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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Digeridon't even bother. (Sorry.)
  2. He just saw the title "Digeridoo" and was like "that's already been covered by africans." Didn't even press play.
  3. Listened to Juju by Siouxsie and the Banshees this morning. It's a masterpiece. I'd post some Broadcast, Portishead or Bjork, but it's too obvious for this forum.
  4. Aphex Twin, while great, covers such a narrow spectrum of electronic music, let alone music as a whole. So rather than quit music, maybe just take a break from the Aphex and tap into the endless inspiration out there beyond teh phex. He hasn't really covered that much ground, he's just good at putting his stamp on whatever it is he's doing. Find your stamp!
  5. I'm ready for a peepee poopoo society.
  6. I interpreted them to be tics of rage. Curious if any actors out there end up adopting it for future angry characters. It makes the rage all the more palpable.
  7. His voice is the closer to Donald Trump's than anyone else I've heard speak, but slightly less nasal and a little lower pitched.
  8. What are the chances that a Mars Volta fan who's into them enough to buy an 18lp box set doesn't already have all 18 lps? But yeah, amazing band.
  9. That's true. I'm a bit curious to see if they taste any different from how I remember them. Was very surprised that something that smells and tastes like that would make it onto the market.
  10. They smell exactly like dog food, and taste like what I picture dog food tasting like. I bought them because they were on sale and I figured how bad could they be? That was a month ago. One day I will remember to throw them out.
  11. Hard to say. They would have been put there maybe a couple weeks ago. Possibly there was too much clutter in the no-door cupboard. That's most likely where they will stay until I am out of evaporated milk.
  12. lol yes it is. Gotta get the ol' blood flowin' somehow.
  13. He's hiding in the stove. Waldo, I mean. I needed the cushion to sit on the block of wood that supported me while I posed in front of the TV static to make a music video. I probably tossed it on the couch after, and then later tossed my jacket on there too. The cutting board needed to be moved off the coffee table so I could put the camera on said table while I posed on the stump in front of the static. It's all very logical.
  14. It's already happening. Top story on my gpixel news feed is PB 'n' J giving some sob story about waking up confused and surrounded by Russians. He's an extremely upset person.
  15. That's a good podcast from what I remember. Def curious to hear the JBP ep.
  16. Sometimes when you diarrhea too deep into the void, the void diarrheas back into you.
  17. I should have made this thread a bit broader to encompass music critics saying ridiculous/mean things in general. This is one hell of a sentence: - Julie Burchill from NME shitting on Siouxsie's highly influential first album. It's crazy how many music journalists write as though they're mocking Pitchfork.com. This one was written before 1980, so obviously that's not what they're doing.
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