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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I smoke constantly, and yet I am also boss as fuck. Please help my reffertarded brain comprehend these difficult concepts and why they contradict this unshakable reality. here you go Trolling or not, you seem like someone I could really hang with. Call me.
  2. I smoke constantly, and yet I am also boss as fuck. Please help my reffertarded brain comprehend these difficult concepts and why they contradict this unshakable reality.
  3. There are no drugs, only your perception. Drop a 10 strip and bring ancient mathematics back to modern man.
  4. BUT WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN? I get asked this all of the time. It's funny how people think that protein only comes from meat, eggs and dairy. With a diet high in legumes, greens and hemp seeds I think I'll be fine, lol. You might get the minimum requirements on a good day.
  5. I'm not denying any of the allegations, but since this story of Cosby being a rapist was on the back burner for so long, the news was made to gain traction to distract from all the racially charged police brutality stuff. Think about it.
  6. "Outspoken against weed" Oh lawd can I get a lol
  7. Back when watmm had no rules like the Wild West it was lol after lol and a perfect stoned destination.
  8. I watched the first episode of Deadwood but I realize I'm going to have to watch it over since i lost track of it already. It seems gnar so far and they say cocksucker a lot.
  9. Depression taking on different forms throughout your life and all the inherent mindfuckery is a tough one to explain to your co-workers eh? Hehehehehehehehehrheh *drools, mouths words silently and fondles self*
  10. I don't think its been unanimous praise or anything, but I'm still going to watch the shit out of it.
  11. Florida is like one big strip mall and it's very flat. Lots of gated communities. One of them was called Coral Springs and someone took the 'C' off the sign which made me lol. Then I went home.
  12. The Death Metal of Eagles A Song of Ice and Arcade Fire
  13. Snorkel Burger Frog nog Poverty omelette supreme
  14. I'm going to Hawaii at the end of the month. I'm aroused.
  15. This thread sounds like a bunch of people complaining about places they've never been to.
  16. I'm ketoing right now and I've never felt better. I'm happy, handle stressful situations more easily, and it finally feels possible to get into the kind of shape I want to be in. It could be so much easier for people to look good...Check out the reddit page.
  17. I think we need to start a misconceptions about America thread.
  18. Too many salty non Americans in here. It makes you sound as lame as you're imagining America to be.
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