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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXvBm8DFpLw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXmjc-ZQ7fM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFok_ryNc5I
  2. http://networkedblogs.com/FCla8
  3. Now Milan shouldn't have trouble attracting top class players again.
  4. Yeah, It's actually a lot easier to headshots with free-aim on. The shooting definitely feels great.. but I don't know, I'm just struggling a bit with it. I also love the fact that this game has guido's to shoot.
  5. I started re-playing Max Payne 3 yesterday. Forgot how much I liked the story in that game. But the controls are far from perfect. I think 'tank controls' is the best way to describe it. And the free-aim doens't seem to have any auto-aim at all. Which makes a bit fustrating to play on console. Soft-lock and hard-lock are no fun either. But the controls aside... It's a brilliant game.
  6. AC Milan's new fysio.. That Chelsea braud ain't got shit.
  7. I think the whole reason why I disliked Dishonored so much, was because I tried to play 100% non-lethal. I normally like to play stealthy, but I didn't enjoy it in Dishonored. But I don't think it's a good game.. A very average one if you ask me.
  8. Those are custom suit skins I believe. They don't look that way by default. That's just for show. I wasn't just talking about that screenshot in particular. I don't like the overall art style of the game. I don't mind a cartoony look if it's done right (Team Fortress 2, Windwaker, Borderlands etc.). But it looks silly in this game. I actually think the upcoming XCOM shooter by 2K Marin, that everybody is hating on, has a way more interesting art style Anyway.. I might end up buying it at some point, what I've heard about the gameplay sounds awesome.
  9. I want to try XCOM: EU. Havn't played a turn-based game for ages. And it only 25 pund on amazon right now. But I just can't get past how awful the art style of that game is. I mean just look at this shit:
  10. Also listened to this for the first time recently (the Esper edition). 1000/10
  11. Holy shit, the new boxart for Bioshock: Infinite is awful.
  12. I have to say Dishonored might be the most overrated game I've played this year. It isn't bad, but I just couldn't get into it.
  13. So.. The year is coming to an end. What's been people's favorite vidijya gaeyhms this year? It's been a really good year for 3rd party games in my opinion. 1. The Walking Dead (Telltale game) 2. Mass Effect 3 3. Borderlands 2 4. Assassin's Creed III 5. Max Payne 3 (sorry, I just really like to make lists)
  14. That mix is fucking ace. Where can I hear Meat Bingo's music? I would like to hear a less chaotic version of VHS head.
  15. I was talking about Sleeping Dogs. Never played Shenmue before.
  16. The same thing happened to me, but people keep bringing up shenmue whenever they talk about this game. I think maybe these people only know it from screenshots or something, certainly didn't feel like shenmue to me. hated that game. Played it for 5 hours and then I sold it again.
  17. Completed The Walking Dead ep5 today.. I have no idea what to make of the ending after the credits. Sounds like the same thing will happen, no matter what you did throughout the game? My guess would be that there will be a season 2, where you play as an older/more mature Clementine. I really hope so, I want more. This series has been amazing. It's also been the first game that's actually been succesful with a episodic release model (right?). Something either Half-Life or Alan Wake managed to do.
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