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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I like how this thread is somehow merging seamlessly into the SFWP thread. DJ Alternate FWP
  2. DJ I still have 3 fucking more hours at work before I can go home but my name keeps changing to reflect how much time I have left in my set
  3. Yeah, I think an extinction event can't be too far behind at this point. It's kind of a bummer. I mean, i guess we've kind of been in the middle of one for a while now, but it'll accelerate fast. At least these dark times have given rise to dank memes.
  4. That's great! I will put that down on my watch list.
  5. Yeah I noticed pretty quickly that it brings out such tendancies in myself, so I pretty much never touch the stuff. I might partake maybe once a year if I'm at some social gathering and want to fit in/give it another chance. Other people seem to love weed so much I'm always kind of envious. I don't know what it's like to enjoy it in that same way. It either dumbs me down/makes me tired or makes me crazy. Clearly I'm missing something, wish I could experience it the same way others do. Oh man, but jamming with groups of musicians who are all stoned is maddening. All sense of rhythmic precision gets lost and nobody else seems to notice or care.
  6. lol it really offended you that I didn't recall that in my first reply. I did see your comment about the punch, just didn't feel there was any need to acknowledge that after you had already noted it.
  7. Phew, glad to hear there was no casualty beyond whatever terrible psychological damage this dude inflicted upon those kids. I'm guessing the vid was pulled to protect the identity of the minors involved.
  8. A man violently shoving an 11 year old old girl to the ground outside a mall. You know, heart warming America stuff. ...kind of weird that it violates any terms of services on youtube... makes me wonder if she actually died.
  9. Hey, since you liked Plasticity maybe this classic is worth to check out too: Or listen to the whole Buried Dreams album. "Funny" anecdote; it seems it was Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite album, and the legend goes that he was actually listening to it when the cops came in. So be warned, this shit is dangerous : Oh shit - I just noticed that Jeffrey Dahmer bit you included - crazy! But yeah, thanks, this is excellent. I really love the whole aesthetic. And if it's good enough for JD, it's good enough for me.
  10. I like a lot of stuff that sounds "dated". I mean, getting the sense of an era from an album's production/musical tropes is something that fascinates me. it's part of what I enjoy most about listening to older music. New music too of course. For the last couple decades it's been a lot harder to pinpoint what the era even is, since so much music now is deliberately nostalgic, and so readily accessible for whatever you're looking for. The scenes are too diverse to really find much that binds it all together. Not that it's a bad thing by any means. Perhaps pop has eaten itself.
  11. Yeah I love the production on Aenima. Very unique sound. I think the brittle one-guitar-near-the-centre thing in a lot of sections adds a certain cold, unsettling quality that is really perfect for the music. It's one of the more interesting productions from that era. Usually with rock/metal albums of that stature it's a fairly predictable left/right hard panned stereo wall of sound for all heavy guitars. They tried something different to achieve the "punch", it's a lot more interesting as a result. Plus the amount of cool, different guitar tones on any one particular song off that album is really fun to hear. They tried a different tone/approach for almost every section. Lateralus sounds bigger, more polished, nicer, etc., but it's a lot less interesting to me... just from a sonics perspective. Though I think the production is fucking amazing on it. Drum sound especially - possibly my favorite drum sound on a rock record. The sound of that album is very, very cohesive the whole way through.
  12. Haha very good. Philtrum - thank you. I will start referring to it every chance I get, now that I finally have the vocabulary for it.
  13. Ate a grilled cheese sandwich and now the area between my nose and mouth smells like cheese. Also bothered by the fact that I don't know a simple term to indicate that area of my face. I wanna say upper lip, but to me that's just talking about the lip itself, not the bit above it. omg wtf is the name for this part of the human anatomy.
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