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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. A friend's dad has started sending me random video attachments of things he likes on facebook. Couple music videos and a dog vid in the last week. Oh yeah... and this weird god-related chain message thing. It's getting a bit awkward.
  2. ^Truth! I can't eat anything before 12 pm though. Ha, same! Coffee only until mid afternoon most days. Unless there's leftover pizza waiting in the fridge.
  3. I downloaded one of their albums when I was going through a metal/noise kick a few years back. And I was listening to a lot of harsh shit, but after hearing their album once in my headphones I was afraid to go back. I think I've had enough recovery time by now that it should be safe to give it another spin.
  4. Wow. So I wonder if he's just singing straight through an autotune plug-in, or if it's all just prerecorded for the Ellen show. I remember hearing their first album and thinking it sounded like a super poppy version of Tool on a sci-fi kick... which was actually kind of rad at the time. Now it appears they sound exactly like Nickleback feat. a gospel choir. Who'd've thought.
  5. Breakfast for dinner is the only way to have breakfast imo. Usually if I have that sort of food right after waking up I feel kind of sick, but if I have it at night I feel awesome. Pizza on the other hand is an excellent way to kick things off in the AM.
  6. People on here and facebook keep posting New York Times articles that I can't read unless I subscribe to NYT. Does literally everyone else have an account to the NYT for some reason? And is there a good reason why it's more popular than the thousands of other online news outlets?
  7. Oh man what a clusterfuck. It drives me crazy the way people talk on top of each other with the same information. Sheer madness. Also, everytime time one of those little furby creatures talks I lose my shit. Hilarious new world.
  8. lol holy shit! It's legal to give birth when your baby is ready. Fucked up man. There must be some kind of context missing here... or he was just having a stroke.
  9. Yeah actually I had a very similar problem with one of my bands. Three of us were total introvert home bodies, and the other guy was out of control with drinking and drugs and probably pissed off more people than he made friends with... so getting people out to shows was just never going to happen. Everyone was really bad when it came to responding about important things (jams, demos, shows, etc.). We're about to take another crack at it though, and the guy who was the crazy partier has been sober for 2 years and has really upped his make-things-happen game. I'm optimistic. They're all stellar musicians, so if we can just keep our eye on the prize things should work out.
  10. Or drum machine + distorted bass + scream some vaguely subversive sounding things. Then give it a fun name like Renegade Fist Destroyer or Disgusting With Salsa.
  11. Thanks for the interest! I just listened back, and I hear a bunch of things I want to improve. The station wants a good quality version stat, so I see if I can whip it into a more acceptable state by tomorrow. Then maybe I'll share it here... I'm actually a bit self conscious about it in in a watmm context, because I'd consider it one of my least watmm-friendly songs from any project lol. Also, the only actual radio friendly one. I could see the watmm collective finding some aspects about it kind of cheesy, though I think a lot of you would enjoy most of our other songs. That is so great! How far along are you on the LP? All written and just laying down the vox still? We have the vocals for one song left to do + I think I want to redo guitar on one song. And then I'll probably get really obsessive about all the production details that I thought were settled long ago, since that seems to be my MO. I'm determined to have it finished next month though. Hopefully by the 15th so there's still ample radio hype to go with it.
  12. One of my bands got accepted for this huge promo thing this local rock radio station does every month. Basically they'll be putting a song of ours in regular rotation for all of Feb, and sponsoring shows we do throughout the year. The station actually has a lot of clout with the local scene in general, so this is very good news. It'll likely change us from a band who might get 20 people out to a show, to one that might draw a couple hundred. It's a bit of a surprise since we're not really a rock band, but the song we sent to the station is kind of a rock song at heart, albeit with electronic programming out the ass. I deliberately wrote it as a song that could pass off as a radio/club single, since we didn't have anything else like that and I thought it would be a fun experiment. Turns out it worked! Now we've got to rush to finish this goddamn album before the month of Feb is over, since that'll be the prime time for getting it out to the most people.
  13. Boooooo! (@ her passing, not her music which is lovely.)
  14. Starbuck is a Moby Dick character or something right? I was going to say something about it sounding more like a Battlestar Galactica character. Then I decided to look it up, and found out it is indeed both a Moby Dick and Battlestar character. I've neither read nor watched either. Sources say the creators of Starbucks probably enjoyed the book Moby Dick. Not sure why they made it plural though. Maybe it it is meant to include both BG and MD Starbucks.
  15. That's probably because it's a god damn mermaid advertising a coffee shop. Where's the sea food latte? Makes me think of that Twin Peaks line about there being a fish in the percolator.
  16. I just found this neato site where you can plug in any date and it will list off famous people that died on that day, going back hundreds of years. For instance, here's all the deaths from today's date: https://www.onthisday.com/deaths/january/13
  17. My room mate's monitors sound ridiculously good. Like, too good. I feel like if I had them I'd think my mixes were finished well before they actually were. But it probably doesn't actually work like that, you just get used to what an excellent mix sounds like on an excellent system. Did you keep your old ones for reference sake?
  18. I have a friend who does this. They're generally considerate otherwise, but when it comes to coughing or sneezing they just fire away. It's really weird, especially because they are paranoid of getting sick themselves.
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