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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. In Massachusetts, and New England in general, Dunkin Donuts is very much the "McDonalds of Coffee". More omnipresent than Starbucks, I shit you not. It sort of remakes coffee into Normie Fuel. But they're around every corner and it works, I guess.
  2. Ah cmaaan, tell uss!! Yeah forreal breh we gonna need to hear dat
  3. One time I accidentally knocked my supervisor's phone off a shelf at work and broke the screen. He was another one of those "my phone is asking to be destroyed" mofos. I insincerely offered to buy him a new phone, because I knew he wouldn't agree to that lol
  4. Murica needs a free dome day to gets our head right, it seems.
  5. Yeah, speaking of Starbucks, they’re thinking of opening one in the North End of Boston, which is just blasphemy and completely unnecessary. It has an unlimited supply of espresso made by authentic Italian speaking coffee virtuosos. No one with half a brain will pick Starbucks over that. Plus all the cafes everywhere else have the good shit like George Howell coffee.
  6. You got the right idea. But you can still make strong coffee in a drip thing. Some people are just babies. I've been on my moka pot kick for a bit, but if I go to Dunkin Donuts, I'm appalled at the sheer weakness of it. It's basically sugary coffee flavored milk and it makes me sad.
  7. Krokodil Beers Phalligator Hagriculture Peanut Butter n’ Shkreli
  8. Just gimme some boring Democrats with no GOP Congress to shit all over everything so America can be normal thanks
  9. Not getting with girls at work is the kind of conventional wisdom that you have to figure out yourself and then you realize why people say it. But... work creates the perfect environment for those sparks to fly. Someone attractive and nice that you have to cooperate with to achieve a goal creates a certain bond over time that the fickle, superficial dating scene just doesn’t provide. It sort of forces you to get to know someone and have feelings of fondness that can lead to more.
  10. You'll be bazillionaires if you actually do it though. Not many other cannabusinessmen have the discipline and abstract approach of IDM up their sleeves.
  11. Picky eaters... this is usually the sign of some deep character flaw or personality disorder.
  12. This is actually inspirational tbqh. I’m looking forward to this. I wanna be a lean machine with no pebbles in my shoes.
  13. Well, my family and life aren’t an absolute wreck, so no problem there. What are you doing to fix your life besides brainwashing yourself with fraudulent pseudo intellectuals? yes, a lot of people apparently want that.. are you willing to take responsibility for the violence that could and will ensue if "real disruption" comes along?Is our government willing to take responsibility? Looks like a big no to me.point taken man, I have improved my life substantially if you need to know, but I believe you appreciate my point aswell “You really DO believe in god.”
  14. Well, my family and life aren’t an absolute wreck, so no problem there. What are you doing to fix your life besides brainwashing yourself with fraudulent pseudo intellectuals? yes, a lot of people apparently want that.. are you willing to take responsibility for the violence that could and will ensue if "real disruption" comes along? Is our government willing to take responsibility? Looks like a big no to me.
  15. A few years ago, a dismembered corpse was left in a hockey bag behind the building I was working in. In an area with lots of foot traffic too. The rest of the body was left in the lobby of an apartment building across the street, where the murderer lived. It’s also right down the street from a police station so he was caught like instantly.
  16. Sure, let’s get some hard data on the cleanliness of the rooms of several prominent civil rights figures and if they were messy, roll back all of their rights because clearly their cause wasn’t based on sound judgment.
  17. This is a good start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016%E2%80%9317_South_Korean_protests You can let your article and JBP persuade you, if that's how easy you are to persuade. Just turn the other cheek and let everyone walk all over you and maybe you'll get into heaven when you die.
  18. brb, just cleaning my room while the country burns down.
  19. When I was away on a work assignment, a coworker told me his girlfriend wanted another baby, but to make sure it was a girl. She had a theory that if you save up your load for a bit so that it’s thick and plentiful it will make a boy. Thinner viscosity after frequent usage creates a girl. Sounds scientifical.
  20. Coffer enemers for most IDM 2018
  21. I've tried a few cups brewed from their clover machine and it was kind of good actually. Stronger than usual, very good flavor. But only get 12oz or you will shit immediately.
  22. I’ve been drinking tons of Jack’s Abby, a local place from MA. But I bought a six pack of Modelo recently and chugged it.
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