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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Sebastian Giovinco (Squad No. 12) Scores 12th Juventus Goal In 12th Minute Of Second Half On 12/12/12 In Juve’s 12th Home Game Of The Season http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eBUYR_YOLI
  2. Justified Really weird show. I kinda like it, but not really I don't know how describe it, some of the characters almost seem cartoonish... But it has it's fun moments.
  3. I would rather have a Tri Repetae or Untilted album structure/number of tracks to be honest. Too many tracks, are one of Quaristice's/Oversteps weaknesses in my opinion. I love them both... but still.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YXqXfvzmFg dat beat Djeroek: You need to post more in this thread.
  5. no way bra, that shit is super fresh on rotten tomatoes, there is no such thing as herd mentality, that many critics just can't be wrong i can feel it. Metacritic is off the charts too bra It was a shitty Bond movie. Aside from the last Bond movie, which was a shitty, shitty Bond movie, every Bond movie is reviewed as the "BEST BOND EBER." Remember when they said that about the one with Denise Fucking Richards? As far as shitty bond movies go, Skyfall was basically averagely shitty but not messing all over itself like the erotic diarrhea fantasy that was Quantum of Whateverthefuck. That whole opening scene where Bond is racing on some rooftops on a dirt bike, is a testament to how retarded this movie is. I don't remember Casino Royale being that over-the-top and silly. Kept hearing good things about it. And I really enjoyed Casino Royale. So I was pretty optimistic about it when I went to the theater. But It turned out to be possibly the worst movie I've watched this year. I was so bored throughout the whole thing. And I found every single character in the movie to be annoying. Even Javier Bardem's character. He seemed to be perfect for a villian role, and he's an amazing actor. How could they fuck that up? And don't even get me started on that new Q guy.
  6. I have to applaud Liverpool for yesterdays match. Quite impressive to turn that around. Also.. Glen Johnson, he was a beast in much of the first half.
  7. My dog is pissing everywhere in my house. And it's seriously driving me nuts.
  8. Tried to get into Archer again.. But it's not really clicking for me. I liked Frisky Dingo a whole lot more (which was made by the same people?)
  9. Holy lol.. that trailer. I re-watched it recently. And I came to realization that the only reason I enjoyed it in the theather, was because of the visuals... and nothing else. But honestly, the visuals (in this chase) was enough for me to enjoy it. I know that might sound a bit shallow, but I'm a whore like that.
  10. I think after playing Dishonored and Hitman Absolution that I'm done with the stealth genre. I've always said that I love the genre. But I'm just done with sneaking up behind, and killing stupid A.I.'s... It's not fun anymore.
  11. Suarez is suspended New lone striker: Jonjo Shelvey
  12. I think he just killed the tiny of bit christmas spirit I had this year.
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