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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. I've just been told that my mother maybe has lung cancer, and we have to wait till next Thursday to hear if she has it. The doctors says it a possibility. Great christmas this year.
  2. I just can't get enough of this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGfwqvHlT38
  3. Should have been Naughty Dog that went multi-platform instead. Anyway.. Insomniac games are overrated. The older Rachet & Clank games where fun. But man those Resistance where awful (haven't played the third one though). EA probably wanted a Gears Of War (the second most generic looking game ever) clone. So they made Insomniac do it. And this is the result. I predict this will be a MOH: Warfighter in terms of reception and sales. Everything EA is near, turns shit these days. edit: and that just reminded me.. Has anyone seen Dead Space 3? Another example of mediocre looking game, and a franchaise they are probably going to fuck up.
  4. This is probably the most generic looking game I've ever seen:
  5. Deaf? What are you talking about... Are you deaf? This guy has a incredible sense of flow and rhythm. His lyrics and personality are second to none. The complete package. I've never heard anyone being able to make so many catchy hooks as him. NoooOOO000ooo WAAJJIiiiAAiiaai Noooooooo WAAAIJJJJeeeIIIIIIJIJIIiiiiii
  6. Npoess


  7. That photo is pretty amazing. I've never seen landscape colors like that. *books flight to Iceland*
  8. I bought Far Cry 3 really cheap. Haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it yet. So I can't wait to play it, even though I hated Far Cry 2. But I'm waiting for the christmas holiday before I start playing it. I've heard some hilarious things about some of the characters in the game. Apparently they are all a bunch of 'rich kids of instagram' douchebags/douchebaguettes who has a lot of bad things happen to them?.. I like that. Also you level up by getting fucking tribal tattoo's. Can this game get much more dudebro'ish? lol
  9. Who wouldn't headbutt Ryan Shawcross..
  10. Actually.. This show gets really good towards the end of season one.
  11. I'm I the only one who thinks Škrtel is massively overrated?
  12. Behind 0-2 to Villa. That deserves a big fat LOL.
  13. ^(this one is stolen from Djerok) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdoHIoj-S84
  14. flol! Just when you thought his music videos couldn't get any better.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k9d9eLF33Y
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