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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. DJ M. Night Shyamalan DJ Elvis Pretzel DJ Rats Of NIMH
  2. I don’t think I’m into this light roast third wave coffee trend. Gimme a medium dark roast. Also the best beans I ever bought were from Polcari’s in the North End of Boston and they just store their beans in giant jars and there’s no roast date or anything. $11 a pound, too. Take that, coffee snobs.
  3. When I was in Hawaii, I met a few Australians who were openly racist, but they didn’t realize that they were using a racial slur for Italian Americans to describe another group. I was mostly puzzled by their cluelessness about this because they were otherwise easy to get along with.
  4. Slicker than a shit dildo in the hot tub. Smoother than a peanut butter enhanced BJ. A P&BJ.
  5. DJ Nippletwizta DJ Unabomber DJ 9/11
  6. Slicker than grits and gravy on a smooth walrus ass
  7. Should we give him credit for telling them he'd stop the US military drills with South Korea without telling the Pentagon or South Korea without getting anything concrete in return?
  8. I'm more of a Rifts/Returnal/Replica guy myself. His more recent stuff can be a little too "lol random" to really connect with imotbqh. I wanna hear his take on grindcore/powerviolence though
  9. Slicker than placenta n’ eggs
  10. Nah, he can't ignore it. It means he'll fight it instead of settling, which will open him up to discovery/all the dirty laundry being aired. Criminal referrals to the IRS aren't a good thing to get for your birthday either. I like it!
  11. BoC does John Zorn free jazz noise rock stuff/double album with boom bap on disc 2
  12. I like Untrue. I also like Napalm Death but think their first two albums are pretty shit. And they’re the ones that get all the praise. The worst examples of grindcore ever.
  13. Cut to montage of Trump and Kim Jung Un frolicking through a field, holding hands, vacation picures, watching people being fed to tigers and laughing, etc.
  14. Only occasional baptisms for 6 months. You'll probably smell like an 1800's hobo, but you'll get to heaven. Experiment with head binding, light some sage in a crowded movie theater, and forage for roadkill.
  15. I’m ready for a large scale protest pretty much just based on how much of a douche he was to our allies. Let’s make the women’s march look like a backyard bbq tbqh
  16. A full body shot of wanks at national monuments, posted on your tumblr, while holding down a demanding lobbyist position for a fortune 500 company.
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