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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Y'all ever think about living in an ancient civilization and all the shit that would stress you out? Random beheadings, disease, famine, slavery, pedos, dangerous animals, general lawlessness, etc
  2. They replaced him with another Norwegian dude who did some backup vocals on their first album so hopefully it's all good.
  3. Unaware of that. Yeah I feel like post-Trump has been a litmus test for a lot of previously "mostly harmless" folks mildly into contrarian sociopolitical leanings who are now going full-on fringe or distancing themselves back to the center. The former are obviously a lot louder. I'm still readily on sidelines regarding my opinion of the guy TBH but my skepticism of him as someone worthy of high praise is still there. I am totally ok with picking apart figures like this for valid ideas and discarding the rest instead of being immediately dismissive or praising of them. Assuming I have interest in the subject or person to begin with. I was on the fence about him when I first heard about him through WATMM, but after watching some debates and realizing how much he knowingly lies or misrepresents writings of other people as well as entire concepts, I concluded he’s a fucking charlatan. If you look at my first post in the Beterson thread I think you’ll find that first impressions are usually correct. I fucking nailed it. Watch his debate with Matt Dillahunty to see his full retardation in action.
  4. JP has expressed some climate skepticism too. He’s an actor that was created in a right wing think tank to give a credible veneer to conservative ideas that were always too dumb to accept at face value. Anyone who likes/supports him is worthy of scorn or at least a good old fashioned bitch slap.
  5. I think it’s still going strong enough to make it to your 40’s and there will no doubt be a 4th wave for your 50’s.
  6. You ever use a soda machine where the soda syrup doesn't get mixed with the water? I bet that's what happened, but with that cold brew concentrate. Dangerous.
  7. Weird. But my main point is that if Kvelertak isn't metal, then tons of bands aren't metal, (but clearly are). Black Sabbath might as well not be metal if it's put that way, but blues rock dressed up and masquerading as metal. There are so many meaningless distinctions and then they have the fucking nerve to call Ghost metal. It's annoying!
  8. Only Kvelertak’s third album is slightly less than metal. I would recommend the absolute shit out of the first two Kvelertak albums even if you didn’t like the third one.
  9. Ghost isn’t a bad band or anything but I’m not sure why they are considered metal. They’re basically The Shins but with lyrics about Satan. What really puzzles me is their inclusion on metalarchives but not Kvelertak or Full of Hell who are both easily 1000x more metal in every way.
  10. It depends on where you’re getting coffee. This trend of walking around with a huge 16oz cup of watery covfefe with tons of sugar and cream is really for non-coffee enthusiasts who got hooked into a lame consumer trend. But real coffee shops abound and I ain’t never goin back. I’ve been thinking about getting a Hariro V-60, but I tried an Ethiopian pour over from a very respected coffee place and I just thought it was an okay regular cup of black coffee that took more effort than a regular drip machine but wasn’t worth it. The fuckin Clover from Starbucks was noticeably way fuckin better. Moka pots are most satisfactory. Fuck the haters.
  11. I agree. There were a lot of people who voted for Trump who weren't too enthusiastic either way. There are also a lot of younger voters who realize that nothing is guaranteed, and you gotta vote or potentially lose it all. I voted for Hillary out of sheer instinct, but I think I've learned a lot about how the U.S. government really works now that I've seen it stress tested. If enough people voted and became more politically active, we really could change things in a positive way because if THIS SHIT was allowed to happen, surely something as harmless as catching up to the rest of the free world in many ways could be allowed to happen. The GOP's corruption is cancer and the US is going through chemo. I also think this is what happens when a political party knows that they would permanently lose power if they didn't do something drastic and sketchy, like commit treason to get help holding onto it longer.
  12. Yeah unless they got $12 sammiches that is a weak fuckin' tip. I have friends who tip like 10-15% and they embarrass me so I never want to eat out with them. The ones that tip 20%, 30% and up (depending how drunk they are) are way more fun to hang out with and I guarantee get service that smug blowhard would never imagine. If I was a waiter and some cunt tried this $5 trick on me, I would spend the least amount of time on their table knowing the most I would get is $5. Might as well say "fuck it" and give them the kind of service that ensures they never come back at all.
  13. This idea is stupid for everyone... but it would make assassinations 500% easier. I guess that's a risk lawmakers are willing to take?
  14. Maybe marijuana is just an unspoken rule... .
  15. Season 1 was kind of perfect. But season 2 and 3 felt like one actual season of TV content spreeeeeeaaaaaddddd out into two seasons to make things reeeaaaallllyyyy sllllllooooooowwww.
  16. Gone Baby Gone Pretty good neo noir movie set in Boston about the search for a missing girl with a fackin’ druggie for a mom. At the end of the movie, the main character seems to think he made a difficult choice, but “the right thing” which is total bullshit. He made the corrupt cops look like absolute heroes, tbh.
  17. If you kill everyone on the planet, you will be the world's oldest person and everyone will want to have sex with you because you won.
  18. Scat Stevens James Tailor Bob Dealin'
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