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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I dunno, the listen to an album once in a museum if you're lucky then be jealous of the rich kid in Dubai it's auctioned off to thing seems like a fuck you to the fans. It's basically RZA going around the fans to make the most money isn't it? And this isn't a bad response.
  2. Yeah this doesn't have On The Romance Tip or Pidgeon Street or Cordialitron, but the variety makes it a more interesting listen than the other caustic window. There's some real caveman 'phex on here and some lush'phex
  3. Airflow is some nice fly Polygon Window/On EP kinda thang that I appreciate.
  4. DJ Etch-A-Sketch Mastadong The White Gripes Blue's Cooze
  5. Apocalypto 2 Mel Gibson as Cortez invading the Mayan empire bringing Christianity and a can of whoop ass to new frontiers. There will also be dinosaurs.
  6. Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, Tim Allen, and Larry The Cable Guy in: GAY SOCCER DADS. This delightful romp is for a new demographic. For gay parents to take their kids to and they can both laugh. The light jokes and banter will be great for the kids, but the jokes about sucking off the assistant coach in your minivan during practice will fly straight over their precious little heads.
  7. I wonder if they will eventually have a tv series. The Whitest Kids U Know was pretty unpolished and edgy
  8. My Right Foot. The sequel to Oscar winning My Left Foot, the film starring Daniel Day Lewis as a dude with cerebral palsy and lots of courage and perseverance. This one stars French Stewart in a breakout comeback golden globe winning fucking heroic tour de force as basically the same character but living with a black family in Atlanta, Georgia for no apparent reason. One of the more touching moments of the film involves French Stewart learning to throw gang signs with his feet. Strings swell, tears flow, oscars are won.
  9. I just recently started Breaking Bad and I'm about halfway through season 3. I'm always so late on my pop culture tv boners.
  10. This sounds right up my noisey Death Grips alley. Will listen now that it is brought to my musical attention. Good day ol' chap
  11. Nick Nolte as Benjamin Franklin, discovering electricity donating books to the nations first public library and smangin mad colonial hos with scathing wit and a twinkle in his eye. In his alone time, he literally outlines the concept for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but accidentally leaves it in a native Americans teepee after taking refuge from a jealous husband wielding a pitchfork. It is in that teepee that he envisions a perfect utopia for mankind and writes the memoirs of his alter ego, a 5 year old Japanese boy named Soichiro Nakajima, who is played by Jackie Chan. He will win an oscar for going against type. Being Japanese. Franklin will have many improvised buddy comedy moments with other historical figures, which are often anachronistic. Examples include Napoleon, Mohammed Ali, Che Guevara, Anthony Bourdain as himself, and Paul McCartney played by Denzel Washington. The film will end in a climactic shootout on Antarctica and will involve a thrilling James Cameron-esque white knuckle action sequence involving apache helicopters, orca whales, and Tony Hawk, pro skater.
  12. I also quit smoking. For the third time, but it is within my grasp. I had to use patches. Beware of American spirits they have much higher levels of freebase nicotine and quitting cold turkey gets real batshit. Vivid dreams when wearing the patch: this kind of makes it all worth it. Next level.
  13. jesus christ what is this? It's a weird short film(?) by this performance/video artist Paul McCarthy(not Paul McCartney) that shows a weird deranged artist mutilating himself and generally bugging the fuck out making some kinda art. At the end, some snobby art collector couple discuss the importance and brilliance of his work and the husband literally sniffs his butt/huffs his farts or whatever.
  14. Eyes Wide Shut is definitely the type of movie that really leads you into reading between the lines. I think it pairs really well with mullholland dr or blue velvet. It has those Lynchy vibes.
  15. I just updated my linkedin and it looks so ballin'. Like I can schmooze my way into the White House on a magic carpet of street cred and good old fashioned American elbow grease with a bottle of 50 year old single malt I can share with Obama over a blunt and some illuminati shop talk.
  16. it's not divisive because it's too cutting edge or too future. It's divisive because of the rabid cult like following and others who do not subscribe to that. I don't think it's a stretch to say that music like this isn't terribly unique these days and has been done better over the years, not just by BoC, but increasingly by other artists who take their influence and run with it in more interesting directions. TH felt like someone restating the obvious, that feel of fans finally catching up to their heroes and surpassing them. BoC's gonna BoC, we get that, but it certainly doesn't hurt to point out that the throne can be taken from people. It does, in fact happen. Even when Scorsese decided to make other films in the vein of Goodfellas, he made sure to crank it up a few notches, not turn it down.
  17. I'm just saying we shouldn't look at this like it's some creative pinnacle just because it was made by a respected band. What's wrong with thinking we can all aim a little bit higher ourselves? Whether it's music or any pursuit. People put so many limitations on themselves and it keeps truly interesting things from happening.
  18. I was never a huge fanboy to begin with and I didn't have high or even low expectations, but it was definitely my "blind taste test" first listen that really exposed how much people can overreact to music based on social factors surrounding it. Not saying it like its a fact but... damn I thought it was worth mentioning in some way. I can entertain myself at least. Nobody thinks a band owes them anything, I was just surprised to hear something so watered down after such a long gestation period, and even more surprised that more people weren't noticing the same thing. So I made a post basically saying we shouldn't hold artists in such high regard on some exalted pedestal if we truly feel our own imaginations are more potent and interesting than this album.
  19. I exaggerated my opinion for effect to contradict a lot of what I and some others see as blind hero worship. I don't think it's this offensively bad album, but I do think it's surprisingly tame and is "just enough". I don't have automatic respect for musicians or artists and nobody should. You won't find inspiration that way.
  20. I really liked the concept too. Oh well. I don't know what to think of people who think this album is "amazing" or whatever. I don't think we could be friends. How can I find mischief and adventure with people who are distracted by mediocre shiny objects when we're in a fucking jungle of mysticism and raw spiritual balls-out epiphanies that purge your soul into a river that the gods take you down on a raft of musical enlightenment? Shit just does NOT compute. I'm sorry. You don't find that just anywhere. Not in a damn coffee shop full of milquetoast motherfuckers who can't commit to shit. You gotta get out there and get dirty son. Filthy, even. Take risks, get poison ivy on your dick and feel the passage of time wash over you from out of a woman's eyes who may have been your wife 1000 years ago. Give birth to entire villages even if you're a dude. Sacrifice yourself to an active volcano on a whim. But for fucks sake do not tell me this thing that barely registers to the senses is amazing. Come. On. People. Shake a little hot sauce on it at least. Fuck.
  21. This whole thing was so weird. I pre-ordered the cd, but got an illegal download 2 days before it was officially available. I was completely convinced that download was a fake album made by eager fans because there was no way BoC would release something so generic and bland. When I got the official album, I sat back in complete disbelief as people praised the thing, calling it a masterpiece and their best work. I listened to it quite a few times before coming to the conclusion that the only way I could allow myself to enjoy it was if I forgot how much better most other music is. It has a real sense of obligation about it. Very unnatural, like ticking BoC boxes.
  22. A cybergothpunktechnoirhackerthriller starring Ellen Page as a sultry vixen who seduces tons of men by luring them into a large mansion with the promise of kinky s&m dominatrix action. But the mansion is really home to a creepy lurid scientist (played by Robin Williams) that loved creating animal/human hybrids with alligators and ostriches and auctioning them off as pets to crazy Chinese business moguls with diplomatic immunity. Pages character ends up falling in love with zach braff, a pizza delivery man with a keen eye for suspicious activity that nonetheless senses nothing to be awry for 2/3 of the film. In the end, Ellen page makes robin Williams bite off zach braffs dick because he tried to mansplain to her how to fix her car.
  23. A Pixar animated musical about gay vampires getting AIDS and facing mortality. All expressed poignantly through songs by Meatloaf and Eddie Vedder.
  24. This is unintentionally(?) one of the funniest films of all time.
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