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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Burgers are quick to judge, and seldom to forgive.
  2. I've had a soundcloud forever (maybe more than a decade) but I've never really paid any attention to it. Every couple years it might occur to me to upload something. Might get a couple comments that say "nice." I think at some point I was told that I "need to have a soundcloud," so that's why I have one. I don't think it has benefitted me in any way. I release my albums on bandcamp, and that's where I direct everyone's attention when they ask where to find my music. Although I am doing the Spotify game now, which is the only outlet that's served to expand my audience in any noticeable way.
  3. Thanks. Yeah, I joined "the apps" October of 2019. Had one short lived relationship with the 7th person I met, which lasted from March-June. Went back on the apps this past October. This is the fourth woman I've met this time around. Met a fifth woman that same week, but she has a jealous ex-hub living in her house until June... so that's just not going to happen. Interesting person though, very bright and creative. Could see us being friends. Two of the other women I met this time around I think will be long term friends. I'm still friends with a couple of them from the last time around too.
  4. My age this time. So... more likely to actually know what she wants than the young'uns I have attracted in the past. Less likely to ever have kids with me, but that's probably for the best.
  5. Perhaps a bit ironic given the lyrical content, but this song brings the happiness for me.
  6. Haha nope. She probably never will. I saw hers though, on the first date, and I've been invited back for dinner this Sat. For dinner and "another night of no sleep" (at her suggestion). So it's going very well. Seems to me like it will turn into something serious. It just has that vibe. The weird thing this time around, is that there are a couple other people I've been seeing, who I also like... but in those cases things have been moving very slowly. Ultimately, the determining factor in this one becoming THE one, is the pace at which it's moving forward. Which is kind of crazy (for that to be why it becomes a thing over the others, which have been building for significantly longer). The internet dating scene is a strange beast.
  7. A baby Zeph would surely destroy any healthy relationship.
  8. Damn. She was great. Hard to believe she was 80.
  9. I do wish I could have continued being friends with the woman I was in that one very long term relationship with. She was a very unique person, and we had an odd dynamic that I know I will not have with anyone else. Of course, that's easy for me to say as the one who decided to end things. I probably hurt her in ways I can't even fathom, which I deeply regret. But ending it was definitely the right thing to do. i think in circumstances where both people view it that way, a healthy friendship afterward is possible, but I suspect that's seldom the case. Also, I think I'm about to enter another relationship... a bit apprehensive this time based entirely on how devastating that last short term relationship ended up being (held precariously in the hands of the apps...). But then again, I got an entire album out of it that I'm pretty happy with. Still might erase that experience from my life if I could.
  10. Can that teeth vid please be put in spoilers. I almost throw up every time I scroll past.
  11. NIN and Disney, together at last. Why can't life always make this much sense? Meant to put that here half a year ago.
  12. I just gave it a listen for the first time in years... man I did not spend enough time with this album. There's so much in there, rhythmically, melodically, lyrically... and the synth drone reminds me so much of Eliane Radigue, I so badly want to know if she was the inspiration behind that. But, you know, a one note synth drone can come from a lot of places, most usually the equipment that happens to be on hand. The final stanza of the lyrics struck me as a particularly powerful/disturbing ode to the death penalty. A lot of MV's lyrics come off as strange and poetic word salad, but occasionally a more profound meaning jumps through for me, and when it does... jesus. They go some dark places. That wailing guitar solo that follows that last line, combined with that last line? Fucking epic.
  13. Underneath an interview with Brian Wilson. He's not wrong. Brian Wilson does always sound like he's just winging it and doesn't really know what's going on in interviews. But he did know a thing or two about melodies, chords and harmony arrangements. Just don't ask him about it.
  14. Has someone made that product yet? I bet it would sell.
  15. Yeah where the fuck did that picture come from? I am disturbed and aroused in equal measure.
  16. I'm sorry my last reply ended the SFWP thread. That was not my intention. My new SFWP is that someone I knew in high school posted a picture of their baby, and I was horrified by it.
  17. I wonder if anyone who's been banned from watmm has since become a master sculptor or some other amazing thing by virtue of putting all their would-be watmm posting hours into something really productive.
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