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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I'd say the Craft Beer Renaissance of the 21st century > biscuits and gravy
  2. Mick Jenkins - The Water One of my favorite recents rap albums/10
  3. If someone fires a gun into the air then they are immediately putting people in danger and you really do have the right to stop them by any means necessary. Would you rather have him keep firing and kill someone half a mile away? Don't get me wrong I dislike police officers as much as the next average taxpayer but I think we're trying to crucify the wrong person here.
  4. They're probably just fucking with him because he's a trustafarian.
  5. One time a guy tapped my bumper in heavy traffic and waved me to pull over. He didn't want me to think it was a hit and run kind of situation. Well... I fed his remains to a piranha tank that evening. I'm a cop btw.
  6. I'm the most successful, sane, and well adjusted member of my immediate family and 5 years ago I NEVER would have guessed it would happen this way.
  7. Candiru


    Madonna tried to rape Chris Cunningham while wearing a windowlicker mask.
  8. It seemed like a mess the first time I watched it and I thought it was a bit try-hard and juvenile like Boondock Saints or some bullshit like that. But now NBK is one of my favorite movies and I think it really succeeds with its message and stylistically. It's just on a weird frequency.
  9. Candiru


    I think I downloaded that like 10 years ago so I'm safe.
  10. Well making season 3 a quarter of a century later was always the furthest thing from being a good idea. We all know it.
  11. Candiru


    If it fails, they get rich. If it succeeds, they get rich. Wealth is fucking crazy.
  12. Just make beats for rappers and get paid in duffel bags full of drug money. Then laugh at Haxan Cloak being ripped off by Jay-Z.
  13. Hairdiaper Cameltoe Orchestra Meat Curtain CinemaScope Thumpsteak
  14. The weird thing is that in the book Lynch on Lynch, he denies Eraserhead being about fear of fatherhood. He also had paintings of a bride holding a dead baby and his ex-wife even denied that those were about that too. Like admitting it will ruin the mystique...
  15. The '83 Scarface is some of the best cheese that has ever cheesed
  16. Netflix + HBO Go is the only tv I've watched for over a year now.
  17. Candiru


    That post and all the other tracks it led to were all highly enjoyable thank you
  18. Merzbow actually composed any static you have ever heard.
  19. I was halfway through season 4 of Lost and decided to stop wasting my time and watch The Wire for the third time.
  20. Candiru


    Or when somebody's rapping
  21. Imagine the night terrors you'd have for the rest of your life if you tapped that. If Michael Bolton did tons of meth and went through a sex change = Ann Coulter.
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