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Everything posted by chim

  1. chim


    Eagerly anticipating the next crash.
  2. I bought a japanese meditation cushion with buckwheat stuffing, plus a thick zabuton mat (kapok stuffing). It's stiff and pliable at the same time, like sitting in sand, really done wonders for my posture. It's really not that difficult. Intrinsic awareness is continuous and effortless, there's no technique except to stop chasing after thoughts and let conditions be as they are. Awareness itself is objectless so there's nothing to meditate upon - no need to meditate. Just keep the mind free of judgment and open like the sky. At that point there's really no difference between sitting calmly or being at work, in traffic etc. Been reflecting on this quote by Foyan, a 11th century zen monk:
  3. I've been trying real hard to think of something worth asking about, I'm unsure if these questions are that and/or have been phrased in some way before, but here goes. 1. I want to ask about all that complexity in your music. Is it something purely to keep the mind interested, or do you both find it the best way to communicate that deeper artistic intention behind Autechre as a whole? Being a synesthete myself, looking at the context of the artwork and album track flows, a lot of it suggests a kind of synergistic communication - you mentioned Autechre being bigger than the both of you consciously and I found this a fascinating statement. I know how hard it is to put stuff like an artistic vision into words, but many of your tunes literally go all over the place and I'm curious how that connects with the intention that seems to be going on behind all that work. 2. Your music has the strangest intricate combination of hard and soft, dry and wet, fat steady beats and arrythmic cacophonia. It's clear from most of your posts and your music that you are ultra-committed to getting your production process just the way you want it. Do you ever feel like you lose track of your musical output? 3. In some of your work, you seem to make a thing out of hiding or disrupting melodical content, in the midst of percussion or disharmony/microtonality (An example would be the post 4 minute mark of Lcc on Untilted, it's like you're intentionally bordering on breaking the track). What's up with that? Thanks for doing this to the ridiculous extent that you have.
  4. The Internship Apart from the hellish google propagandic nature of it, this is an excellent film. Some of the jokes are insanely funny... if you can tolerate Owen Wilson.
  5. Alio Die is my hero. Not easy to find ambient favourites on youtube.
  6. I'm really divided about this type of music.
  7. Bioshock Infinite was fucking amazing. I felt abit stupid at the ending.
  8. Haha some of these are quite excellent.
  9. I'm totally sold on Dungeons of Dredmor. I recently saw it added to some indie bundle I bought some time ago and gave it a try. As of now, I've bought the two expansions. It's the best rougelike I've seen so far - like a pretty looking nethack that is really tough, but not unforgiving to the point that it seems to enjoy pissing all over your food poisoned corpse. It's also very funny.
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