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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Well yeah, I get that they're incorporating samples. I know everything they're doing from a technical/musical point of view. But as a complete aesthetic I can't tell what they're going for. Might get a better sense if I actually listened to an entire album... but I'm not sure I can justify it at this point.
  2. I just watched a Pop Will Eat Itself video for the first time. They're kind of baffling. I can't really tell if they're parodying something, satire, or just a confused mishmash of fads and attitudes that we're popular at the time. Usually when I hear/see a band's video I sort of get a sense of what they're all about, but in this case I have no idea what I just witnessed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xef60FAN6Vk I feel this maybe played an influence of early Faith No More/Chili Peppers/Bootsauce - remember those guys? Yeah. Weird era where hip hop/industrial culture gets adopted into pop/rock music. The artists themselves probably weren't entirely sure what they were trying to do, they just went ahead and did it. Comes off as super kitchy.
  3. atb? cb pain? sai? I am so out of touch with all the new fangled internet lingo.
  4. SAW II's great, but it's very basic. Simple pad loop + reverb/delay = magic. It's simplicity is a big part of what makes it as potent as it is. So yes, most refined as you say. Best?... okay that's subjective yeah. Not going to debate anything like that. Carry on.
  5. POTUS should be neither seen nor heard for the duration of shutdown imho and can it plz just be ongoing from now until the end of the term tyvm ttfn.
  6. 26 mixes for Cash is among his best work. His remixes are pretty much originals. I wish he'd do more.
  7. Serving suggestion 3 whole tomatoes. Sounds about right.
  8. I'm 15 minutes into all end. So much reverb information. The ulta-low synth growl cellos and random compression artefacts are stars of this show. Those combine with the reverb cacophony in ways that create many different implied chord changes. The experience for me is comparable to zoning out on Basinski's Disintegration loops. It's a good mind cleanser. I fell asleep the first time I listened to this, so I'm curious to hear if something changes right at the end. 4 more minutes... reverb trail ending, should have known. Alright, back to Elseq with me.
  9. I kind of want to go into advertising now. Already I've got ideas brewing. There could be a closeup of a bunch of bananas on the left, a firefighter running all valiant on the right, and the words LIVE LONGER at the top sort of tying it all together. That all came to me in an instant. I could do maybe 100 of these in a day.
  10. I once bought a bag of peanuts and said to the clerk "dese nuts better pee" but then they just nut.
  11. That was one of the tightest dank sequences yet.
  12. Ah fuck, this is starting to happen. Big mistake texting her soon after waking. Now my attention's focused there. Stupid... I mean, a text received 2 hours late is not a big deal, but the fact that I'm even thinking about texts is a problem. It should not factor into one's daily life. There's shit to do, gawdammit! *and I second Bulk's query.
  13. It's about time world history was told through the lens of Jabborwocky, the way it was intended.
  14. My Cunt Scars gets the prize I think. That's so good it almost had to be a deliberate choice by the owner. My friend's mathbook in elementary school (no idea what grade) had the name "Mike Hunt" in the top corner of one of the first pages. Possibly he became a car dealer later in life.
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