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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Get a few jars/tupperware containers. Drop a few slices of bananna in each. Secure saran wrap over top. Punch holes in saran wrap with pen. They will all eventually make their way in and never leave until you release them back to he wild... or drown them if you're one of those sadistic folks. But yeah, those traps work like a charm, and it's pretty neat when you get a big swarm in there.
  2. Discovering that the only pants that fit me properly are womens was a double edged sword. I finally looked normal, even fashionable, but I no longer have functional pockets.
  3. Thanks for the info, sounds like something I may invest in down the road. The worst! There should be noise bylaws for that. No construction/destruction before 10am.
  4. He was actually a pretty accomplished lyricist, in so far as he had his own very distinctive poetic style, which was at the same time very direct and relatable to a lot of people. Nevermind was produced in a way that I don't think was best suited for Nirvana's sound on an artistic level, though obviously from a commercial standpoint it was the right choice. In Utero does a much better job of capturing their whole vibe. Cobain's innate sense of songcraft was always remarkable - he was an expert pop tunesmith regardless of whether he wanted to be. But it's really his vocal delivery that makes him so iconic. No one else has a voice like that. You can hear a lot of obvious influences in his songwriting, but as a vocalist he was one of a kind.
  5. This Macbook only has 500 gigs. I didn't realize when I bought it that it was impossible to add more without destroying the fucking thing. Any other computer I've ever owned I've been able to modify without issue. That + the price + the fact that there's no simple way to view the bit rate of audio files leads me to the conclusion that PCs are indeed superior. Having a decisive opinion on that matter is the only positive thing to come from buying a Macbook.
  6. Played a bingo covering 2 double word scores in Scrabble. It's one of those moves that seems like it should be reasonably common, but almost never happens. Not sure I've ever pulled it off until now... definitely not while this inebriated. Far greater FWS than it should be. Sad.
  7. Constantly running out of space on my HD. Don't buy a macbook. It will fuck you.
  8. Supremely, I would say. Or I would if "noire" weren't right in the band name. Those gentlemen are black. They even play black metal.
  9. Someone should do a TED talk about it. I'm no good at public speaking though so it's gonna have to be one of you guys.
  10. How do we separate funny picture from meme? Where do we draw the line?
  11. But the interesting thing is that we're in a time where these terms are transcending high school times and extending into the lives of anyone who uses facebook or posts on forums like this one. Of any age. Those terms are taking on this bizarro cultural significance that the random slang of my school days didn't. The future is thicc af.
  12. I wonder to what extent internet slang/memes will influence the study of language genealogy for future generations. Will linguistics students be referencing their textbooks (tablets/whatever) to learn the origin of "thicc"? The evolution of language is occurring so rapidly now, and it's far more thoroughly documented than it ever has been. Every new term has it's own encyclopedia page or 10, like this: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thicc It's pretty fascinating tbqh.
  13. First song was mostly a lost cause, save a few noodles between verse lyrics, call and echo style. Second song just needed a guitar solo, which was easy enough to cobble together from a couple takes + a few post-solo scribbles scattered into the last chorus, which took some finagling. Got the same guy in tomorrow to tackle one last song, and I guess redo that first one.
  14. Running through a bajillion takes of blues guitarist shredding, trying to find something coherent that will compliment the song. Needle in a haystack. Fuck.
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