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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I have maybe a dozen actual friends, and 636 facebook friends.
  2. I always thought getting the burger was the highest honour. It's like a reverent lol that is more felt than heard.
  3. One of the brothers BOC is named Mike? That's maybe the least esoteric name I can think of. I will never hear them the same way again.
  4. Listening to Death Peak for... I think the second time? Can't believe it's been 4 years since I downloaded this. The closing track Un U.K. is really excellent. That's the only one that really pulled me in, but I'd probably get more out of it blasting through my car stereo rather than through headphones. I got so much out of Body Riddle, Turning Dragon, and Totem's Flair - one of the finest runs in electronic music right there. I think I only heard the self-titled album once... perhaps it is great. Iradelphic was like his Bibio album iirc. I've always liked choir samples, so I can't blame any indifference I've had on those.
  5. I use watmm to promote my niche subgenres that no one wants to hear.
  6. In my heart of hearts, I am not. This is why using a macbook is problematic for me.
  7. Finally, a summer for the white boys. But the real reason I came here was to say: Do we really need 216 flag emojis? Why or why not/which flag is your favourite flag?
  8. Oh god that could easily happen to me... fucking Mac... Best of luck with the recovery.
  9. In terms of musical complexity it is superior to most rock music... but there's of course much more to appreciate in music than complexity, and so much rock music is great for being direct and simple in its execution. But yeah, I listen to just about any Mars Volta track and feel ashamed at my comparative lack of proficiency on any instrument.
  10. Marcus, if you would be so good (or alternately) Marcus prithee
  11. Yeah, that guy's on another level. I like that his nickname is "Perpetual Solo", which is pretty apt. For most projects that's not really what you want from a drummer, but in a Mars Volta context it... fulfills its destiny.
  12. I still think there should be a Slayer - God Hates Us All doc that links the album as some kind of harbinger that either directly caused or manifested itself from the 9-11 tragedy. Way better doc imho tyvm, even though William Basinski has suffered much greater hardships than Slayer, languishing in obscurity all those years while Slayer just kept releasing one satanic banger after another into the gaping maw of our sweating youths.
  13. Yeah, I looked up CAPLICOLLI which is likely a typo for some other italian meat. Not sure if that has anything to do with the giant pepperonis, but they are the most awe-inspiring of pepperonis that I have experienced.
  14. This is an unappetizing shot of the best pizza in my municipality. It's the "CAPLICOLLI, PEPPERONI, CHILI PEPPERS & ONIONS" pizza from The Mad Greek's. They are horribly overpriced, but good enough that I still give them half my day's earnings anyway. It's run by this 50-something fellow who I presume is greek, and possibly also mad. He seems to work there every single night. The texture of the cheese, the pepperoni, and the crust is unique to this one pizza. I can't explain it, other than to say it's a texture orgasm. Oh yeah, and it's accompanied by Whistler Chestnut ale - top 5 beer for me.
  15. Maybe every year throughout the decade can have its own rhyming decade name attached to it. Whoring 20's, Scoring 20's, Flooring 20's, Goring 20's, Pouring 20's, Sporing 20's, Coring 20's, Snoring 20's...
  16. I thought about posting this after I read that other post, but then didn't. Glad someone else got there.
  17. Damn, that's fast! Congrats.
  18. -on the archive.org page for a Haruki Mirakami novel. It's a youtube comment in its essence.
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