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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I looked this word up, and yes I do have a boot resembling one of these on the floor of the passenger side of my van. I have a matching boot that goes with it too. I used them recently on a hiking mission where my sole purpose (no pun intended) was to capture video footage of a waterfall in slow motion.
  2. Someone bought my album for $100 today. This occurred shortly after someone else bought it for $1.50. So today marks the day of both least and most amounts of money anyone has paid for my music, freeloaders aside.
  3. Do you think a lack of father figure has a hand in your messy home/car? My father's truck was always littered with peanut and chocolate bar wrappers (RIP). Bridge Mixture was a common one, and Planter's Peanuts. The home was always immaculate due to my mother's well disciplined 50's upbringing. She cleaned all the rooms. lol Do you think a crying mysonogist could be the one to set you on the right track? like... someone who has studied what it is to have a son bawling their eyes out at the waste of uterine fluid I've amounted to? If by "right track" you mean the track I would make from all the tear samples they've provided me with... yes. That track would be most correct. Is it just your way of saying fuck you the bourgeoisie? that's a fancypants word for the working class, yeah? Well I've got some work for them. Clean my fucking room, you lazy fucks. I bet you have a very solid immune system, am I right? Interestingly, I have had a very solid immune system since breaking up with my girlfriend of 10 years. I used to get colds all the time, which would last for weeks. Now all I get are these fleeting sniffles/mild throat things that last less than an hour in the morning, very occasionally. Never get full blown colds anymore. And yes, she was a clean freak. Did you get into IDM just because RDJ was a ginger haired guy, like yourself? Probably. Will you ever get out of IDM? I was out of IDM before it was cool. Do you regret joining watmm? I don't so much regret joining as I regret habitually checking it multiple times every day like some kind of cyberdork junkie for... 15 god damn years. Do you regret making this thread? Tomorrow I will. Right now I have no regret making skills.
  4. I bet no one will see this before I sober up, but if they did I would totally hold up my end of the bargain.
  5. It says "quote". I will click your signature now and see what happens. Whoa... it DOES quote something from a watmm user... but it's you, and it's identical to the post you only JUST posted. How did you do that???
  6. There's plenty of potential ___ to worry about, sure. Terrible shit can happen unexpectedly to anyone, but the frequency of it occurring to straight men on dating apps is so small as to be completely unconcerning for me (rejection aside). Like there hasn't been a single instance of me worrying about my physical safety around anyone I've met, despite being a tiny guy. In... 12 instances of meeting up with strangers, I've had zero experiences that have caused me any anxiety. But it seems with almost all the women I've spoken to, sexual harassment and assault is par for the course. I have yet to experience anything like that. Of course it sometimes happens, same as car accidents do. But I don't worry about being in a car accident every time I get in my van. Seems to me that from a woman's perspective, it would be logical to fear your physical safety is in danger every time you meet up with a man. It's not just a remote risk. That's very true.
  7. Very relatable. When I'm around someone extremely extroverted for... not even that long, I start feeling like I'm losing my mind, because their thoughts are constantly forcing themselves into my psyche and replacing my own. Pure madness... especially because they usually sound crazy. Fuckin' extros...
  8. I'm changing my dating app profile writeup to that.
  9. As a heterosexual guy I feel pretty safe. But I'd be a prime target in the gay scene, being a little birdlike guy with such a sweet, sweet ass/mouth. That's really awful. Yeah I mean, most guys have at least some bizarro anecdote like that, but it's usually not representative of a pattern of behaviour to constantly be worried about. Whereas with most of the women I talk to... it really does seem like something close to 50% of guys have that rapist potential, at least on the apps. Been hearing a lot of stories like that about guys they meet otherwise too so... yeah, the human race is basically fucked. Since guys have the physical advantage they can really let that shine.
  10. Yeah, that's not really a thing I've ever considered being a potential threat. Did that happen to you?
  11. I'm trying to draw a comparison between eraser scent and shit scent and coming up empty handed. Unless a "number 2" pencil is some cheeky double entendre.
  12. i too have been doing that. but it corresponded with a lack of sleep.
  13. Ha, very well put. App life is bizarre for a lot of reasons, most notably that every "date" is almost more like a job application. You know you're just one among several different interviewees. For women it's much worse, as you're more concerned with figuring out who's a sexual predator and who's safe. For guys, rejection is really the worst thing you have to worry about, for women it's getting raped. I've been really disturbed by it after all the convos I've had with various women using bumble/tinder. I've always had a reasonably bleak view of humanity, but its become a lot darker thanks to the internet dating scene.
  14. Zephyr_Nova

    afx nft

    Whatever this is, it's beyond my comprehension. Probably an age thing.
  15. So... are they still together 8 years later? This is important.
  16. Pizza Hut is selling motherfucking KFC popcorn chicken pizza, with gravy dipping sauce. That's the most American thing I've ever seen in Canada.
  17. Hey now, just because I eat the ass doesn't make me a predator.
  18. There's this huge ivy bush/trees behind my mom's house that's been there since before i was born. It was home to raccoons for generations. Recently her and the neighbours agreed to have it trimmed back substantially, along with many branches from the trees removed. Now it's super skeletal and the raccoons have been forced to find a new home after being there for generations. I find the whole thing quite upsetting. The trees and the ivy were awesome! WTF. Fuck your extra sunlight. There's sun fucking everywhere.
  19. Why are these black men not allowing this white man to help carry the throne? How is he supposed to get strong and toned like them? This is heartbreaking. I really feel for that poor man. He's been so deprived of using his body even his eyes need protection. I hope I live to see the day where the white man will be permitted to work just as hard as all the other men. #not all men
  20. I had to take one a couple times last night, since I was drinking. I actually forgot my mask in my van, and the driver was going to let me on anyway, but I wasn't going to do that. Luckily he was so nice that he let me run half a block to my van and back to grab it. Only took me maybe 30 seconds, so it was very reasonable.
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