Crossbow style on Realistic. Good stuff, hard at times!
  15. That is great to hear, congratulations! I read about your struggles in the work out thread and was considering whether to write something in regards to that. But I thought it is something best figured out on your own, and as it turns out I was right! Many times when we think we are doing it wrong, we are not. I didn't notice that this thread was older than I thought but I will reply with this text anyway, in case someone else is looking for advice. Meditation has been around for as long as human beings have been around. It is not a scam. The scam is when people say you need to buy something or follow a specific method or code of ethics in order to do it. Religious groups appropriate certain forms of dancing and singing but you don't consider those inherent cult activities, do you? It will obliterate all and any negativity no matter how deep and stubborn it is. I am usually very cautious in answering this question because it makes it sound like snake oil, but that's just what it does. It's pure healing. The price to pay for that is a regular commitment to do it and gradually trade off the mental or circumstantial obstacles that might be in the way. The positive effect begins on a mental level which might easily be confused with a mild placebo, but eventually your entire body begins to respond. There's just no way around this when you experience it, and the fact that people get down to it all over the globe should attest to something even if you haven't gotten around to it yourself. Fundamentally, there are two kinds of meditation. The first kind is a type of concentration or visualization, in which the purpose is to connect with something, a certain state of mind for instance. Some people use this to explore their imagination and different symbols. It's very jungian. You can use mantras or various types of visualizations for this, and if it sounds like your cup of tea, google your way around. Every type of meditation "method" involves this type of meditation. In the second kind, there is no purpose but to be. The goal, if you will, is simply to be with no strings attached. I am more experienced with the latter and I would recommend it because it is simple and does the trick. It appears very, very difficult at first, but as you practice and deepen it, your perspective changes and much of the confusion regarding "how to do it" is needless. The best way to start, in my experience, is to count your breath. Count from one to five, count on the out-breath. Keep the breath loose, free and relaxed and do not concern yourself with how well you are counting. If you lose track of the breath, start over. It is not a contest. With practice you will get a hold of how it works, because you feel calmer and more pleasant. At some point you might consider the act of counting a needless disturbance, and you won't have to count. There is no need to keep track of anything, because the purpose is nothing more than experiencing your being as it is. At that point you can follow the breath, which is even simpler than it sounds but can probably be deepened over a lifetime. Let thoughts and events circulate freely as the air and they become loose, without substance or any need for worry. Do this often enough and you will experience complete quiet; no thoughts, no emotions. You might not think it is anything special at first, beyond a short break in the habit of expectations and worries, but with time, a fire grows out of that quiet. I would recommend that you give it at least a couple of weeks of regular practice. Start out light and simple, even if it involves counting your breath for 5 minutes before bed-time, but make a commitment to keep it up. If you enjoy it, you will naturally find the urge to extend the intervals and explore sitting postures that work for you.
  16. This thread keeps reminding me not to take my happiness for granted. It's barely been a year since I last considered self-termination and I keep forgetting that it's absolutely unusual for me to be super cool about things. I'm grateful and slightly weirded out. My entire being screams that the mess of hellish garbage that kept me down is something I don't ever want to touch again, but I have realized that it's of absolute importance to devote some of my time acknowledging and accepting my shadow rather than trying to forget about it, fighting it; that's just another, subtle form of that inner conflict and if left unattended, it could easily produce some form of relapse. My heart goes out to you ladies and gents in the struggle.
  17. fish dicks and couscous, topped with peas, carrots and some sweet 'n sour
  18. The Life Aquatic - 9/10 The Royal Tenenbaums - 10/10 The Usual Suspects - 7/10 Blow - 7/10 The Grey - 7/10 Good Burger - 6/10 Menace II Society - 8/10 South Central - 6/10 Boyz N The Hood - 8/10 Don't be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood - 10/10
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