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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Hahaha we're not that texty, thankfully. The vanished appetite is crazy. i think it may be a byproduct of the sleep dep, combined with the rest. That sounds like you guys both have a mature view of this - so just take it as it comes, don't push, and what happens will happen. Regardless, sounds like you guys are enjoying each others company , so that's always nice - seems more like a FWS tbqhbbq Thanks man, those are reassuring words.
  2. She went through some very heavy shit recently, and it's still very fresh. She's in a pretty vulnerable place. So. I need to respect that and try to do what's right. I fear pushing things at this time in her life might not be the best thing for her mentally/emotionally, and she's aware of that too. It really is quite a crazy set of circumstances, which I can't divulge much about on a forum like this. Prob shouldn't have posted anything at all, but I'm quite sleep deprived and this is kind of all consuming at the moment. Ha.
  3. Damn it guys, I've fallen really hard for a girl. There's major sparks. It's really bad timing. I asked her if she wanted to keep hanging out after a show, and we kept hanging out for most of a good 6 days straight. A REALLY good 6 days straight. Had a couple days off now to sort of metabolize this experience somewhat and give her some much needed space. But she asked me out again this Sat night so... man I'm excited, and nervous. It's 5:30am and I can't sleep... which is a problem. Also have had an extremely difficult time eating pretty much since this whole thing started. Which is extremely unusual... like I've never experience a severe loss of appetite from an emotional experience until now, at least not that I can recall. The problem I guess is that we've both acknowledged this is a bad time to start some serious romantic relationship, and have agreed that we shouldn't... but it seems to be happening anyway. There's just this huge uncertainty, and potential for devastation. Eek. But aside from that it's just the best. Haven't dated anyone since I broke up with my last GF about 3 years ago, and we were together for more than 10 years. So, this is pretty huge for me. I don't think I've ever felt such a deep and immediate connection with anyone before. It's intense, and makes me a bit nervous really. It's mostly amazing though... but trepidation! It's like I've found the perfect match but there's the looming risk of her going "it just can't be" for whatever reason, any time. Haha oh god I hope I can sleep soon. Anyway, wish me luck.
  4. Record the diaper changing and make beats out of it. - - - I'll see myself out...
  5. The whole incident is actually clever marketing for new Tool album 2019 (rumor confirmed).
  6. Actually the most confusing tweet I recall seeing. I feel like I'm going senile when I read that.
  7. Someone else here smacked a nut while dealing with a mosquito... possibly braintree? Anyway, just did the same thing but for no goddamn reason at all, By accident. I don't like it.
  8. This is exactly what I was hoping it would be, and so much more.
  9. Ahahahahaha omg I cannot handle this video.
  10. Haha there are so many arrangement choices that are the exact opposite of what I'd go with. Just drawing out certain sections that seem totally unnecesary to go beyond 3 minutes, and then adding like a minute of bliss at the end of it that I would centre an entire track around. So weird... it's part of what keeps the æxperience so compelling.
  11. uhhhh what... How do these clowns rise to positions of power?
  12. Wouldn't that be disc 4? Sorry, session 2. I'm all digital. Oh man, that reverb fuckery section at the end of... Splesh I believe it was?... which then gets cut off cruelly far far too soon... fuck that's upsetting. Of all the things to not draw out forever. WTF Rod 'n' Steve???
  13. But what should squee do for the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act? after the drugging, dump a large mug of ice water (hold the ice) on the guy I'd hav opted for ice water with ice, in secrete.
  14. Man, the highs on this are really high. I mean the high points, rather than the frequencies, but that is also true. And I like it. I'm liking the sharp edges. Still only on my second listen through (just nearly the end of disc 2, 9chr0). I do think a lot of tracks could have been edited down some to their benefit... but overall I'm finding lots to like, lots to be exaited about. Gonna have to give Elseq another listen through after this.
  15. lol @ the RDJ to Tim Allen transition I second that lol. The spider head creature was great too, as were many of the others. I'm in.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q4txN1ut20
  17. The blurred photo of some girl whose identity is not supposed to be known really added something.
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